
Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed your baby. It provides all the nutrients your baby needs for the first 6 months and also helps build a loving bond between you and your baby.

The first milk you produce is called colostrum. It is rich in antibodies and fats, which newborns need to boost their immunity.

Benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mother

Any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial, even just for a short time.

for your baby


  • Reduce the risk of infections, especially middle ear infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory tract infections
  • Reduce the risk of certain childhood cancers and juvenile diabetes
  • Reduce the risk of allergies and eczema
  • Helps prevent sudden unexplained death in infancy (SUDI)



  • Helps shorten postpartum recovery time
  • Helps the uterus return to pre-pregnancy size
  • Benefit your health by reducing the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis
  • Cheaper than formula feeding
  • can be more convenient

What changes happen to breasts during pregnancy?

Some of the first signs of pregnancy are breast and nipple tenderness. This is because even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, a woman's breasts are preparing for breastfeeding.

Most women experience varying degrees of changes in their breasts and nipples. These symptoms include breast and nipple enlargement, darkening of the nipple and areola (the skin around the nipple), more visible breast veins, and a heavier feeling in the breast.

Your breasts will produce colostrum, your first milk, anytime from the second trimester onwards. The amount of colostrum varies among women. Many women can aspirate a few milliliters of fluid per day once they reach their third trimester.

If your baby is expected to be born prematurely or is unwell after birth, your maternity care provider may recommend expressing colostrum, as these conditions may affect your ability to breastfeed early.

When did the first breastfeeding occur?

Ideally, your baby can start feeding from your breast soon after birth. Most obstetrics and gynecology hospitals support breastfeeding within one hour after delivery. Newborns are usually alert after birth and will try to find your breast and suckle.

Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is an important way to promote early bonding and bonding. However, if your baby is unwell or needs special care, you may have to postpone your first feed. Discuss with your maternity care provider how you would like to feed your baby soon after birth.

If the baby is unwell or requires breastfeeding, the first breastfeeding may be delayed. Discuss with your maternity care provider how you would like to manage your baby's first feeding.

Frequently Asked Questions about Early Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a skill set for both mother and baby. Usually, breastfeeding is pretty simple, with just a few minor issues that can be resolved quickly. However, some women experience challenges while breastfeeding and benefit from support.

  • Sore, broken nipples - This usually means the baby is not latching on properly.
  • Hungry baby — It can take several days for colostrum to turn into mature milk, and during this time, the newborn may feel hungry and restless. Frequent breastfeeding can help control this condition and increase your milk supply.
  • Sleepy baby – Labor and delivery can be very tiring for mother and baby. It can take a few days for a newborn to learn how to suck at the breast and drink water. To help solve this problem, gently stimulate your baby, keep them alert and provide skin-to-skin contact.
  • Breast swelling - This is a common problem around 2-6 days after birth. As a mother's breasts adjust to her baby's feeding needs, they may feel uncomfortably full of milk. Breastfeeding regularly and making sure your breasts are properly attached often helps resolve this problem.

How to get started – step by step

Encourage your baby to find and attach themselves to your breast.

  1. Look for cues or signals that your baby is hungry. Waking up, opening the mouth, sticking out the tongue, fussing, and squirming are all instinctive eating behaviors.
  2. Sit comfortably with your back and feet well supported.
  3. Designed for skin-to-skin contact with baby and for them to assume a breastfeeding position. Any position that is comfortable for both of you is appropriate.
  4. Hold your baby close to you with their chest against your chest and their chin against your breast. Support their body so they can lie comfortably.
  5. Gently stroke your baby's mouth with the underside of your areola. This should encourage your baby to open their mouth. When their mouth is open and their tongue is hanging forward, lift your baby to your breast and point your nipple toward the roof of their mouth. Their mouth should be open wide, with part of your areola in their mouth, not just your nipple. Think about what this feels like - they shouldn't feel pain when sucking, but their mouth should follow a sucking and swallowing pattern.
  6. Observe your baby as they nurse and follow their lead when they show they want to continue sucking or have finished.

Common discomforts associated with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is easy, but you may experience nipple tenderness and swelling initially until your milk supply meets your baby's needs.

Some women develop mastitis, an infection of the breasts. If this happens to you, be sure to breastfeed as often as possible and seek medical help immediately.

Babies often want concentrated feedings during periods of rapid growth. Cluster feeding occurs when a baby wants to nurse multiple times in a short period of time. This is normal and often occurs during the first stages of breastfeeding and periods of rapid growth.


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