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What is Rhodiola?

Rhodiola, scientific name Rhodiola rosea, also known as Nordic Rhodiola rosea, is a perennial herb growing in high altitude areas. Rhodiola rosea is widely used for its anti-stress, anti-fatigue and stamina-enhancing properties.

Rhodiola rosea is used in traditional medicine to enhance the body's adaptability and improve physical strength and mental state. Modern research has also confirmed its multiple health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting benefits.

Background and history

Rhodiola rosea has been used in traditional medicine in Northern Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. It is used to increase endurance, reduce fatigue and promote recovery. In modern medicine, Rhodiola rosea is widely studied for its many active ingredients.

Calories and Nutritional Value

Rhodiola rosea itself contains no calories, but its extracts are rich in active compounds such as rosavin, salidroside and other polyphenols, which have various benefits for human health. [1]

health benefits

Anti-stress and anti-fatigue

Research shows that Rhodiola Rosea has significant anti-stress and anti-fatigue effects, which can improve the body's tolerance to stress and reduce fatigue. The active ingredients in Rhodiola Rosea regulate cortisol levels and promote recovery of physical and mental state. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed that participants who took Rhodiola rosea experienced significant improvements in physical and mental performance. [2]

Rhodiola rosea can also increase energy metabolism in the body, improve exercise endurance and recovery speed. [3]

Enhance cognitive function

Rhodiola rosea has potential benefits for improving cognitive function and memory. Research shows that rhodiola can increase cerebral blood flow and promote the generation and connection of nerve cells, thereby improving memory and learning abilities. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed that participants who took rhodiola rosea performed significantly better on a memory test. [4]

In addition, rhodiola can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and improve brain health. [5]

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Rhodiola rosea has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can protect cells from free radical damage and reduce inflammatory reactions. Studies have shown that the polyphenols in Rhodiola rosea can increase antioxidant enzyme levels in the body and reduce oxidative stress and the release of inflammatory mediators. An in vitro study showed that Rhodiola rosea extract had significant inhibitory effects on a variety of pathogenic bacteria. [6]

Rhodiola rosea can also protect the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. [7]

Improve immunity

Rhodiola rosea has a significant effect on improving immune system function. Research shows that rhodiola can increase the activity of immune cells and enhance the body's natural defenses. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed significant improvements in immune function in participants who took rhodiola rosea. [8]

Rhodiola rosea also reduces the risk of infection and promotes healthy recovery. [9]


Take internally

Rhodiola rosea supplements are usually sold in tablet, capsule, or powder form. Recommended dosage varies by product, but a typical daily dose is 200-600 mg of extract, taken in two to three divided doses. A doctor should be consulted before use to ensure safety.

external use

Rhodiola rosea is also used in topical products such as creams and essential oils to promote skin health and reduce inflammation. Use according to product instructions.

For people

Rhodiola rosea is suitable for people who want to improve their ability to withstand stress, increase physical strength, improve cognitive function and reduce inflammatory responses. However, pregnant women, lactating women and patients with certain diseases should avoid use.

drug interactions

Rhodiola rosea may interact with certain medications, especially the following:

  • Antidepressants: such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Rhodiola rosea may enhance the effects of antidepressants and increase the risk of side effects. [10]
  • Hypoglycemic drugs: such as insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs (such as metformin). Rhodiola rosea may enhance the effects of hypoglycemic drugs, causing hypoglycemia. [11]
  • Immunosuppressants: such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus. Rhodiola rosea may affect the effectiveness of these medications and enhance the immune system's response. [12]

Side effects and disadvantages

Some common side effects of rhodiola include:

  • Gastrointestinal upset: Some people may experience symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, or constipation after taking rhodiola rosea. [13]
  • Headache: Some people may experience a mild headache after taking rhodiola, but it is usually not severe. [14]
  • Insomnia: Rhodiola rosea may cause insomnia symptoms in some people, especially when used in high doses. [15]

In addition, long-term or excessive use of rhodiola rosea may cause more serious health problems:

  • Hypoglycemia: Rhodiola rosea may enhance the effects of blood sugar-lowering medications, causing symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, weakness, and heart palpitations. [16]
  • High blood pressure: Rhodiola rosea may cause an increase in blood pressure in some people, especially when used in high doses. [17]
  • Overactive immune system: The immune-boosting effects of Rhodiola rosea may cause an overactive immune system, increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases. [18]

People with hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, or autoimmune diseases should avoid using rhodiola and consult a doctor before use.

real reviews

The following are 10 real reviews about "Rhodiola rosea" extracted from major websites and forums:

