
Yacon (Yacón; scientific name: Smallanthus sonchifolius; also known as yacon or chrysanthemum) is a little-known root vegetable native to the Andes Mountains of South America. This unique tuber is gaining attention for its sweet taste, crunchy texture and potential health benefits. Let’s dive into the world of yacon and discover its characteristics, uses and nutritional content.

Folklore and History

Sometimes called the "Peruvian land apple," yacon can be eaten raw and has traditionally been used by people in the Andes as a source of refreshment in a fruit salad called salpicón. Yacon is believed to be one of the forgotten crops of Inca legend, although this is probably impossible since the root has not been popular since the early 2000s even in the Peruvian capital Lima. It is possible that the Japanese made yacon a popular modern Peruvian crop since they discovered yacon as a low GI sugar substitute. Since the early 2000s, yacon has become increasingly popular around the world.

There are some local legends about yacon in Peru, saying that it was eaten by messengers traveling long distances. Not only do the roots provide a little nutrition, they also moisturize the body. There is also evidence that during the Moche era of Inca history, yacon root may have been used as offerings in festivals celebrating deceased ancestors. This has been suggested because there is evidence that there was an early colonial Catholic ritual in Peru that was performed concurrently with Moche ancestral rituals. Both rituals involved the use of yacon, which may mean that early Catholics altered the early ritual meaning of yacon by imposing their own rituals.

traditional use

The root is similar in size and appearance to a sweet potato and is the part of the plant most commonly used as food, although the leaves and stems do have nutritional value.

Plants support two types of roots:

  • One is a perennial root system, just like any other plant, but underneath the roots of the larger stems, which contain a lot of root sap.
  • The larger yacon roots are used to produce sweet syrups and powders because the root juice contains high amounts of fructose-oligosaccharides, a polysaccharide composed of fructose.

Appearance and flavor

Yacon is a fascinating plant from South America. It grows tall, has leathery leaves shaped like large arrowheads, and flowers that resemble small sunflowers. They can get very tall when grown in good soil and conditions that the plant likes. The plant does not respond well to cold and is not frost tolerant. It cannot grow in a climate that is not supported by the environment.

Yacon root is a perennial herb with rounded stems, thick skin, and anthocyanin spots on the top , similar to sweet potatoes or Jerusalem artichokes . The tubers can reach 10 cm in diameter, 40 cm in length, and weigh 800-900 grams. The leaves are spear-shaped, dark green in color on the upper side and lighter on the lower side.

The flavor of yacon root is juicy, crisp, sweet and reminiscent of the fruit. Its flavor is often described as a combination of apple and watermelon, providing a refreshing and mildly sweet taste.


Water, fructose oligosaccharides (oligofructans), free fructose, glucose, sucrose, inulin, starch, chlorogenic/asafoetida caffeic acid, sesquiterpene lactones, gamma-juninene, caffeic acid, 3-caffeine Quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, 2,4-dicaffeine tetrahydroic acid, 2,5-dicaffeine tetrahydroic acid, 3,5-dicaffeine tetrahydroic acid, 3,5-dicaffeine tetrahydric acid Ninic acid, dihydroquinone, ferulic acid, luciferin, gallic acid, gentisic acid, inulin, polylactone, oligofructan, β-pinene, protocatechuic acid, rosmarinic acid, sonchifolin , tryptophan, 2,3,5-tricaffeoyl altraric-acid, 2,4,5-tricaffeoyl altraric-acid and uvedalin.


Yacon root can be used raw in fruit salads, ground into powder, or made into a syrup. The food is then sweetened using yacon syrup and powder as a sugar substitute. The leaves of the yacon plant are also sometimes eaten.

culinary use

  • Eat it raw as a snack: Yacon can be eaten raw, making it a refreshing and healthy snack. Simply peel and slice the tubers for a crispy-sweet treat.
  • Salads: The crisp texture of yacon makes it a great addition to salads, adding a sweet and juicy element to the mix.
  • Cooked Preparations: Yacon can be cooked in a variety of ways, including roasting, roasting, or steaming. Cooking enhances its sweetness and provides a softer texture.

Nutritional content

Yacon is valued not only for its sweet taste, but also for its rich nutrition. Here are some of the key nutrients found in yacon:


Yacon is rich in inulin, a type of soluble fiber. Inulin acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and aiding digestive health.

low calorie

Yacon is low in calories and is a suitable choice for those who wish to enjoy a sweet treat while controlling their caloric intake.


Tubers contain antioxidants, which play a role in fighting oxidative stress and supporting overall health.

health benefits

digestive health

Yacon root contains compounds that act as prebiotics in the body, improving digestive health and treating certain types of colitis. These prebiotic properties influence the development of the digestive tract microbiota, which in turn improves gastrointestinal fermentation. The increased bowel regularity associated with yacon root may be attributed to this prebiotic effect.

Blood sugar regulation:

Although yacon tastes sweet, it has a low glycemic index. The inulin content may also help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a potentially suitable choice for people with diabetes.

Weight management:

As a low-calorie, fiber-rich food, yacon may aid in weight management by promoting feelings of satiety and supporting a healthy metabolism. The syrup contained in yacon root has been linked to weight loss in some people. According to an April 2009 study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, obese women who consumed 0.14 to 0.29 grams of yacon syrup per kilogram of body weight per day for 120 days experienced a decrease in weight, body mass index, and waist circumference. This is partly due to the effect of yacon root on increasing bowel movements and feelings of satiety after meals.

Lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Yacon root contains a sugar called oligofructose, which can lower levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol). An October 2011 study published in Chemistry-Biological Interactions found that diabetic rats who supplemented daily with yacon root had lower levels of fasting plasma triglycerides (a type of triglyceride) and LDL cholesterol. The level is lower. A study published in "Clinical Nutrition" in April 2009 confirmed that after daily consumption of yacon, LDL cholesterol levels were also reduced. Lower levels of lipids such as triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

**5. Growing in popularity:

Although yacon is still considered a niche vegetable in many parts of the world, its popularity is gradually growing. In addition to culinary uses, yacon is also being explored for its potential role in healthy diets and as an alternative sweetener.

in conclusion:

Yacon adds a delightful addition to the world of root vegetables with its unique flavor and potential health benefits. Whether eaten raw, cooked or added to a variety of dishes, yacon provides sweet and nutritious options for those looking for variety and delicious food. As interest in alternative and healthy ingredients continues to rise, yacon is a source worth exploring for its culinary versatility and potential health contributions.


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