
What is bromelain?

Bromelain is an enzyme mixture that can be extracted from the stems or fruits of the bromeliad plant Ananas comosus.

Healers have used these enzymes in a variety of ways for hundreds of years. Nowadays, retailers tend to sell bromelain as a supplement or skin cream.

Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes that have active functions in the body. The active ingredients in bromelain include proteases and proteases, which are enzymes that break down proteins in the body.

Benefits of Bromelain Enzyme

People use bromelain as a natural treatment for many health problems. However, there is little high-quality scientific research to support its many uses.

Possible benefits and research on bromelain supplements include:

Relieve sinusitis

Bromelain may be helpful as supportive therapy to relieve symptoms of sinusitis and related conditions that affect the breathing and nasal passages.

A 2016 review of studies showed that bromelain can shorten the duration of sinusitis symptoms, improve breathing, and reduce nasal inflammation in children.

A 2006 systematic review reported that bromelain can help relieve sinus inflammation when a person takes it along with standard medications. This study provides high-quality evidence because it looked at 10 randomized controlled trials.

Treat osteoarthritis

People often use bromelain supplements to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

A 2004 review of clinical studies found bromelain to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis, possibly due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Researchers say further research into its effectiveness and appropriate dosage is needed.

However, this is an older study, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that so far there are mixed results on whether bromelain is effective alone or with other drugs in treating osteoarthritis.

Anti-inflammatory effect

In addition to reducing nasal inflammation in sinusitis, bromelain can also reduce inflammation in other parts of the body.

According to a 2016 research review, cell and animal model studies show that bromelain can reduce certain compounds associated with cancer inflammation and tumor growth.

Bromelain can also help stimulate a healthy immune system to release anti-inflammatory immune system compounds.

The review also showed that bromelain can reduce transforming growth factor beta, a compound associated with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and myelofibrosis.

However, scientists have conducted many of these studies in mice or cell-based laboratory settings, so researchers don't yet know the effects of bromelain in humans.

anti-cancer effect

According to one review, bromelain may have anti-cancer effects on cancer cells, improve inflammation in the body, and strengthen the immune system.

However, the National Institutes of Health says there is currently insufficient evidence to show that bromelain has any effect on cancer.

Promote digestion

Some people take bromelain to relieve symptoms of stomach upset and digestive disorders. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, some people use it as an adjunct therapy to treat inflammatory bowel disease.

The National Institutes of Health says there is insufficient evidence to support the use of bromelain to aid digestion.

Animal studies show that bromelain can reduce the effects of some bacteria that affect the gut, such as E. coli and Vibrio cholerae. These are common causes of diarrhea.

lose weight

Some supplement manufacturers market bromelain as a weight loss aid. They note that the enzymes in bromelain can increase the rate at which the body digests fat.

However, there are few studies showing bromelain can help people lose weight.

Source of bromelain

Bromelain is found naturally in the stems and yellow fruits of pineapples. Manufacturers may sell bromelain in the form of capsules, creams, powders, or tablets. Manufacturers may also package bromelain with other supplements, such as conjugated linoleic acid, a compound that may aid weight loss.


The body is generally able to safely absorb large amounts of bromelain. People can consume approximately 12 grams of bromelain per day without any adverse side effects.

However, neither doctors nor researchers have determined how much bromelain a person should take to see health benefits. Dosage may depend on the type of bromelain a person takes, how it is prepared, and the manufacturer's recommendations.

Risks, Side Effects and Interactions

Although bromelain is a natural substance, it may cause some side effects. These include:

  • Stomach discomfort
  • increased heart rate
  • menstrual problems

If a person experiences these side effects, they should stop using bromelain and talk to their doctor about other possible treatments.

People who are sensitive or allergic to pineapples should avoid taking bromelain. It can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild to severe, and in extreme cases, anaphylaxis.

If any of the following occur after taking or using bromelain, you should seek emergency medical assistance:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • nausea
  • severe redness or swelling of the skin
  • Vomit
  • weak, rapid pulse


Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes extracted from the pineapple fruit or stem. Research shows that when people take bromelain as a supplement, it can provide health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to heal wounds.

However, there are no large-scale human studies to support its effectiveness. Bromelain has almost no side effects. People may wish to add this supplement to their diet, but it should not replace medication.


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