小燭樹蠟 E902

E902, also known as candelilla wax, is a natural wax extracted from the leaves of the candelilla shrub (Euphorbia antisyphilitica), native to northern Mexico, Texas, and other areas of the southwestern United States. Candelilla wax is the most commercially important wax in northern Mexico. This wax is widely used in the food and cosmetic industries as a polish, emulsifier and thickener.


Candelilla wax is harvested by boiling the leaves and stems of the shrub in water to extract the wax. The wax floats to the surface, where it is skimmed off and further processed to remove impurities. It is then refined and bleached to produce a light yellow to light brown wax with a characteristic odor.


food industry

Candelilla wax is used as a gas and moisture barrier to extend the shelf life of foods or to impart a shine.

Candelilla wax is authorized in the EU for use as a glazing agent for confectionery (including chocolate), fine chocolate-coated bakeware small products, snacks, nuts and coffee beans, and only for surface treatment of certain fruits . It provides a glossy surface that helps improve the appearance and shelf life of food products.

Candelilla wax is a vegan alternative to beeswax and is commonly used as a dietary supplement to aid digestion, as a coating for pills and capsules, and as a thickening agent in foods.

Cosmetics industry

In the cosmetics industry, candelilla wax is used as a natural alternative to beeswax in a variety of skin care and makeup products. It acts as an emollient, thickener, and stabilizer in creams, lotions, lip balms, and other cosmetic formulations.

pharmaceutical industry

Candelilla wax is also used in pharmaceutical products such as tablets, ointments and suppositories as a binder, lubricant and coating material.


Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly

Candelilla wax is a plant-based wax that can replace animal waxes like beeswax, making it suitable for vegetarian and vegan recipes.

Texture and consistency

It imparts a smooth, creamy texture to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, enhancing their spread and skin feel. Candelilla wax is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores, making it safe to use on oily skin types.


Candelilla wax is hypoallergenic, making it ideal for people with allergies to pollen, bees, or honey. Candelilla wax is used to formulate animal-free, cruelty-free products that naturally protect skin from harmful environmental stressors.


Candelilla wax has excellent stability and antioxidant properties, helping to extend the shelf life of food and cosmetics.

security considerations

Candelilla wax is generally considered safe for consumption and topical use if used in accordance with good manufacturing practices. However, people with known allergies to Euphorbia plants should exercise caution. Additionally, as with any cosmetic or food ingredient, products containing candelilla wax must be used as directed and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.


E902 Candelilla wax is a versatile ingredient widely used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, valued for its natural origin, functional properties and stability.


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