美洲越橘 Huckleberry

Huckleberry is a species of several small-fruited shrubs in the genus Ericaceae. Belongs to two closely related genera: Vaccinium and Gaylussacia.


The name "huckleberry" is a variation of the North American English dialect name known as "hurtleberry" or "whortleberry," which stands for huckleberry. According to legend, when early American colonists first encountered the native American berry, they mistook it for a European blueberry and named it "hurtleberry." They continued to call it "hurtleberry" until 1670, when the name was inadvertently changed to "huckleberry." In North America, the name is applied to many varieties of the plant, all of which bear small berries that may be red, blue, or black in color. It is the common name for various Vaccinium species and some Vaccinium species, such as small-leaf Vaccinium and red Vaccinium, and also applies to other Vaccinium species according to local customs, such as in New England and some areas. Species of the genus may also be called blueberries.

These plants are found throughout eastern North America, the Andes, and other mountainous areas of South America. The bilberry fruit is edible, similar to the blueberry (Vaccinium genus), and the two are closely related. The plant can be cultivated and requires acidic, moist but well-drained soil.

What does a Huckleberry look like?

Ripe bilberries (Gaylussacia species).
Huckleberry plants are deciduous shrubs or subshrubs with simple, oblong leaves. The plant has shallow radiating roots topped with shrubs that grow from underground stems. Young stems and leaves may be waxy or hairy, depending on the species. The small, urn-shaped flowers, sometimes solitary but usually borne in small clusters, can be green, red, white or pink. The fleshy fruit has 10 small seeds. The berries are small and round, 5–10 mm (1⁄4–3⁄8 in) in diameter, and look like large dark blueberries.

Bilberries have many similarities to blueberries. They are small and round and range in color from red to blue and even black. Their seeds are significantly larger than blueberries and can taste a little bitter.

What does Huckleberry taste like?

It depends on their color. Red lingonberries tend to be more tart, while dark purple, blue and black berries have a sweeter taste. Their flavor is somewhat mild, similar to blueberries.

Benefits of Huckleberry

Like other berries, bilberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and fight off disease. Of course, vitamin C is important for collagen production, which can help your skin look softer and less wrinkled. They are also high in iron, which helps prevent iron deficiencies that can lead to anemia.

Main types


Four species of bilberries of the genus Gaylussacia are common in eastern North America, especially G. baccata, also known as black bilberry. The common huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata) of the eastern United States and Canada is also known as the black huckleberry or highbush huckleberry. Dwarf huckleberry (G. dumosa) extends from Florida to Newfoundland. The huckleberry (G. brachycera), native to the eastern and central United States, can reproduce asexually to form giant clones, some of which are thousands of years old.


Red huckleberry (V. parvifolium) is found along the central coast of California through Oregon to southern Washington and British Columbia. In the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, Montana, and Idaho, other huckleberry species, such as black huckleberry (V. membranaceum) and blue (Cascade) huckleberry (V. deliciosum), grow in a variety of habitats, Including alpine areas with altitudes up to 3,500 meters. They thrive in moist, acidic volcanic soil and can reach heights of 1.5 to 2 meters. At higher altitudes, huckleberries ripen in mid-to-late summer or later. Bilberries such as V. membranaceum, V. parvifolium and V. deliciosum can be used for ornamental purposes in appropriate climates. Garden huckleberries (Solanum scabrum) are not true huckleberries but are members of the nightshade family. The red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium) of the southern United States is often called the southern cranberry.

Huckleberries and blueberries

Many comparisons can be made between huckleberries and blueberries, but they are not the same. Technically speaking, bilberry refers to plants that grow in two genera: Gaylussacia and Vaccinium. Blueberries, on the other hand, only belong to the genus Vaccinium.

Scientific jargon aside, blueberries and huckleberries look almost identical, with colors ranging from red to purple to blue and even black. The two berries also taste very similar, but lingonberries tend to be more tart.

While blueberries can be found in supermarkets year-round, huckleberries are not grown commercially. Huckleberries hate domestication and are traditionally harvested from the wild, which makes them harder to obtain.

What's the best way to differentiate between these two berries?

Look at the seeds. Bilberries have 10 large, hard seeds, while blueberries have many tiny, almost imperceptible seeds.

Where to find huckleberries

One option is to go out into the wild and pick huckleberries. Huckleberries are one of grizzly bears' favorite foods, and they are willing to travel great distances to get them. So be aware of your surroundings when picking huckleberries, as you may be in a bear's favorite spot. You may have a hard time finding huckleberries at your local supermarket.


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