
You've no doubt heard that it's important to drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water per day. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average adult drinks only 44 ounces of water per day. For children and teens, the findings were even worse: They averaged just 23 ounces per day.

One of the CDC's recommendations for improving water-drinking behavior is to add lemon or lime juice. It's an acquired taste, but for those who like the extra kick, that might be all the motivation they need to drink eight or more cups a day.

The health benefits of staying hydrated are reason enough to make the switch, but the humble lime is also packed with nutrients. Like any dynamic duo, Lemonade may even be greater than the sum of its parts.

What is lime water?

Lime water is exactly what it sounds like: water flavored with freshly squeezed lime juice.

The ratio of lime juice to water doesn't have to be precise—you can use as much or as little fruit as your taste buds require. If you're not sure how much lime flavor you want, start by cutting the fruit into quarters and squeezing a wedge into a cup.

If you want to infuse more citrus flavor into your water, place the wedges in the water after squeezing.

For a stronger flavor, place the lime water in the refrigerator overnight.

Lime and Lemon

Lemons and limes are both citrus fruits. Citrus fruits originate from the Rutaceae family.

Lemons and limes both contain a type of soluble fiber called pectin, which is good for heart health. They also have similar nutrients, containing calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, B, C and D.

Although there is no nutritional difference between limes and lemons, limes—part of the citrus family—can provide health benefits, such as boosting the immune system and aiding in the absorption of micronutrients.

health benefits

Like lemon water, lime water has many health benefits. This is because limes are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Enhance moisture

Our bodies are mostly water. It follows that dehydration affects all of our body functions. From digesting food to allowing oxygen to circulate throughout our bodies, we do everything better when we drink enough water.

Adding lime to your water can encourage you to increase your H 2 O consumption. It's also healthier than most other options (like artificial sweeteners), making our water more exciting.

Improve skin

Skin loves moisture, so drinking water is always a good idea. Fortifying water with vitamin C-rich fruits is a better option.

Why? Because vitamin C can not only brighten skin tone, but also stimulate collagen production. Collagen naturally firms and tightens your skin.

Support digestion

You probably already know that stomach acid helps break down the food you eat. But did you know that stomach acid levels tend to decrease as we age? Lime can replenish stomach acid.

It’s also worth noting that drinking water can help relieve constipation.

Enhance immunity

Increasing your vitamin C levels (within reason—too much can cause stomach problems) can help turn things around. Vitamin C can increase the number and quality of white blood cells. Staying hydrated helps the body produce lymph, which carries these white blood cells throughout the body.

Additionally, lime’s antioxidants fight inflammation, thereby boosting your immune response.

Helps regulate blood sugar

Lime water is especially useful for people who are concerned about their blood sugar. Lime has a low glycemic index, which helps prevent wild swings in blood sugar throughout the day.

Support healthy weight loss

Lime is low in calories, high in micronutrients, and contains more than its weight in water and fiber.

Improve iron absorption

If you have trouble getting enough iron from your diet or have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, it's important to get enough vitamin C.

When consumed with the iron-rich foods of your choice, the vitamin C in lime water can help your body better absorb these minerals. Because low iron stores can lead to hair loss, restless legs syndrome, fatigue and many other unpleasant symptoms.

May reduce risk of cancer, kidney stones and heart disease

If you are prone to kidney stones, drinking lime water every day can be beneficial to you. Citric acid, found in lime juice, has been shown to dissolve kidney stones and prevent them from forming.

The vitamin C and antioxidants in limes can also reduce stress on the heart.

A 2021 study found that while it's less certain than some of lime's other preventive properties, the more citrus you eat, the less likely you are to develop lung cancer. Further research is needed to understand whether these findings can be generalized to citrus juices.

Should you drink lime water every day?

You don't need to limit the amount of lime water you drink each day like you would with regular water. While hyponatremia is uncommon, it can occur, so be sure to monitor your water intake regardless of seasoning.

In fact, you're more likely to experience health benefits if you drink it every day. Your best bet is to drink lime water first thing in the morning instead of juice or sugary coffee drinks.

Starting your day with a sugary drink can make it harder to stay on track throughout the day. A glass of lime water provides flavor without inducing cravings.

bottom lime

Adding lime juice to water not only makes it tastier, it also adds to the significant health benefits we enjoy when properly hydrated. Incorporating this new habit into your daily routine is a quick, affordable, and easy way to improve your nutrition.


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