  • It takes 4-5 years for an apple tree to bear its first fruit. Standard-sized apple trees begin to bear fruit 8-10 years after planting. Dwarf trees begin to bear fruit in 3-5 years.
  • Apples ripen six to ten times faster at room temperature than when refrigerated.
  • It takes approximately 36 apples to make one gallon of cider.
  • There are more than 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States, ranging in color from red, green and yellow.
  • The science of apple growing is called pomology.
  • Trembling for apples? 25% of the volume of apples is air, which is why they float.
  • Pilgrims planted the first American apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Most apple blossoms are pink when they open but gradually turn to white.
  • It takes the energy of 50 leaves to produce one apple.
  • One of George Washington's hobbies was pruning his apple trees.
  • Apples come in a variety of sizes, from a little larger than a cherry to about the size of a grapefruit.
  • Most apples are still picked by hand.
  • The largest apple ever picked weighed 3 pounds 2 ounces.
  • Apple is a member of the rose family.
  • Due to their high boron content, apples can help improve memory, mental alertness, and brain electrical activity.
  • The average person eats 65 apples per year.
  • Most of the antioxidants found in apples, including quercetin, are found in the peel.
  • The most popular apple varieties in the United States are Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith.
  • The lifespan of an apple tree can reach about 100 years.
  • In Chinese culture, apple is pronounced "ping", which also means peace. This is why apples are a favorite gift when visiting Chinese people.
  • An average apple has 10 seeds.
  • Freshly squeezed apple juice turns brown immediately due to oxidation when it comes in contact with air.
  • A great trick to prevent fresh apple juice from turning brown is to add a few drops of lemon or lime juice. This helps prevent oxidation.
  • The world's largest apple producing countries are China, the United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy. Apples account for 50% of international deciduous fruit tree production.
  • The fear of apples is called applephobia. This phobia is named after the scientific name of the apple, Malus Domestica of the rose family (rosaceae).
  • The world's largest apple producing countries are China, the United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy. Apples account for 50% of international deciduous fruit tree production.


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