- 2-Methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzamide
- 148-01-6
- Zoars
- 3,5-dinitro-o-toluamide
- zoalene
Molecular formula
C 8 H 7 N 3 O 5
( NO 2 ) 2 C 6 H 2 ( CH 3 ) CON H 2
Light yellow crystalline solid. Melting point: 177℃. Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in acetone, acetonitrile and dimethylformamide. Used as an antiparasitic drug in poultry. Store in a cool, ventilated place, away from acute fire sources and easily oxidized substances. Dinitropide is a dinitrotoluene. Dinitramide is a feed additive used to prevent coccidiosis infections in poultry.
What is Dini Dust
Dinitolmide (or zoalene) is a poultry feed additive used to prevent coccidiosis infections. It is sold under the trade names Coccidine A, Coccidot and Zoamix.
Dinitramide is usually added to feed at a dose of 125 ppm (preventive) or 250 ppm (therapeutic). It is a broad-spectrum anticoccidial drug that protects against seven major strains of the coccidia Eimeria. It leaves no residue in the tissue. It can also be used to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits.
Light yellow crystalline solid. Melting point: 177℃. Very slightly soluble in water. Soluble in acetone, acetonitrile and dimethylformamide. Used as an antiparasitic drug in poultry. Store in a cool, ventilated place, away from acute fire sources and easily oxidized substances.
Product Description
Zoamix® (zoalene) is a Class A drug used for the prevention and control of coccidiosis in broilers and turkeys. Zoamix contains 113.4 grams (25%) of zoalene (3,5-dinitro-o-toluamide) per pound of premix.
Instructions for use
• Zoamix is approved for the prevention and control of coccidiosis in broilers. The inclusion rate is 113.5 g (0.0125%) zoalene per ton of feed.
• Zoamix can be used as a substitute for chickens to develop active immunity against coccidiosis. Inclusion content ranges from 36.3 to 113.5 grams per ton of feed (0.004 to 0.0125%) zoalene.
• Zoamix is approved for use in turkeys (raised turkeys)
meat) for the prevention and control of coccidiosis.
The inclusion rate is 113.5~170.3g (0.0125
Each ton of feed contains 0.01875%) zoalene.
FDA Status • Class 1 drug, no feed manufacturing license required • Zoalene is not classified as medically important per FDA Guideline 152.1
Storage and Packaging • Store in a protected place, avoid overheating and keep packaging tightly closed to avoid contamination.
• Zoamix is packaged in 50-pound multi-layer paper bags with a protective barrier layer.
KEY POINTS • Zoamix is a Category A drug product available as a tan, free-flowing coarse powder.
• Provides year-round (non-seasonal) coccidiosis protection • Zoamix is part of Rotecc® Coccidiosis Management – a customizable rotation of Zoetis that helps ensure you have the right approach to control coccidiosis at the right time .