
General information

Zinc gluconate is produced by completely neutralizing gluconic acid with a high-purity zinc source and subsequent spray drying.

Zinc gluconate is mainly used as a mineral source in functional foods, beverages and food supplement preparations. Its excellent solubility properties make it ideal for liquid and powder applications. As an organic mineral source, it is preferred over inorganic sources in many applications because of its excellent bioavailability, physiological compatibility, and nearly neutral taste compared to other zinc salts. It is also used in skin care products due to its skin conditioning properties.

Zinc gluconate is available as a white to nearly white, granular or crystalline powder. It exhibits good solubility and fast dissolution rate in water and is almost insoluble in alcohol.

What is zinc gluconate?

Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral. In the body, this is called an "essential trace element". Because a very small amount of zinc already plays a vital role in human health. Since the body cannot store excess zinc, it needs to be consumed regularly in the daily diet. Common natural food sources of zinc include red meat, poultry, and fish. Zinc deficiency can lead to short stature, reduced ability to taste and smell, and limited testicular and ovarian activity in young children.
Medically, oral zinc can treat and prevent zinc deficiency and its consequences, including growth retardation, acute diarrhea in children, prolonged wound healing, and Wilson's disease.

Additionally, elemental zinc in the form of zinc gluconate salt is also used to strengthen the immune system, improve the growth and health of zinc-deficient infants and children, and treat the common cold. It is used for the prevention and treatment of common and recurring ear infections, influenza, upper respiratory tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections, and for diseases caused by parasites such as malaria.
Some patients also take zinc supplements to treat eye conditions such as macular degeneration, night blindness, and cataracts. On the other hand, zinc's role has also been demonstrated in asthma, diabetes, and diabetes-related nerve damage; hypertension; HIV/AIDS or pregnancy complications, HIV-related diarrhea and AIDS-related malabsorption syndromes, AIDS-related infections, and hypertension. Bilirubinemia.

In addition, zinc gluconate is also involved in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, memory loss, dry mouth, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hepatic encephalopathy, alcohol-related liver disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammation Sexual intestinal disease, mouth ulcers, stomach ulcers, leg ulcers and pressure ulcers.

What is zinc gluconate used for?

The main purpose

Zinc gluconate is an effective drug for treating zinc deficiency. People with severe diarrhea (which makes it difficult for the intestines to absorb food), cirrhosis of the liver, and alcoholism may be deficient in zinc. This may also occur after major surgery and during long periods of tube feeding in the hospital.
Indications for oral zinc or intravenous zinc will help quickly restore zinc levels in zinc-deficient patients. However, regular zinc supplementation is not recommended.

Other uses


Oral zinc gluconate tablets have been shown to reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea in children who are malnourished or zinc deficient. Severe zinc deficiency in children is a common condition in developing countries. In the meantime, clinicians need to provide zinc to malnourished women during pregnancy and continue until one month postpartum to reduce the incidence of neonatal diarrhea in the first year of life.

Wilson's disease

Taking zinc daily may improve symptoms of the genetic disorder Wilson's disease. People with Wilson's disease often have too much copper in their bodies. At this time, elemental zinc will prevent the absorption of copper and increase the release of copper in the body.

skin acne

Studies show that people with acne have lower blood and skin zinc levels than the general population. Therefore, taking zinc supplements can help treat acne. However, it's unclear how beneficial zinc is compared to acne medications like tetracycline or minocycline. Therefore, topical zinc ointment does not appear to be helpful in treating acne unless used in combination with the antibiotic erythromycin.
Age-related vision loss: Macular degeneration in the elderly. Observational studies show that people who consume more zinc in their diet have a reduced risk of age-related vision loss. Therefore, supplementation with zinc and antioxidant vitamins may reduce and prevent age-related vision loss in at-risk populations.


