奇異果果汁營養成分, 健康益處, 缺點以及更多

Kiwi fruit juice nutrition facts

Supplementary value

  • Calcium 45 mg

  • Iron 1.3 mg

  • Magnesium 22.5 mg

  • Phosphorus 62.5 mg

  • Potassium 317.5 mg

  • Sodium 70 mg

  • Zinc 0.3 mg

  • Copper 0.2 mg

  • Folic acid 32.5 micrograms

  • Vitamin A 7.1 micrograms

  • Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) 0.5 mg

  • Vitamin B5 0.3 mg

  • Vitamin B6 0.1 mg

  • Vitamin C 80.5 mg

  • Vitamin K 54 micrograms

  • Vitamin E 1.8 mg

  • Choline 10.5 mg

health benefits

Help prevent iron deficiency anemia

Kiwi itself is not a major source of iron; however, it is one of the best natural sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C significantly increases iron absorption and effectively prevents iron deficiency. In a study comparing iron-fortified breakfast cereals paired with two kiwis and one banana, serum ferritin levels increased in the kiwi group.

May shorten the duration of cold symptoms

A study of healthy older adults found that kiwi fruit can help reduce the duration and intensity of upper respiratory tract infections such as the common cold. Participants who ate four golden kiwis a day reported a reduction in congestion and sore throat symptoms associated with respiratory infections. The kiwi fruit group also noted that symptoms subsided more quickly than the control group.

Support heart health

Kiwis are naturally low in sodium and are a good source of potassium. This is an effective electrolyte combination that lowers blood pressure. The folate in kiwi fruit has also been linked to a lower risk of stroke.

Additionally, the fiber content of kiwi helps lower cholesterol levels. Including kiwi fruit in your diet, especially in place of salty processed snacks, is a great way to protect your cardiovascular system.

Improve digestive health

Kiwis are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, two essential nutrients for maintaining regularity (two green kiwis provide 4 grams of fiber). Dietary fiber reduces waste transit time, adds bulk to stools, and supports healthy gut bacteria that aid digestion.

Kiwi fruit also contains actinidinase. Actinidin enhances protein digestion in the stomach and small intestine. For people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), kiwi fruits are considered a low FODMAP food, meaning they have low levels of fructose, which can trigger symptoms.

Help wounds heal

The most common micronutrients found in kiwi fruits are vitamin C and vitamin K, both of which play a vital role in wound healing. Vitamin C is a precursor to collagen, the structural component of skin. It is also a strong antioxidant that aids the body's natural repair mechanisms.

To avoid excessive bleeding, vitamin K promotes timely blood clotting. Vitamin K is also linked to bone strength and prevention of fractures.


Kiwis are one of the most commonly allergic fruits, along with peaches and apples. Allergy to kiwi fruit is sometimes related to allergies to pollen, latex or other fruits.

Mild symptoms may include a rash and itching or swelling of the mouth, lips, and throat. More severe kiwi allergy may cause heart palpitations or allergic reactions. If you think you may be allergic to kiwi fruit, see an allergist to get tested.

Negative Effects

Kiwi fruit is a good source of vitamin K. Vitamin K can promote blood clotting and may interfere with blood thinners. People taking the blood-thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin) should continue to eat foods rich in vitamin K. This ensures that the dose of medication you are prescribed is working effectively.


Many other species are also grown for their fruits. The golden kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), which has less hairs and yellower, sweeter flesh than the gourmet kiwi, is grown commercially in some places. Since golden kiwis are hairless, some people eat the peel, which provides extra fiber. Golden kiwis also contain more vitamin C than green kiwis.

Other kiwi fruit varieties:

  • Soft date kiwi (Actinidia arguta) (soft date/yuanzao/mini kiwi). Native to Japan, Korea, northern China and the Russian Far East. Unlike most other species of the genus, it produces kiwis that are small and not covered with hair-like fibers on the outside.
  • Purple kiwi fruit (scientific name: Actinidia arguta var. purpurea)
  • Convex-veined kiwi (scientific name: Actinidia arguta var. nervosa)
  • Shaanxi kiwifruit (scientific name: Actinidia arguta var. giraldii)
  • Actinidia arguta var. cordifolia (scientific name: Actinidia arguta var. cordifolia)
  • Actinidia kolomikta (Actinidia kolomikta)
  • Actinidia melanandra. It is native to parts of Hubei, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China. The fruit has purple skin and reddish flesh. Although the fruit is edible, it is not grown commercially.
  • Actinidia polygama/Actinidia polygama/Actinidia polygama. It grows in mountainous areas in Korea, Japan and China at altitudes of 500 to 1,900 meters.

the best of times

Peak season for kiwis is November to May, but you can find them year-round in most supermarkets. When the kiwi fruit is fully ripe, it feels soft to the touch, has a fragrant smell and is plump in appearance.

Storage and food safety

After ripening, kiwi fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. Placing them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator will prevent moisture loss and keep the kiwis for a full two weeks.


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