Thistles are the bane of picnickers and campers. Who has not stepped on the sharp and merciless thorns of thistles while walking barefoot on the prairie? For many people, a relationship with thistle is often painful and irritating .
One of the great things about thistles is that every type of thistle is edible, so this is great news for beginner foragers! Even the most similar plants found here are edible - sow thistle ( Sochus spp.) and sea holly ( Eryngium maritimum ) .
There are at least 14 species of wild thistle in the UK, most of which are from Cirsium (also known as feather thistle) and thistle is found in many environments on our islands and can serve as a useful soil barometer.
Identify thistle
Mistaking a thistle is almost impossible. One of the most easily noticed botanical differences between thistles and their many relatives in the daisy family is that the overlapping bracts (involucre) found directly beneath the thistle flower are always spiny.
The leaves of many species vary in size, shape, and density of thorn cover. Most have hard spines on their edges, but some have soft prickles.
When in flower, most thistles have lovely purple/lavender flowers, but some varieties are known for their yellow inflorescences.
In all thistles, the flowers are replaced by masses of fluffy hairs (crests) that are attached to the tiny fruits, ideal for airborne dispersal.
Creeping thistle leaves are densely covered with spines, but the flower stems have very few spines or hairs. Spear thistle has large, deeply lobed leaves with large spines along the edges, and hairy, prickly stems.
At first glance, swamp thistles look somewhat like spear thistles, but without the large spines and petals, they usually have thin red leaf margins. Hair thistle is easily recognized by its large, deeply lobed, uniformly shaped leaves and very large flower heads wrapped in a "spider web" of cotton-like hairs.
where to find thistle
Creeping thistle will grow in a variety of heaths, meadows, edges and field edges.
Swamp thistles, as their name suggests, prefer moist environments such as swamps, swamps, canal towpaths and riversides.
Hair thistle is more selective about soil and environment, preferring a limey texture. It also likes grasslands. Welt thistle can be found across the UK and is particularly fond of clay soils.
nutritional value of thistle
In Portugal, many thistle varieties are still collected in the spring and sold on the market. A recent academic study highlights the nutritional value of eating thistles.
During the study, the researchers noted the wide variety of thistle species in the collection and focused on the nutritional value of one specific type of thistle ( Scolymus hispanicus – Spanish thistle or golden thistle). The plant is collected by villagers across the countryside. Bundles of stripped leaf midribs are bought and sold in several markets in different regions.
The levels of certain nutrients were analyzed and compared with some commonly used vegetables. Their findings show that thistles consistently contain higher levels of important macronutrients than some of our commonly used cultivated vegetables.
Relative to weight, thistles are high in fiber, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and other nutrients.
How to use thistle
Preparing thistle is very simple. Just choose the most tender specimens. If using petioles, cut and peel off all spines before peeling the outer fibrous layer from the stem. Use salad greens raw, pickled or fermented, or cut into salads and served with a tangy vinaigrette.
The stems are prepared similarly, but they are hollow. They can be used in a similar way to petioles, or you can stuff them, bake and stew them.