
By definition, anti-caking agents are anhydrous compounds that are added in small amounts to dry foods to prevent the particles from clumping together and ensure the product remains dry and free-flowing.

Without anti-caking agents, dry soup, cake and cookie mixes would clump , hot chocolate vending machines wouldn't function properly, and manufactured premixes wouldn't be as easy to use. These substances are commonly found in flour-based milk and cream powder mixtures, baking powder, table salt, cocoa and mixed coffee drinks, among others. During the manufacturing process, adding anti-caking agents can help prevent bridging during packaging, which can reduce productivity.

Anti-caking agents work by absorbing excess moisture or by coating the particles to make them more water-resistant. In addition to food, anti-caking agents also help other industries, such as those producing cosmetics and detergents.

In the EU, most anti-caking agents have an E number in the 500 range, but some anti-caking agents have multiple functions and belong to other categories.

Some multifunctional compounds include:
Mannitol (E421) – Also used as a humectant, sweetener, and tissue conditioner.
Alpha cellulose (E460b) and microcrystalline cellulose (E460a) – also used as binders, stabilizers and fillers.

Some commercially available alternatives to anti-caking agent additives include rice husk meal and corn starch.

latest news

In January 2015, EFSA considered that the use of a mixture of sodium tartrate and ferric chloride (Fe mTA) could be used as an antioxidant - a caking agent in salt, with a maximum use level of 106 mg/kg salt.

In August 2015, the Grocery Manufacturers Association petitioned the FDA to restrict the use of partially hydrogenated oils. One use is as an anti-caking additive.

In September 2015, EFSA revised its opinion on Friedland mineral clay for feed. They now allow it as an anti-caking agent and binder in all animal feeds at a level of 2%.

anticaking agent

agent electronic number Function
tricalcium phosphate E341 For powdered spices. Also used as a leavening agent.
Mannitol E421 Polyols can be added to limit sticking.
Powdered cellulose E460ii For use with shredded cheese to reduce clumping
Magnesium stearate E470b Aids in tableting due to its lubricating properties.
sodium bicarbonate E500 Also a leavening agent.
Sodium ferrocyanide E535 Can be used in salt.
Potassium ferrocyanide E536 Can be used in salt.
Calcium ferrocyanide E538 Can be used in salt.
bone phosphate E542 Can be added to dry product mixes or sugar (not allowed on EU approval list)
Silicon dioxide E551 Acts as a flow agent in dry products. Used for filtering shredded cheese, dry eggs, powdered mixes and spices, and beer. In the United States, its product content is limited to 2%.
calcium silicate E552 Prevent baking powder, salt, and dry mixture from clumping. Absorbs oil and water and can be used to contain free oils in fragrances.
Magnesium silicate E553a Often used with powdered mix, grated cheese and seasonings.
talc E553b Used for rice, tablet coating, salt and powdered foods.
Aluminum silicate/kaolin E559 Commonly used in sugar, salt and supplements
stearic acid E570 Found in animals and plants. A solid fat that crystallizes at room temperature and is used to coat particles.
Polydimethylsiloxane E570 Can be used to coat particles.
ferric ammonium citrate In the United States, used for salt.
yellow soda water In the United States, used for salt.

NOTE: This is not a complete list but shows varieties within the anti-caking additive category.


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