
Dandelion Green Detox Juice Recipe has many health benefits. Unlike most dandelion juice recipes, it has a sweet flavor (with a slight kick) and doesn't have an overpowering bitter taste.

Can dandelion greens be juiced?

The simple answer is yes, you can juice dandelion leaves. However, you should keep in mind that dandelion green is very bitter.

If you don't mind drinking bitter juice, feel free to add a lot of them to your juicer. Otherwise, you'll need to balance the bitterness with sweet products, like apples, or strong-flavored ingredients, like ginger and lemon juice.

(Another way to eat dandelions without the bitter taste is to make a smoothie. For example, you can blend this finished juice with frozen fruit (bananas or mangoes are perfect) to make a delicious green smoothie.)

You may be wondering why anyone would want to drink bitter juice. The answer lies in the powerful health benefits of dandelion leaves/vegetables.

Dandelion Juice Health Benefits

These health benefits are part of the appeal of juicing green vegetables from dandelion roots:

  • Promote liver function. Dandelion has detoxifying properties that help regulate hormones and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Very high in vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a role in wound healing/coagulation, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels.
  • High in vitamin C. This is great for supporting the immune system.
  • Rich in vitamins A and E. Both vitamins have important antioxidant properties, helping with eye health and more (see: A and E).
  • Helps reduce water weight. Natural diuretic properties can help reduce water buildup in the body.
  • Stimulates gallbladder flow. Gallbladder surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States. Eating bitter foods like dandelions can help you avoid gallbladder problems.

Why We Love This Detox Dandelion Green Juice Recipe

First of all, it tastes amazing. You would never know that dandelion greens are bitter after drinking this juicing recipe.

Enough about the specialty ingredients. Now, let’s talk about some of the health benefits of the other ingredients.

  • Green Apple: Rich in vitamin C and potassium. Anti-inflammatory. Can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Kale: Rich in vitamins A, K and C. Helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Helps digestion. Detox. Good for heart and skin health.
  • Cucumber: High in vitamin K. Prevent acid reflux. Anti-inflammatory. Can lower blood pressure.
  • Ginger: Rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese. Helps digestion. Can help relieve pain and prevent ulcers.
  • Celery: High in vitamin K. Reduce acidity. Anti-inflammatory agent. Improves kidney function.
  • Lemon: Rich in vitamin C. Natural antibiotics. Strengthen the immune system. Improve digestion. Promotes heart and skin health.


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