
Tips before cleaning strawberries

Before you start cleaning the berries, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure they don't become moldy or spoil before eating.

  • Do not wash strawberries until you are ready to cook or eat them. Strawberries have a spongy quality that allows them to absorb as much water as possible. If you wash the berries ahead of time and then store them, they will go bad faster.
  • Wash your hands before handling any fruit. This isn’t just specific to strawberries! Before handling any type of food, make sure your hands are clean to ensure you don't transfer bacteria to the food you're about to eat.
  • Discard any moldy or bruised berries. You don’t want to eat these because they can make you sick. Also, leaving moldy berries in a container may cause more mold to grow on good berries.
  • Skip the produce wash. According to the FDA, it is not recommended to wash fruits and vegetables with soap, detergent, or commercial produce cleaners.

How to wash strawberries with water

If you buy organic berries from a farmer's market or other local source, you can rinse them in cold water and place them on a dish towel or paper towel to dry. Then you can slice it, bake it or pop it in your mouth.

If your local fresh strawberries are looking dirty, you can also use the vinegar method below to remove excess dirt. However, don't use a produce brush as this may damage the fragile exterior or crush the berries entirely.

  • Step 1: Place fresh strawberries in a colander and rinse with cold water for a few seconds. Use clean hands to swirl the berries in the bowl so each strawberry is rinsed.
  • Step 2: Turn off the water and shake the ladle to remove excess liquid. Place the strawberries on a clean cloth and pat dry. Now they are ready to eat.

    How to Clean Strawberries with Vinegar

    If you buy strawberries from the grocery store, especially if they are conventionally grown using pesticides, there are a few more steps you need to take before eating them. Strawberries are one of the most sprayed traditional crops. Using a mixture of vinegar and water can help gently clean strawberries that may have been exposed to pesticides and other chemicals.

    Additionally, the journey from the farm to the grocery store shelf is long, and your berries are handled by many different people and exposed to different conditions. Needless to say, it's worth spending a little extra time to make sure your fruit is as clean as possible.

    • Step 1: Combine four parts water and one part white vinegar in a large bowl.
    • Step 2: Place berries in a colander that will fit into a large bowl. Slowly lower the colander into the bowl and make sure the berries are completely submerged in the vinegar wash.
    • Step 3: Soak for about 20 minutes (too long may cause the berries to become soggy, too short a time may result in poor results).
    • Step 4: Lift the colander and rinse the fruit thoroughly with cold water. Pat the fruit dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Don’t worry, if you rinse it off, there won’t be a trace of vinegar left behind—just the sweet, tangy flavor of summer.

    How to Clean Strawberries with Salt

    Salt water is an effective way to get rid of bugs on strawberries (we know, gross). Just grab a bowl and any salt you have in your pantry and follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Add about a tablespoon of salt to a bowl of warm water and let it dissolve.
    • Step 2: Place the strawberries in salt water and soak for about five minutes.
    • Step 3: Rinse berries and serve.

    How to Clean Strawberries with Baking Soda

    If you have baking soda in your pantry, this is an effective ingredient for cleaning fruits. Simply mix with water to remove pesticides, dirt and insects.

    • Step 1: Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with four cups of water and stir until dissolved.
    • Step 2: Add the strawberries to the mixture and stir with clean hands.
    • Step 3: Let the strawberries soak in the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Step 4: Rinse berries and serve.

    Why is cleaning strawberries important?

    Strawberries absorb pesticides easily and are ranked No. 1 on EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” list of most pesticide-contaminated produce. Properly cleaning strawberries can prevent you and your family from getting sick from ingesting these toxic chemicals. Consider buying organic strawberries at the store or local farmers market (or growing your own strawberry plants) to avoid pesticide contamination.

    How to store strawberries after cleaning

    There are many different methods, including: Storing Strawberries

    • Place them in an airtight glass container, such as a food storage container or mason jar.
    • Place unwashed strawberries on paper towels in a food storage container and place in the refrigerator.
    • Rinse strawberries with vinegar, pat dry, and place on clean paper towels in a glass container.
    • Place the strawberries in the refrigerator to freeze.

    Frequently asked questions

    What's the best way to clean strawberries?

    The best way to clean strawberries is to rinse them with water and then soak them in vinegar for about 20 minutes or in a mixture of water and baking soda for about 15 minutes.

    How to get rid of bugs on strawberries?

    Wash strawberries in salt water to remove bugs and dirt. Let them soak for a few minutes to ensure all insects are driven away before rinsing the berries.

    Can strawberries be stored longer without washing?

    Yes, strawberries last longer if left unwashed, which is why it’s so important to wait until you’re ready to eat or cook before washing them. Rinsing strawberries and returning them to the refrigerator can encourage mold growth.

    Is it better to wash strawberries with salt or vinegar?

    Should I wash strawberries with salt or vinegar? You can use either method to clean your strawberries, although neither is necessary—water will do! If you want to use a salt cleanse, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a few cups of warm water .

    Why soak strawberries in salt water?

    A quick and easy way to remove pesticides and bacteria from strawberries is to wash them with salt. This method will also attract any fruit fly larvae or tiny white worms that may be hiding inside the berries.


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