
Tibetan tuck flower , also known as holy thistle (scientific name: Cnicus benedictus) .

Holy thistle is a plant native to the Mediterranean region from southern France to Iran. It is characterized by its fuzzy dandelion-like leaves and fuzzy yellow flowers.

Holy thistle, also known as holy thistle, has been used since the Middle Ages to treat the Black Death, promote digestive health and prevent infection. Today, holy thistle is most commonly used to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.

Holy thistle is often made into a tea from the tops, leaves, and upper stems, or sold as a supplement in capsule, tincture, or powder form. In addition to promoting lactation, holy thistle is believed to stimulate appetite and treat diarrhea, indigestion, colds, and flu. Others apply holy thistle directly to boils, abscesses, and other skin infections to speed healing.

In addition to its medicinal uses, holy thistle is also a key ingredient in Benedictine liqueur.

Holy thistle is believed to stimulate lactation in nursing parents. It may be able to fight bacterial infections in the body and may even be an anti-cancer agent. More research will help confirm the true benefits of this herb.

The use of holy thistle in folk medicine has been passed down from generation to generation. In most cases, there is little clinical evidence to support its use. Although bitter, the plant is edible and is rich in a compound called cnicin, which is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties.

Holy Thistle Health Benefits


When a baby latches on to its mother's breast, many nerves in the mother's nipples are activated. This activates hormones throughout the mother's system. Two of these hormones are prolactin, which increases the mother's milk supply, and oxytocin, which releases milk.

Not all mothers naturally produce enough breast milk. Some people who need extra help take holy thistle, which is thought to stimulate breast milk production.

According to a 2016 review, holy thistle is commonly used as an herbal galactagogue. A galactagogue is a food, herb, or drug that increases the flow of breast milk, usually by raising prolactin levels. However, the review also noted that there haven't been enough high-quality clinical trials to really know how well it works.

Bacterial infections

There is little evidence that holy thistle can prevent or stave off the common cold, flu, or other viral infections. On the other hand, research shows this herb may help neutralize some common bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus.

While it's unclear how strong this effect is, especially when taken orally, the results further support the use of holy thistle as a topical antibacterial agent. The same effect may apply to common fungal infections.


Holy thistle contains cnicin, a compound found in many bitter herbs. Cnicin is thought to stimulate the production of saliva and stomach acid, both of which aid in digestion.

This may explain why holy thistle has long been used as a remedy for gas, constipation, and stomach pain.


Holy thistle also has a long-standing reputation as an expectorant. These herbs or medicines help loosen and thin mucus, making it easier for you to cough it up. However, no studies have evaluated its effectiveness as an expectorant.

skin infection

Holy thistle is part of the Asteraceae family. A 2015 study found that plants from this family have measurable antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. This shows there is some scientific basis behind the traditional use of holy thistle as a topical treatment for minor cuts and wounds.


Little is known about cnicin's purported anti-tumor properties. Most studies are limited to test-tube studies, some of which suggest that cnicin is not toxic to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) or breast cancer cells. More research is needed to see if these same effects occur outside of the test tube.

possible side effects

Holy thistle is considered safe when used as tea. However, even in tea form, if consumed in excess, it can cause stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. The same applies to holy thistle supplements and tinctures.

People with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis should avoid holy thistle. Doing so may cause symptoms to return or worsen.

Holy thistle also has a mild diuretic effect and should be used with caution if you are taking medicinal diuretics ("water pills") such as Lasix (furosemide).

Because holy thistle increases stomach acid, it may interfere with antacids and other heartburn medications (including proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers). To be safe, take holy thistle four hours before or four hours after taking an antacid.

While holy thistle is considered safe for nursing mothers, it may stimulate uterine contractions and should be avoided during pregnancy. Do not give holy thistle or any similar herbal product to children.

Dosage and Preparation

There are no guidelines indicating the proper use of holy thistle. Most supplements are formulated from 300 mg to 450 mg; within this range, three daily doses are considered safe. Doses above 5 grams (5,000 mg) per day increase the risk of side effects.

Make holy thistle tea by steeping 1 to 3 teaspoons of dried herbs in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Proponents believe that taking holy thistle and fenugreek together can further increase breast milk production. Others use it with alfalfa, nettle, or goat's rue.

Some commercially available lactation-stimulating products (such as Traditional Medicinal's Mother's Milk Tea, Motherlove's More Milk and More Milk Plus) contain holy thistle and other herbal galactagogues.

what to look for

Herbal remedies are not strictly regulated in the United States. Therefore, the quality may vary between brands. To ensure better quality and safety, stick to reputable supplement manufacturers with established market positions.

While many vitamin manufacturers submit their products for voluntary inspection by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), ConsumerLab, or other independent certification bodies, herbal supplement manufacturers are less likely to do so.

For added safety, choose supplements that are certified organic according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations. Doing so reduces the risk of exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and other common contaminants.

How long does it take for Holy Thistle to work?

Like all herbs, holy thistle is not suitable for everyone. However, some breastfeeding mothers report an increase in breast milk after using Holy Thistle for just a few days. Holy thistle seems to work better when taken with fenugreek.

For best results, breastfeed more often or pump after or between feedings. Holy Thistle is more likely to work when breast stimulation is increased.


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