
Instant noodles sold around the world contain large amounts of unnecessary salt

Research from the Institute of Health Research, which collected 765 instant noodle products from 10 countries between 2012 and 2016, showed that the salt content in instant noodles varies greatly within and between countries; some noodle products have more salt than others 30 times more noodles.

While Chinese noodles have the highest salt content, Australian noodles have the second highest salt content, with an average packet (86g) containing more than 80% of the recommended maximum daily intake. This finding is particularly shocking considering that 270 million servings of noodles are consumed worldwide every day. It is estimated that around 1.65 million people die globally each year due to excessive salt consumption. Extremely high salt content puts us at great risk for high blood pressure, which increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, and heart attack.

But even more worrying is the reality that people tend to eat the entire packet of noodles instead of just the recommended serving size, and even eat more salt than the recommended serving size. Information on packaging can also be extremely misleading. There are no standard serving sizes, package sizes vary, and the amount of water manufacturers recommend adding varies widely. Nutritional information should actually be provided in a clear and consistent way to enable people to make healthier choices, and manufacturers should reduce salt levels in noodles below agreed targets.

Advice to consumers

  • Check label
  • Limit intake to only occasional meals or side dishes.
  • Reduce salt intake by throwing away seasoning bags that contain most of the salt or using only a portion of the bag.
  • Drain the noodles before eating to reduce salt.
  • Add some vegetables and they will cook with the steam from the noodles.

Why do most noodles contain so much sodium?

Noodles, whether instant noodles, pasta or other types, can vary in sodium content based on factors such as the type of noodle, preparation method and added seasonings or sauces. Here are some reasons why noodles may be higher in sodium:

  • Seasonings and Sauces: Many noodle dishes, especially instant or prepackaged noodles, come with seasoning packets or sauces. These condiments often contain large amounts of salt to enhance the flavor. The more processed or prepackaged the noodles are, the higher the likelihood of added sodium.
  • Preservatives: Sodium is commonly used as a preservative in the food industry to extend the shelf life of packaged products. For example, instant noodles usually have a longer shelf life because they contain salt.
  • Flavor Enhancement: Salt enhances the overall flavor of food, and noodles are no exception. In some cases, manufacturers may add extra salt to make the noodles more flavorful.
  • Quick preparation: Instant noodles are designed to be prepared quickly and easily, often relying on seasoning packets for seasoning. These little packages are high in sodium and provide a quick and delicious meal.
  • Traditional recipes: Certain types of noodles, especially Asian cuisines, may have traditional recipes that include savory ingredients or savory cooking methods. For example, soy sauce, a common ingredient in many Asian noodle dishes, is high in sodium.

To reduce your sodium intake when eating noodles, consider these tips:

  • Choose whole-grain options: Whole-grain noodles generally have less sodium than refined noodles.
  • Make Homemade Stocks and Sauces: When preparing noodles at home, choose homemade stocks and sauces to control sodium levels.
  • Read labels: If buying prepackaged noodles, read the nutrition label for sodium content and choose low-sodium options.
  • Rinse instant noodles: If using instant noodles, consider rinsing them with cold water after cooking. This can help remove excess salt from the surface.
  • In order to maintain a healthy diet, it is important to pay attention to your overall sodium intake. Consuming too much sodium can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Always check the nutritional information and consider healthier ways to prepare noodles as part of a balanced diet.


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