添加劑:E942 - 一氧化二氮

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous oxide, is a compound that is a nitrogen oxide with the chemical formula N2O.

Its name "laughing gas" comes from the euphoria it produces when inhaled, a property that has led to its recreational use as a dissociative anesthetic.

It is a colorless, non-flammable gas at room temperature with a slight metallic odor and taste.

At high temperatures, nitrous oxide is a strong oxidant similar to molecular oxygen.

It is insoluble in water at any temperature.

Nitrous oxide has important medical uses, particularly in surgery and dentistry, because of its anesthetic and pain-reducing effects.

It is included on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines and is the most effective and safe medicine needed by health systems.

It is also used as a rocket propellant and as an oxidizer in racing cars to increase the power output of engines.

Nitrous oxide is present in small amounts in the atmosphere but was recently discovered to be a major scavenger of stratospheric ozone, with an impact comparable to that of CFCs. It is estimated that 30% of N2O in the atmosphere is the result of human activities, mainly agricultural activities.

Nitrous oxide uses in food

As food preservation gas

Nitrous oxide is used in industry as a food preservative, replacing oxygen in packaged meat and other products before refrigeration. Removing oxygen is necessary because it causes oxidation of food and promotes microbial growth. Oxygen-sensitive foods such as vegetables, fish, and fatty meats benefit from nitrous oxide because it preserves them without affecting flavor or texture. This gas is introduced through a process called gas flashing, in which it displaces oxygen and moisture in unsealed packaging. The package is then sealed to retain the gas inside.

As an ingredient in whipped cream

Whipped cream is widely used in the culinary industry and can be used in pies, cakes, desserts, and more. Nitrous oxide is important for whipping cream because it pushes the cream and prevents it from going rancid. It dissolves in liquids and oils and is ideal for emulsifying creams.

as a flavor enhancer

Nitrous oxide is the oldest commercially produced food flavoring and enhances the flavor of ice cream desserts. It has a strong metallic taste. More recently, it has been used to achieve a rich whipped cream flavor without the high fat and sugar content. Nitrous oxide is FDA-approved for use in whipped products and is becoming increasingly popular in dairy processing. It also enhances the flavor of aerated chocolate and certain tomato products. Used by some brewers to give beer a unique flavor, but this is less common.

Gives meat an attractive color

Nitrous oxide can enhance the red color of meat without any harmful effects. It changes the chemical structure of the food but does not turn the meat into artificial meat. Nitrous oxide acts as an oxidant and preserves meat by slowing decay. This ensures that the meat retains its natural color and attractive appearance for a longer period of time.

as baking agent

Nitrous oxide is a key part of baking because it reduces compounds like lactic acid, which gives bread its sour flavor. By mixing nitrous oxide into the dough, the dough becomes denser and easier to work with. Additionally, nitrous oxide acts as a propellant, causing the dough to expand and increase in size. It also enhances the aroma of baked goods and inhibits mold growth. However, the lack of regulations regarding acceptable levels of nitrous oxide in food is concerning.

as flour bleach

Nitrous oxide is an additive used by U.S. mills to bleach flour, making it softer, whiter and adding bulk. Its acidity-neutralizing properties make the flour lighter and whiter. Additionally, nitrous oxide can react with flour, turning it into a white powder. However, overreaction can cause the flour to go bad. Benefits of using nitrous oxide include extended shelf life, improved baking quality and whiter flour.

Helps with freezing and refrigeration

Nitrous oxide is an effective tool for freezing and refrigerating food, extending its shelf life and retaining its natural flavor. Liquid compressed nitrogen can freeze quickly while inhibiting bacterial growth and chemical reactions. It can be used for a variety of foods and can also be used to refrigerate wine and transport refrigerated goods.

Harden confectionery products

Nitrous oxide is commonly used in the candy manufacturing industry to create bubbles in candies. It is dissolved in water and added to chocolate, caramel and hard candies to maintain a stable temperature and prevent melting. The concentration of nitrous oxide varies depending on the type of candy. The higher the concentration, the more aerated the candy. The method of adding nitrous oxide will vary depending on the fat content of the candy. However, while it enhances bubble formation, it also affects flavor and smell. Additionally, nitrous oxide helps reduce production costs and promotes a cleaner environment.

Inhibits fruit ripening and rot

The effects of nitrous oxide on fruit ripening and decay have been studied and found to inhibit both processes. This gas facilitates long-term storage of fresh produce and reduces postharvest storage spoilage. There is a technique called fruit asphyxiation, which uses nitrous oxide to slow ripening and decay, and is commonly used in the industry to prevent rot. Nitrous oxide has been shown to have protective effects against postharvest decay, making it an effective alternative to asphyxiation. This is a simple and cost-effective way to extend shelf life and improve fruit quality. Additionally, nitrous oxide is less toxic to humans and animals than other commonly used chemicals. Its inhibitory effect on ripening and ethylene production is particularly pronounced in bananas and avocados that are frequently treated or stored with nitrous oxide. This gas accelerates ethylene production, but reducing ethylene production can prevent fruit from rotting. This is most effective for citrus fruits, which can be stored for longer periods of time before rot occurs, usually up to 30 days, with noticeable rot occurring after 20 days.

Other uses

Medical and dental uses

Nitrous oxide has been used in the medical field for more than 200 years. It can be used as both an anesthetic and a sedative. So, in addition to sleep, nitrous oxide can also provide pain relief . Nitrous oxide is widely used as an inhaled anesthetic in medical and dental settings for its analgesic and anxiolytic properties. When administered in controlled concentrations, it induces a state of conscious sedation, keeping patients awake and responsive while reducing discomfort and anxiety during surgery.

cooking use

Nitrous oxide is also used as a propellant in whipped cream dispensers in the culinary industry. When fitted with a nitrous oxide cartridge, these dispensers use gas to aerate and pressurize liquid cream, producing light and fluffy whipped cream.

Industrial applications

In addition to its uses in medicine, dentistry, and the culinary arts, nitrous oxide has a variety of industrial applications. It is used as a propellant in aerosol spray cans, a component in rocket propulsion systems, and as a fuel oxidizer in high-performance automobile engines.

recreational use

Outside of medical settings, nitrous oxide has a history of recreational use for its euphoric effects. It is usually inhaled from a small metal canister or a balloon filled with nitrous oxide. While inhaling nitrous oxide can produce feelings of euphoria and relaxation, recreational use also carries risks, including hypoxia, asphyxiation, and potential long-term neurological effects.

Impact on the environment

Nitrous oxide is considered a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change. Although it occurs naturally in the atmosphere as a byproduct of microbial processes in soil and water, human activities such as agricultural practices, industrial processes, and fossil fuel burning have significantly increased atmospheric concentrations of nitrous oxide.

security considerations

While nitrous oxide is generally considered safe when administered by trained professionals in medical and dental settings, recreational use carries inherent risks and can lead to serious health consequences, including hypoxia, loss of consciousness, even death. Additionally, long-term exposure to nitrous oxide in occupational settings may pose health risks to workers, including neurological and reproductive effects.


In summary, while nitrous oxide plays an important role in medicine, dentistry, and industry, its recreational use and environmental impacts highlight the importance of responsible use and regulatory oversight to mitigate potential risks and environmental consequences.


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