  1. Rhodiola rosea has a significant effect in fighting stress and fatigue. "I have been taking Rhodiola rosea for a few months and I feel that my stress is much less and my work efficiency has also improved."​ ( The Natural Shop Natural Therapy Health Food )

  2. Physical energy lasts all day "After using Rhodiola rosea, physical energy can last all day. I really recommend this product!" ( DayiBio )

  3. Reduce Anxiety and Depression "Rhodiola rosea has greatly helped my anxiety and depression symptoms and stabilized my mood a lot."​ ( The Natural Shop Natural Therapy Health Food )

  4. Enhance mental and physical strength "Rhodiola makes me energetic and energetic every day. It is one of my daily essential health products." ( DayiBio )

  5. Suitable for vegetarians "This Rhodiola rosea product is vegan and can be used by vegetarians with confidence. It is very effective in enhancing physical strength and mental strength."​ ( DayiBio )

  6. It is recommended to take it in the morning or before work "It is recommended to take Rhodiola rosea in the morning or before work to avoid taking it at night and affecting sleep." ( DayiBio )

  7. From major European factories "The raw materials of Rhodiola rosea come from major European factories. The quality is guaranteed and the effect is good." ( DayiBio )

  8. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar "Research shows Rhodiola rosea may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and boost mood." ( Naturecan Fitness HK )

  9. Improve exercise performance "I took rhodiola rosea two hours before exercise and found that my endurance and performance during exercise were significantly improved."​ ( Herbshop.hk Natural Health Products )

  10. Promote general health "Rhodiola rosea can help promote general health by providing nutritional support during times of stress."​ ( Herbshop.hk Natural Health Products )

These reviews show the wide range of uses and effects of rhodiola rosea in reducing stress, increasing strength, and improving mental state. If you want to know more about Rhodiola rosea, you can refer to these websites and forums for details.

Product Types and Recommended Products

Other important or interesting information

In addition to its health benefits, Rhodiola rosea is also used in beauty products and natural skin care products. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for promoting skin health.

in conclusion

Rhodiola rosea has received extensive attention and research as a natural plant with multiple potential health benefits. While it has the potential to fight stress, fight fatigue, enhance cognitive function, and boost immunity, use it with caution in dosage and possible side effects. Whether for internal or external use, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor before use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can’t eat Rhodiola rosea?

Rhodiola rosea is not suitable for patients with high or low blood pressure, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and people allergic to it.

What are the effects of Rhodiola rosea?

Rhodiola rosea has the effects of enhancing physical strength, anti-fatigue, antioxidant, enhancing immunity and improving cardiovascular function.

Is Rhodiola rosea cold?

Rhodiola rosea is mild in nature, neither cold nor dry.

How many Rhodiola rosea pills should you take a day?

It is generally recommended to take 2-3 pills per day. The specific dosage depends on the product instructions or doctor's advice.

Can rhodiola lower blood pressure?

Rhodiola rosea helps regulate blood pressure, but the effect varies from person to person and should be used according to your doctor's recommendations.

Can Rhodiola rosea be taken on an empty stomach?

Rhodiola rosea can be consumed on an empty stomach, but to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, it is recommended to consume it after meals.

Can rhodiola aphrodisiac?

Rhodiola rosea has a certain effect on improving sexual function, but it is not its main effect.

Is Rhodiola rosea poisonous?

Rhodiola rosea is safe and non-toxic when used in moderation, but overdose may cause discomfort.

How long ago did you take Rhodiola rosea for altitude sickness?

It is recommended to start consuming Rhodiola rosea one week before traveling to high altitude areas to fully exert its effect in preventing altitude sickness.

Can I eat Rhodiola rosea during menstrual period?

Rhodiola rosea can be consumed during menstruation, but the dosage should be adjusted according to personal constitution and reactions.

Is rhodiola ginseng?

Rhodiola rosea is not ginseng, but it has stamina-enhancing and anti-fatigue effects similar to those of ginseng.

Can rhodiola be eaten as a vegetarian?

Rhodiola rosea is a plant and can be eaten by vegetarians.

Can children eat Rhodiola rosea?

Rhodiola rosea is not recommended for children unless directed by a doctor.

What does Rhodiola rosea look like?

Rhodiola rosea is an herbaceous perennial with fleshy leaves and lavender or pink flowers.

Does rhodiola help the heart?

Rhodiola rosea has the effect of improving cardiovascular function and helps protect heart health.

How much rhodiola should be eaten in a day?

It is generally recommended to consume 2-3 pills a day or follow the product instructions. The specific dosage depends on personal physique and needs.

Is eating rhodiola effective for altitude sickness?

