
What is yucca?

Yuccas are common garden plants with pointed leaves. There are many species of this plant, and its fruits, seeds, and flowers are also commonly eaten.

Yucca has many health benefits and is often used for medicinal purposes. Certain parts of the yucca plant can be incorporated into your diet. It can also be used topically to treat skin conditions or wounds. Most commonly, yucca is used as a supplement.

Enhance immunity

Yucca contains high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which are beneficial to the immune system and overall health.

Vitamin C stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells, which fight infections and viruses.

Yucca contains antioxidants that protect us from cellular mutations and damaging molecules called free radicals.

Reduce arthritis pain

Native Americans have long used yucca to relieve arthritis symptoms, and today yucca supplements (usually in tablet form) are often taken for the same purpose. Yucca has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain.

Some studies suggest that people at high risk for arthritis can prevent the onset of arthritis by taking yucca.

Yucca also contains powerful antioxidants and saponins. These substances can reduce arthritis symptoms.

Good for skin health

Yucca has many skin benefits. Research shows that yucca has photoprotective properties and may protect against sun damage better than some commercial SPFs.

Yucca extract is sometimes added to lotions, soaps, or shampoos and is used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Dandruff
  • Bald
  • sores and cuts
  • sprain
  • Skin diseases and infections

The folate found in yucca may help improve overall skin and eye health. High amounts of vitamin C also aid in the production of collagen, the main protein in the skin.

Adjunctive diabetes treatment

Yucca can still promote health for people with diabetes. There is evidence that yucca helps regulate blood sugar.

A 2013 study found that yucca can regulate metabolic disorders in diabetic rats. It has also been found to moderately lower blood sugar levels. Although yucca should not be used to replace insulin or other diabetes medications, it can supplement diabetes treatment. Always consult your doctor before use.

Inhibit oxidative stress

Oxidative stress (an imbalance in cells) can cause serious damage to our bodies. Over time, it can lead to Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart failure and inflammation. There is evidence that compounds in yucca, including antioxidants, help protect our bodies from oxidative stress.

A 2013 study even found that mice taking yucca supplements had significantly less damage from oxidative stress. Researchers have found that yucca has a protective effect against the degeneration of various organs.

potential risks

Yucca supplements can sometimes cause side effects, including:

  • upset stomach
  • Vomit
  • Bitter taste
  • nausea

Children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take yucca supplements without medical supervision. There isn't enough research to prove its safety, so it's best to remain cautious.

Yucca supplements have no known drug interactions.

It is not recommended to take yucca continuously for more than three months. It interferes with the body's absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

The FDA does not monitor dietary supplements like drugs. Do your research on the company you choose to purchase from.

Dosage form and dosage

Topical forms of yucca are also available as soaps, shampoos, and lotions. You can also take yucca extract in powder or liquid form via oral supplements.

If you decide to take yucca supplements, ask your doctor about the correct dosage. There is no set safe amount, but your doctor can help you determine this amount based on your individual situation. Never take more than your doctor recommends.


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