穇子: 起源、營養

Finger millet, also known as millet, is a small cereal crop mainly used for food and feed.

common name of wormwood

  • Botanical name: Eleusine Coracana
  • English name: Finger Millet
  • Tamil name: Kezhvaragu
  • Telugu name : Gagalu
  • Malayalam name: Mothari
  • Kannada name: Ragi
  • Hindi name: Madua
  • Marathi name: Nachni
  • Gujarati name: Bhava
  • Bengali name: Madua
  • Punjabi names: Mandhuka, mandhal
  • Oriya name: Mandia

Origin and spread

Eleusine coracana, commonly known as millet or ragi, is a cereal crop that originated in the highlands of East Africa approximately 5,000 years ago. It was domesticated from a wild weed and is thought to be the oldest known domesticated tropical African cereal. Although the exact origin is disputed, there is evidence that it originated in Africa rather than India.

About 3,000 years ago, millet spread from East Africa to India and eventually to southern Africa and Southeast Asia. It is now cultivated in warm temperate regions around the world, including Africa, Japan and Australia. Millet varieties grown in the lowlands of southern India and Africa have similar morphologies.

The closest wild relative of finger millet is E. coracana subsp. Africa, native to Africa. Research shows that millet originated in the East African highlands and was later introduced and domesticated in India.

Millets are most important in eastern and southern Africa and the Indian subcontinent. It is occasionally grown in other tropical areas but is of limited commercial importance in Southeast Asia.

The greater diversity of millet accessions from Africa compared to Indian collections suggests that Africa may have been the major center of origin. However, India has a long history of cultivation and has developed a wide variety of landraces and landraces.

Indian accessions show variability in economically important traits such as finger length, width, number, grain yield and biomass. This shows that India is the second center of diversity for Xiaomi.

Overall, millet has a rich history of cultivation and diversification in both Africa and India, making it an important crop in these regions.

It is grown in China, Japan, South Korea, India, Nigeria and other countries. Seed is a drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant crop that can also grow in dry areas.

This grain ranks sixth in India in terms of production after wheat, rice, corn, sorghum and bajra.

Growth characteristics:

It is a dwarf plant with a height of about 1 to 2 meters. Its stems are upright and its leaves are broad, resembling corn leaves. The seeds are yellow or brown and similar in shape to rice, but smaller.

Usage: Seeds of wormwood can be processed into grain, feed and alcohol. Main uses include:
  • Cereals: The seeds of cinnabar are used to make rice, flour, noodles and other cereal products. In some areas, people also grind the seeds into powder and use it to make cakes, porridge and biscuits.
  • Feed: Seed is an excellent feed crop suitable for raising livestock and poultry. Its seeds are rich in starch and protein and can provide energy and nutrients needed by animals.
  • Alcohol: The seeds of cinnabar can be used to brew beer and shochu. In some areas, people use the seeds to make traditional alcoholic beverages.

Nutritional value:

Seeds are rich in carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is a nutritious food that contributes to human health.

The seeds contain approx.

  • 5-8% protein,
  • 1-2% ether extract,
  • 65-75% carbohydrates,
  • 15-20% dietary fiber
  • 2.5-3.5% minerals.

Among all cereals and millets, zucchini has the highest calcium content (344mg%) and potassium content (408mg%). Cereals are low in fat (1.3%) and contain mostly unsaturated fats. On average, 100 grams of millet contains about 336 KCal of energy.

However, it also contains

  • Phytate (0.48%)
  • Polyphenols
  • Tannin (0.61%)
  • trypsin inhibitor
  • Dietary fiber

Because they are non-stick, the seeds are safe for people with gluten allergies and celiac disease. It does not form acid and is therefore easy to digest. Seeds are rich in amino acids (tryptophan, threonine, valine, isoleucine and methionine).

Health benefits of ragi

  • Seeds are an excellent source of natural calcium, which helps strengthen the bones of growing children and the elderly. Regular consumption of sesame seeds is beneficial to bone health, can prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, and can reduce the risk of fractures.
  • It is now established that phytates, polyphenols and tannins contribute to the antioxidant activity of millet foods, which are important factors in health, aging and metabolic disease.
  • The phytochemicals in cinnamon seeds help slow down the digestive process. This helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics. Studies have found that a rice-based diet is helpful for diabetics because it contains higher fiber than rice and wheat. In addition, studies have found that whole grain-based diets have a lower glycemic response, a lower ability to raise blood sugar levels. This is due to factors in the starch powder that reduce starch digestibility and absorption.
  • Due to its high nutritional content, ragi flour is recommended as a weaning food, especially in southern parts of India.
  • Seeds are a good source of natural iron, and consuming them can help in the recovery of anemia. Since Ragi food is high in calcium and iron content, it is ideal for pregnant women and senior citizens.
  • Eating cinnamon seeds helps relax the body naturally. It is beneficial in cases of anxiety, depression and insomnia. It is also useful for migraines.
  • Trichosanthes is recommended to treat conditions such as blood pressure, liver disease, asthma, and weak heart. Green Ragi is also recommended for nursing mothers whose milk production is insufficient.
  • If consumed regularly, millets can help prevent malnutrition, degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Therefore, cinnamon is an extremely nutritious grain that is very beneficial to maintaining good health. Therefore, their potential role as functional foods has attracted attention. However, its high intake may increase the levels of oxalic acid in the body. Therefore, it is not recommended for patients with kidney stones. Roast seeds can be enjoyed in different forms and preparations.

Economic Value:

Seeds are one of the main agricultural products in many regions and are vital to local economies and food security. The cultivation and processing industry of bamboo shoots provides employment opportunities for local farmers and promotes the development of rural economy.

In general, cinnamon is an important food and feed crop with rich nutritional value and wide range of uses, playing important economic and social roles in many regions.


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