法國芫茜: 背景、營養和健康益處等

French coriander (Chervil) , also known as French coriander, chervil, scientifically known as Anthriscus cerefolium, is a delicate annual herb belonging to the Apiaceae family, which also includes parsley, dill and cilantro. French coriander is commonly used in French cuisine.


French coriander is an herb with a long history of medicinal use and has been used as a diuretic, expectorant, digestive aid, and skin freshener. It is thought to reduce the symptoms of eczema, gout, kidney stones and pleurisy. Today, it is widely known for its ability to treat high blood pressure. In addition, French coriander leaves have been used for thousands of years as a spring tonic to combat post-winter vitamin and mineral deficiencies, often mixed with dandelions and watercress. This tonic is still recommended by European herbalists today.


French coriander has delicate, fern-like leaves, similar to those of parsley, but thinner. The leaves are bright green and grow in clusters of leaflets along slender stems. French coriander may produce umbrella-shaped clusters of small white flowers in late spring or early summer.


Similar to parsley, French coriander has curly and flat leaves. You're probably more likely to find dried French coriander in the spices and condiments aisle than fresh French coriander in the produce department.

French coriander taste and flavor

French coriander is like a delicate cross between tarragon and parsley. French coriander has a mild flavor, with a hint of licorice or anise, but nothing overpowering.

culinary use

French coriander is prized for its delicate, slightly sweet flavor, often described as a combination of parsley and fennel. It is often used as a culinary herb to enhance the flavor of dishes, especially in French cuisine. French coriander is often added fresh to salads, soups, sauces, and egg dishes, and is also used as a garnish. In French cookbooks, French coriander is called "pluches de cerfeuille" or blanched French coriander sprigs.

Nutritional information

One tablespoon of dried French coriander provides:

  • Calories: 4.5
  • Fat: <0.1g
  • Sodium: 1.6 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0.9 grams
  • Fiber: 0.2g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Protein: 0.4 grams


One serving (about 1 tablespoon of dried French coriander) provides less than 1 gram of carbohydrates.


You will find that there is no fat in a serving of French coriander.


One tablespoon of French coriander contains less than one-half gram of protein.

vitamins and minerals

A typical tablespoon of dried French coriander is also unlikely to provide important micronutrients. However, you will get small amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, and folate. Minerals include calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium and manganese.


One tablespoon of dried French coriander provides a little more than four calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Most of these calories come from carbohydrates, with smaller amounts from protein and fat.

health benefits

French coriander has been used in alternative medicine for centuries to treat or improve certain medical conditions. These include:

  • cough
  • Digestive system diseases
  • hypertension
  • eczema
  • gout
  • point of infection
  • kidney stones
  • pleurisy
  • Reduce water weight

However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to determine whether French coriander can help treat or prevent these diseases.

French coriander is a traditional remedy for nightmares, burns, and upset stomachs. It is an excellent source of antioxidants that stabilize cell membranes and reduce inflammation associated with headaches, sinusitis, peptic ulcers, and infections. French coriander is used as an eyewash to refresh the eyes. French coriander is also made into tea and consumed to lower blood pressure.

French coriander is rich in nutrients and is a good source of vitamin C, carotene, iron and magnesium. French coriander is also a rich source of bioflavonoids, which aid the body in many ways, including the absorption of vitamin C. It helps slow digestion. When brewed as a tea, it can be used as a soothing eye wash. The whole plant has been reported to relieve hiccups, and some people still try it.


Although allergy to coriander appears to be fairly rare, there are some reports of allergic reactions to parsley, which is closely related to coriander. People who are allergic to other fruits or pollen may experience cross-reactions and/or oral allergy syndrome when consuming chervil.

Negative Effects

When used in typical amounts to flavor foods, French coriander is probably safe for most people. Medicinal use may also be safe, but since medicinal doses are often higher, there is not enough scientific evidence to know for sure.

People who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should not use French coriander in medicinal doses. Some experts warn that French coriander may cause genetic changes in the developing fetus.

Growing French Coriander

You can grow French coriander yourself in your herb garden. It can be grown in a small pot on a windowsill or in the garden in a mixture of sun and shade. It grows about 2 feet tall. It can be grown from seeds sown in spring or late fall. To maintain a good crop, sow every three to four weeks throughout the season. The leaves are ready to harvest when they are fully open and tender. You can dry the leaves and store them.

growth conditions

French coriander thrives in cool, moist conditions and prefers partial shade to full sun. It grows best in well-drained, fertile soil and watered regularly. French coriander can be grown from seed or transplanted seedlings, usually in herb gardens, pots or containers.

French coriander sprouts once summer warms, just like its cousin parsley. When it bolts, it develops a bitter taste, flowers and sets seeds. Note that French coriander in the garden seems to attract slugs.


French coriander leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season, starting when the plants reach about 6 inches tall. The leaves are best harvested before the plant blooms, as their flavor is strongest at this stage. French coriander leaves are usually used fresh, but can also be dried or frozen for later use.

Cooking Pairings

French coriander pairs well with a variety of ingredients and is particularly popular in French cuisine, where it is a key component of good herbs, along with parsley, chives and tarragon. It complements the flavors of eggs, fish, poultry, vegetables and creamy sauces.

French coriander is a delicate herb that can easily lose flavor when dried out or exposed to too much heat. To preserve its flavor, store it in white wine vinegar. Because of its rich flavor, French coriander requires little additional seasoning when used in cooking, making it a low-calorie way to enhance a meal. Although French coriander looks fragile, it will stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to a week. In American cooking, dried French coriander is often tasteless and musty, but when fresh, it has a sweet, grassy flavor with a hint of licorice. French coriander is also associated with Easter because of its resemblance to myrrh, which symbolizes the rebirth of early spring.

French coriander is a staple in French cooking, often used in the seasoning blend "Fines Herbs" along with chives, tarragon and parsley. It adds flavor to dishes such as eggs, fish, chicken, sauces and dressings. French coriander also pairs well with mild cheeses and is used in vanilla cream and Ravigotte sauces. It pairs well with spring ingredients like salmon, asparagus, potatoes, green beans, carrots and spring salads.

The delicate flavor of French coriander is easily lost by drying or heating. To preserve it, add it at the end of cooking or in its raw state. Another option is to preserve it in white wine vinegar. Its potency means it requires little additional seasoning, making it a low-calorie option. French coriander's delicate leaves also make it an attractive garnish. Although it's fragile, it will stay fresh in a ziploc bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

French coriander is an effective food seasoning. Both the leaves and stems are used in cooking, and the whole sprigs make a delicate decorative garnish. Blanched French coriander sprigs are occasionally used in soups.

Storage and food safety

French coriander is fragile and not suitable for storage in the refrigerator. However, if you wrap fresh French coriander in a damp paper towel and store it in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, it will probably stay fresh for about a week. It can also be frozen and kept longer. Like all dried herbs and spices, store dried French coriander in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. If stored properly, it will last three to four years.


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