
Anisodus tanguticus ( scientific name: Anisodus tanguticus) (English name: Scopolina Tangutica, Scopolia Tangutica, Shan LangDang, Anisodus Tanguticus (Maxim.) Pascher, Whitleya Tangutica, Zang Qie), also known as Ganqing Saishuangshan, Tibetan Solanum, etc., camphor willow , Hyoscyamus huanghuashan , is a perennial herb native to mountainous areas of China, especially Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan provinces. It belongs to the henbane family of the Solanaceae family, Solanaceae. This family also includes tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers. It is one of the 50 basic medicinal materials of traditional Chinese medicine.

  • Anandis Whole: UNII: 3X5ARV568K
  • Hyoscyamus Root: UNII: YDZ1R1F6H5


Hyoscyamus usually grows to a height of about 30-60 cm and has large, oval leaves with serrated edges. The plant produces bell-shaped flowers that are chartreuse or yellow with purple markings at the base. The flowers gradually turn into small, round fruits that are green when unripe and black when ripe.

traditional use

In traditional Chinese medicine, various parts of scourge , including roots and leaves, are used for their medicinal properties. The plant contains alkaloids such as scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which have antispasmodic, analgesic, and sedative effects. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and gastrointestinal disorders. It was also used to treat meningococcal meningitis and later in other conditions, including glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhagic necrotizing enteritis, eclampsia, pulmonary edema, and circulatory shock.

medicinal purposes

Two alkaloids extracted from scopolamine roots: anisodamine and anisodine. These alkaloids are used as anticholinergic drugs in China to treat acute circulatory shock. Animal studies have shown that anisodamine and anisodine are choline receptor antagonists commonly used in China to treat acute circulatory shock. This suggests that both alkaloids possess α1-adrenoceptor blocking properties, which may contribute to their positive effects on microcirculation.

breeding and conservation

Hyoscyamus can be propagated by seeds or rhizome divisions. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade and often grows in forested areas or along stream banks in its native habitat.

Wild sandax populations are declining due to overfishing and habitat loss. Efforts are underway to conserve and sustainably manage this species to ensure its continued medicinal use while protecting its natural habitat.

Safety and precautions

Although scopola has medicinal properties, it contains potent alkaloids that can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. Overdosage or misuse of this plant can cause symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, hallucinations, and even coma. Therefore, it should only be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner with experience in herbal medicine.

In 2021, there was an outbreak of schisandra poisoning, resulting in 10 patients and 1 death. The etiological link was confirmed through epidemiological investigations, clinical manifestations, plant identification and toxin analysis. This foodborne poisoning incident was caused by the consumption of wild scopola. The plant contains tropane alkaloids, specifically hyoscyamine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine, anisodine, and anisodine, which are responsible for its toxicity. This plant is widely used in Tibetan medicine and is valued for its medicinal properties and as a source of anticholinergic drugs.

Metabolites in herbs vary depending on their geographical origin and are affected by environmental factors and may affect the quality of the herb.


Hyoscyamus is a valuable medicinal plant with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. However, its potent compounds require careful handling and administration to avoid adverse effects.


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