如何挑選西瓜:6 個有用的提示

Find a unified shape

Watermelons come in different sizes and shapes, from round to oval to elongated. They are all good choices.

Whichever you choose, look for products that are sturdy and symmetrical, and avoid ones with irregular bumps, dents, or cuts.

Violations could mean the watermelon is receiving an inconsistent amount of water or is not being pollinated properly. On the other hand, cuts or dents may indicate the presence of insects or fungi.

lift it up

A sweet, ripe watermelon should feel heavy for its size. This usually means it's filled with water and therefore juicier.

In fact, water and fiber content appear to determine the healthy weight of fruits, including watermelon.

Watermelon is 91% water - a property that explains its name. Eating water-rich foods like watermelon can help you feel more full with each serving while consuming fewer calories.

Check site location

If you turn a watermelon upside down, you should see a yellow spot, also known as field spot or ground spot.

This site shows where watermelons are laid on the ground before harvesting.

A large yellow spot indicates it took longer to mature on the vine and should be sweeter.

Conversely, whiter spots indicate that it was picked too early and did not reach optimal ripeness. Since watermelons don't continue to ripen after harvest, choosing one with whiter spots means you'll likely end up with a bland-tasting watermelon.

tapping technique

Another way to check for ripeness is by the sound the watermelon makes when you tap or slap it.

Although this method is more subjective, it is very popular among watermelon lovers.

In fact, its popularity prompted researchers to develop a vibration analysis method that has proven helpful in detecting maturity.

A ripe watermelon should make a low sound, somewhat like a tenor, when struck with your hand or fist. If it sounds hollow or flat, it's probably overcooked.

Assess its sturdiness

Checking the hardness of a watermelon refers to the resistance of the rind or rind.

Ripe watermelons should have a thick skin that resists deformation when pressed. Those who do this are generally overcooked.

Also, if you scrape it with a thumbnail, you shouldn't be able to cut it off.

Check the tail

The tail of a watermelon refers to the part of the stem that remains attached to the fruit after it is harvested.

Stems carry water and nutrients to make them grow, connecting the plant's leaves, flowers, and fruits to its roots.

Green stems usually mean the watermelon was harvested too early and will not mature because it is still growing. On the contrary, dry watermelon represents ripe watermelon.

How to spot damaged or spoiled watermelon

Damaged or spoiled watermelon may not be safe to eat.

The following signs can help you determine if you should avoid eating watermelon:

  • Dark spots. These spots may indicate the presence of fungus or bacteria.
  • The meat is soaked with water. In this case, the pulp of the watermelon begins to disintegrate, sag, and turn black. This can be caused by oversaturation of water or a fungal infection.
  • target cluster. These are target-like configurations believed to be caused by viruses.
  • Skin insect damage. This damage appears as an irregular white to light brown pattern on the peel and may be caused by insect feeding.
  • Internal peel spots. This is a bacterial disease characterized by the appearance of tan or brown dry tissue on the inside of the peel.
  • Sour or pungent smell. These are different types of rancid smells that indicate the pulp has begun to ferment.


Picking a sweet, ripe watermelon can be tricky.

Internal indicators, such as sweetness and red flesh, are the only decisive factors in determining the ripeness of a watermelon.

However, some external signs may help distinguish ripe fruit from unripe, overripe, or spoiled fruit. These include the melon's weight, sound and skin appearance.

By following some of the tips above, you'll be able to pick the perfect watermelon the next time you're looking for a refreshing, healthy option.


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