
What is antisocial personality disorder?

Personality disorders are mental health conditions that affect how someone thinks, perceives, feels, or interacts with others.

Antisocial personality disorder is a particularly challenging personality disorder characterized by impulsive, irresponsible, and often criminal behavior.

People with antisocial personality disorder are often controlling, deceitful, reckless, and inconsiderate about the feelings of others.

Like other types of personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder has a spectrum, meaning it can range in severity from occasional bad behavior to repeated violations of the law and the commission of serious crimes.

Psychopaths are considered to have severe antisocial personality disorder.

Signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder

People with antisocial personality disorder may:

  • Exploit, manipulate or violate the rights of others
  • Lack of concern, regret or remorse for the suffering of others
  • Behaving irresponsibly and ignoring normal social behavior
  • Difficulty maintaining long-term relationships
  • Unable to control one's anger
  • Lack of guilt or failure to learn from mistakes
  • Blaming others for life's problems
  • Repeated violations of the law

People with antisocial personality disorder have a history of behavioral disorders in childhood, such as truancy, delinquency (such as substance abuse), and other destructive and aggressive behaviors.

Who suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder?

Antisocial personality disorder affects more men than women.

It's unclear why some people develop antisocial personality disorder, but both genetics and traumatic childhood experiences (such as child abuse or neglect) are thought to play a role.

People with antisocial personality disorder often grew up in difficult family circumstances.

One or both parents may abuse alcohol, and parental conflict and harsh, inconsistent parenting are common.

Because of these issues, social services may become involved in the child's care.

These types of difficulties in childhood often lead to behavioral problems in adolescence and adulthood.

The impact of antisocial personality disorder

Criminal behavior is a key feature of antisocial personality disorder, and people with this disorder are at high risk of committing a crime and being incarcerated at some point in their lives.

Studies have found that men with antisocial personality disorder are 3 to 5 times more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than women with drug disorders. They are also at increased risk of premature death from reckless behavior or attempted suicide.

People with antisocial personality disorder are also more likely to have relationship problems, unemployment, and homelessness in adulthood.

Diagnosing Antisocial Personality Disorder

To be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, a person usually has a history of behavioral personality disorder before the age of 15.

Antisocial personality disorder is diagnosed after a rigorous and detailed psychological evaluation.

Diagnosis can only be made if the patient is 18 years of age or older and meets at least 3 of the following standard behaviors:

  • Repeated violations of the law
  • Repeatedly deceived
  • Impulsive or unable to plan ahead
  • Irritable and aggressive
  • Reckless disregard for one's own safety or the safety of others
  • Always irresponsible
  • lack of remorse

These signs are not part of a schizophrenia or manic episode but are part of a person's everyday personality and behavior.

This behavior often becomes most extreme and challenging in the late teens and early twenties. When a person reaches 40 years of age, the situation may improve.

Treating Antisocial Personality Disorder

In the past, antisocial personality disorder was considered a lifelong disorder, but this was not always the case and it could sometimes be controlled and treated.

There is evidence that behavior can improve over time with treatment even if core characteristics such as a lack of empathy remain.

But antisocial personality disorder is one of the most difficult types of personality disorders to treat.

People with antisocial personality disorder may also be reluctant to seek treatment and may only begin treatment when ordered by a court.

Recommended treatments for people with antisocial personality disorder will depend on their specific circumstances, taking into account factors such as age, criminal history and whether there are any related problems (such as alcohol or drug abuse).

A patient's family and friends often play an active role in decisions about treatment and care.

Sometimes, substance abuse services and social care may also need to be involved.

talk therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is sometimes used to treat antisocial personality disorder.

This is a type of talk therapy designed to help people solve their problems by changing the way they think and behave.

Mentalization-based therapy (MBT) is another type of talk therapy that is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of antisocial personality disorder.

Therapists encourage patients to consider the way they think and how their mental state affects their behavior.

Democratic Therapeutic Community (DTC)

In the UK , there is evidence that community-based programs can be an effective long-term treatment for people with antisocial personality disorder, and they are becoming increasingly popular in prisons.

DTC is a type of social therapy designed to address people’s risk of offending as well as their emotional and psychological needs.

It is based on large and small treatment groups and focuses on community issues, creating an environment where both staff and prisoners contribute to community decision-making.

There may also be opportunities for educational and professional employment.

The recommended length of treatment is 18 months, as a person needs enough time to make changes and put new skills into practice.

Self-motivation is another important factor in accepting such a program. For example, the person must be willing to work as part of a community, participate in groups, and adhere to democratic procedures.


There is little evidence to support the use of medications to treat antisocial personality disorder, but certain antipsychotic and antidepressant medications may be helpful in some cases.

Carbamazepine and lithium may help control symptoms such as aggression and impulsive behavior, and a class of antidepressant drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may improve anger and general personality disorder symptoms.


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