
Calendula products

Calendula oil is made by infusing marigold flowers into a carrier oil. The oil can be used alone or in the form of an ointment, cream, or salves. Calendula is also processed into tinctures, teas, and capsules.

Calendula oil benefits for skin

Calendula oil may be an alternative treatment for treating a variety of skin conditions and improving the quality and appearance of your skin.

Calendula Cream as Sunscreen

Calendula oil may be an option for sun protection. A 2012 laboratory study found that calendula oil had SPF properties as a cream blend. However, more evidence is needed to support calendula cream as a possible sunscreen.

In the meantime, stick with sunscreen that's proven to reduce the chance of skin cancer for you and your family.

Find sunscreens online that contain calendula extract.

Calendula oil for wounds

Calendula oil may speed wound healing. A 2013 study from Trusted Source shows that using aloe vera or calendula ointment along with standard care can speed episiotomy recovery time.

In the study, women who used aloe vera or calendula ointment every eight hours for five days showed improvements in symptoms such as redness, swelling and bruising. Studies have found that adding aloe vera or calendula ointment to standard care is more effective than standard care alone.

Calendula oil for acne

Some people use calendula oil to treat acne. One laboratory study found that calendula extract may help treat and prevent acne vulgaris, but more research, especially in humans, is needed to support these findings.

You can try using calendula cleanser to wash your face. You can apply calendula cream, oil, or spot treatment to your entire face, or use it to target acne-prone areas. You might even want to try a weekly mask treatment.

Calendula oil for eczema

Although there is no research to support it, some people use calendula oil to treat eczema. However, one study found that it can help relieve pain caused by dermatitis in people undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer.

Calendula oil for diaper rash

Calendula oil may help relieve diaper rash. A small 2012 study found that while aloe vera cream was effective in treating diaper rash, calendula ointment was significantly more effective. However, this research is preliminary.

To relieve diaper rash, you can try applying a small amount of calendula oil to the affected area, alone or mixed with aloe vera, several times a day.

Calendula Oil Treats Psoriasis

Calendula oil's wound-healing properties may make it a good choice for treating psoriasis, but there haven't been any studies on this. You can try applying calendula oil or balm to the affected area several times a day.

Calendula oil improves skin

Calendula oil may improve the overall appearance of your skin. One study found that a cream containing calendula extract can promote skin hydration and firmness, but more research is needed.

It has been speculated that calendula may help treat contact dermatitis, which includes reactions to poison ivy.

Does it have any risks?

Calendula is generally safe to use, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Avoid calendula if you are allergic to plants in the Asteraceae/Asteraceae family. Do not use calendula if you are pregnant or breastfeeding—its safety is not known yet.

Avoid taking calendula by mouth for at least two weeks before any scheduled surgery as it can cause drowsiness. Do not take this product by mouth with any type of sedative medication.


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