Oral zinc supplements may help with weight gain and improve depressive symptoms in adolescents and adults with anorexia.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Oral zinc tablets combined with regular treatment may slightly improve hyperactivity, impulsivity, and social problems in some children with mental disorders. This god. The basis for this treatment is based on multiple studies showing that pediatric patients often have lower blood zinc levels than unaffected children.
  • Skin burns: Intravenous zinc and other minerals appear to improve wound healing in burn patients. However, taking zinc alone does not appear to improve wound healing in all burn patients but may shorten recovery time in patients with severe burns.
  • Rectal and colon tumors: Studies show that taking a daily oral vitamin supplement containing selenium, zinc, vitamin A2, vitamin C, and vitamin E for 5 years reduces the risk of recurrence of intestinal tumors. About 40% larger.
  • Common cold: Although there are some conflicting results, most studies show that taking oral lozenges containing zinc gluconate or zinc acetate can shorten the duration of colds in adults. However, side effects such as bad breath and nausea may limit its use.
  • Diabetic foot ulcers: Research shows that using a gel containing zinc hyaluronate can help diabetic foot ulcers heal faster than traditional treatments.
  • Diaper rash: Giving your baby oral zinc gluconate can speed the healing of diaper rash. In addition, applying zinc oxide paste to the skin can also promote the healing of diaper rash.

Application areas


  • Baby food, infant formula
  • Cereals, snacks
  • Sweets and snacks
  • dairy
  • dairy alternatives
  • Desserts, ice cream
  • Fruit products, sweet sauces
  • plant-based products


  • carbonated soft drinks
  • Instant drinks, syrups
  • fruit juice
  • Ready-to-drink tea and coffee
  • Sports and energy drinks
  • Waters

health care

  • clinical nutrition
  • Over-the-counter drugs, food supplements

personal care

  • Makeup
  • Deodorant
  • hair care
  • oral care
  • skin care
  • Soaps and bath products

Legal aspects

In Europe, zinc gluconate is included in the positive list of EU Food Fortification Regulation (EC) No. 1925/2006. It is also included in the Vitamins and Minerals Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on food supplements and may be used in the manufacture of food supplements.

Furthermore, it is classified as a mineral salt in EU Regulation (EC) No. 609/2013 on food for infants and young children, foods for special medical purposes and complete meal substitutes for weight control.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that zinc gluconate is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used in accordance with good manufacturing practices or feeding practices (21 CFR §582.5988).

What is the dose of zinc gluconate?

The usual adult dose of zinc gluconate as a natural dietary supplement is 105 mg to 350 mg.
The requirement for dose adjustment based on renal and hepatic function has not been demonstrated to date. Dialysis of the active agent zinc in the case of overdose has not been proven.
The safety and effectiveness of zinc gluconate have not been established in children younger than 12 years.
Although oral administration on a full stomach may slightly affect absorption, patients should still be advised to take zinc gluconate with food to avoid gastric upset. drug.
In addition, information about the use of the drug, the dosage and, in certain cases, the duration of its use require consultation with a specialist.

What are the side effects of taking zinc gluconate?

Although the active ingredient zinc gluconate is available in different dosage forms, including mixed powders, oral lozenges, oral tablets, dispersible tablets, etc., the drug may still have side effects, and the following should be noted: < ai =1> Regarding the endocrine system, endocrine side effects include Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) in men. Because zinc supplements have the ability to lower low-molecular-weight lipoproteins (LDL-C), leaving the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio unchanged, patients are not at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to atherosclerosis. Gastrointestinal side effects on the digestive system include bad taste in the mouth (80%), nausea (20%), oral irritation (24%), dry mouth (12%), gastrointestinal confusion (10%), distorted taste, abdominal pain, Vomiting and diarrhea. Gastrointestinal irritation, such as that caused by zinc supplements, appears to be dose-related. About the Nervous System Nervous system side effects that are rare, if experienced, include dizziness and headache. Therefore, patients need to be informed of the symptoms of possible side effects when using zinc gluconate. Therefore, seek emergency medical assistance if you have any signs of an allergic reaction, including hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Less serious side effects, such as nausea or stomach upset, may improve with discontinuation of the drug. In summary, zinc is an essential mineral for many aspects of health and disease treatment. However, daily zinc supplementation should strictly follow the doctor's prescription and depend on the specific situation. Most importantly, many foods rich in this mineral, such as nuts, legumes, meats, seafood, and dairy products, still need to be encouraged to increase daily intake.


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