
The psychology behind eating for pleasure

For years, researchers have been studying the science behind eating for pleasure. Their findings are interesting and largely encouraging.

Physiologically, the pleasure we get from food happens both in our mouths and in our brains.

Any form of pleasure, including pleasure from food, causes the release of dopamine in the brain.

Dopamine is often called the 'feel-good hormone' because it activates reward pathways in the brain, helping to promote happiness, calmness, motivation and focus.

In fact, some older research from 2011 suggested that obese people may have disrupted dopamine sensitivity, causing them to overeat in order to get enough pleasure from food.

However, when brain chemicals are functioning properly, our enjoyment of food can provide physical benefits.

When we enjoy the food we are eating and dopamine is stimulated, we actually digest and metabolize it more efficiently. When we relax from a pleasurable eating experience, our nervous system goes into rest and digest mode, which makes us Able to fully break down and utilize the nutrients in the food we eat.

Eating for pleasure can also promote healthier eating.

A large 2020 systematic review examined 119 studies on the link between food enjoyment and healthy eating. Fifty-seven percent of studies found a good association between eating enjoyment and eating outcomes.

For example, a 2015 study linked greater enjoyment of eating to higher nutritional status. Other research highlights the importance of taking pleasure in healthy foods to promote a nutritionally balanced diet.

There is a common belief that 'healthy' food has to be bland or it won't taste good, but this is not the case, satisfaction increases when we eat foods we enjoy, which can actually improve the quality of our diet and reduce the chance of overeating.

The emotional nourishment of the food we eat

Mealtime would be boring if food was just fuel. Food casts a wide net across the human experience, from bringing us together with loved ones to connecting us to our cultural heritage.

In short, food is as much emotional nourishment as it is physical nourishment. Here are some ways enjoying food can nourish your spirit.

Food enjoyment can increase social connections

How can you go to a party or family gathering without something to eat?

According to a 2015 Thai Social Community study, happiness generally increases when people dine with others.

Food enjoyment provides physical and emotional comfort

Warm chicken soup when you're sick, pasta that reminds you of your grandma, or a favorite dessert that's always just right: Food like this can lift our spirits and soothe our bodies.

Sometimes food can even provide comfort at the end of a challenging day, which many people view as negative mood eating. But when we allow ourselves to connect with food and enjoy it, there are many benefits.

Food enjoyment breaks the shackles of food culture

Diet culture has many definitions, but one sign of this social level messaging is that you have to say no to the foods you like, especially if they are high in calories or fat.

Choosing to mindfully enjoy what you eat can help break this harmful mindset.

When all foods are free from rules - including the most delicious foods, the body learns to trust that it will get what it needs. Limiting is an important step in the healing process and can help people feel more calm, confident and free around food.

Gastronomic enjoyment connects us to cultural heritage

For decades, research has shown that a sense of belonging is critical to mental health. Where better to experience a sense of belonging than within family or cultural heritage?

This is where food enjoyment can play an important role.

Culture and traditions are a form of connection with others and ourselves, and limiting or denying foods that promote connection can lead to disengagement and loneliness. By ignoring cultural foods, we are saying not only that the food is 'bad' but that the underlying identity associated with the food is 'bad'.

Embracing these foods can ultimately create a sense of freedom and belonging, which can boost your mental health.

Eating for pleasure vs. emotional eating

You may have heard that emotional eating is not ideal.

Turning to food to cope with difficult emotions such as stress, anger or sadness often leads to mindless consumption and a worrying relationship with food. That said, it's understandable if you're wary of the idea of ​​eating for pleasure.

Fortunately, emotional eating and eating for pleasure have different intentions and outcomes.

Emotional eating is when people use food to cope with positive or negative emotions, and eating for pleasure is when you choose a food to specifically enjoy its taste, texture, and experience, such as when you go out for an ice cream cone or in an apple orchard in the summer When eating apples straight from the tree.

Another major difference between the two behaviors is how you feel about the food.

When people eat emotionally, there is often (though not always) a lack of connection or detachment from food. When you eat for pleasure, you often get a real connection and enjoyment from the food.

Of course, there’s no perfect line between emotional eating and eating for pleasure—and sometimes the two can overlap.

One way to tell when you're practicing is: How do you feel after practicing?

Enjoying food mindfully won't make you feel guilty or ashamed.

Pleasure + nourishment, the perfect combination

Few things in life can match the daily joy of enjoying good food. The food we eat nourishes our bodies, comforts our spirits, and delights our taste buds.

To bring more fun to your table, try starting small.

When you're making a meal or snack, see if there's anything you can do to make it 10% more interesting. Sometimes, warm up the brownies, sprinkle some goat cheese on the salad, or add more milk to thin it out. A bowl of oatmeal will take the eating experience from 'meh' to 'yes'!

Finally, when mealtime is over, ask: How much joy did your food bring you?

What positive feelings can come from having an emotional connection to the food on your plate? The mental notes you collect can help you make future food choices tastier.


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