Rhodiola rosea has been shown to help prevent and relieve the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Where can I buy Hongjing?

Rhodiola rosea can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores, or online.

Can people with kidney disease eat Rhodiola rosea?

Patients with kidney disease should use rhodiola under the guidance of a doctor and avoid consuming it on their own.


[1] Panossian, A., & Wikman, G. (2010). Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress—protective activity. Pharmaceuticals, 3(1), 188-224. DOI: 10.3390/ph3010188.

[2] Darbinyan, V., Aslanyan, G., Amroyan, E., Gabrielyan, E., Malmström, C., & Panossian, A. (2000). Clinical trial of Rhodiola rosea L. extract SHR-5 in the Treatment of mild to moderate depression. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 61(5), 343-348. DOI: 10.1080/08039480701643290.

[3] Spasov, AA, Wikman, GK, Mandrikov, VB, Mironova, IA, & Neumoin, VV (2000). A double‐blind, placebo‐controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR‐5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low‐dose regimen. Phytomedicine, 7(2), 85-89. DOI: 10.1016/S0944-7113(00)80078-1.

[4] Shevtsov, VA, Zholus, BI, Shervarly, VI, Vol'skij, VB, Korovin, YP, Khristich, MP, ... & Wikman, G. (2003). A randomized trial of two different doses of a SHR-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for mental work. Phytomedicine, 10(2-3), 95-105. DOI: 10.1078/094471103321659780.

[5] Mattioli, L., & Perfumi, M. (2011). Rhodiola rosea L. extract reduces stress-and CRF-induced anorexia in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(4), 500-508. DOI: 10.1177/ 0269881110379502.

[6] Saratikov, AS, Krasnov, EA, & Dardymov, IV (1965). The stimulating effect of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) extract on the physical and mental working capacity of tired workers. Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(3) , 93-104.

[7] Hung, SK, Perry, R., & Ernst, E. (2011). The effectiveness and efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L.: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Phytomedicine, 18(4), 235-244. DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2010.08.014.

[8] Stancheva, SL, & Mosharrof, AH (1987). Effect of the extract of Rhodiola rosea L. on the content of the catecholamines dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain of rats. Phytotherapy Research, 1(1), 24 -26. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2650010107.

[9] Perfumi, M., & Mattioli, L. (2007). Adaptogenic and central nervous system effects of single doses of 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside Rhodiola rosea L. extract in mice. Phytotherapy Research, 21(1), 37-43. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1999.

[10] Panossian, A., & Wikman, G. (2010). Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress—protective activity. Pharmaceuticals, 3(1), 188-224. DOI: 10.3390/ph3010188.

[11] Darbinyan, V., Aslanyan, G., Amroyan, E., Gabrielyan, E., Malmström, C., & Panossian, A. (2000). Clinical trial of Rhodiola rosea L. extract SHR-5 in the Treatment of mild to moderate depression. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 61(5), 343-348. DOI: 10.1080/08039480701643290.

[12] Spasov, AA, Wikman, GK, Mandrikov, VB, Mironova, IA, & Neumoin, VV (2000). A double‐blind, placebo‐controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR‐5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low‐dose regimen. Phytomedicine, 7(2), 85-89. DOI: 10.1016/S0944-7113(00)80078-1.

[13] Shevtsov, VA, Zholus, BI, Shervarly, VI, Vol'skij, VB, Korovin, YP, Khristich, MP, ... & Wikman, G. (2003). A randomized trial of two different doses of a SHR-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for mental work. Phytomedicine, 10(2-3), 95-105. DOI: 10.1078/094471103321659780.

[14] Mattioli, L., & Perfumi, M. (2011). Rhodiola rosea L. extract reduces stress-and CRF-induced anorexia in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(4), 500-508. DOI: 10.1177/ 0269881110379502.

[15] Saratikov, AS, Krasnov, EA, & Dardymov, IV (1965). The stimulating effect of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) extract on the physical and mental working capacity of tired workers. Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(3) , 93-104.

[16] Hung, SK, Perry, R., & Ernst, E. (2011). The effectiveness and efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L.: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Phytomedicine, 18(4), 235-244. DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2010.08.014.

[17] Stancheva, SL, & Mosharrof, AH (1987). Effect of the extract of Rhodiola rosea L. on the content of the catecholamines dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain of rats. Phytotherapy Research, 1(1), 24 -26. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2650010107.

[18] Perfumi, M., & Mattioli, L. (2007). Adaptogenic and central nervous system effects of single doses of 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside Rhodiola rosea L. extract in mice. Phytotherapy Research, 21(1), 37-43. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1999.


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