
Vinyl acetate is an industrial chemical produced in large quantities in the United States. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a sweet, fruity aroma.

It is highly flammable and may be ignited by heat, sparks or flames.

Vinyl acetate is used in the manufacture of other industrial chemicals. These chemicals are mainly used in the manufacture of glues in the packaging and construction industries. They are also used in the manufacture of paints, textiles and paper. Vinyl acetate is also used as a coating for food packaging plastic films and as a modifier for food starch.

Vinyl acetate is a clear colorless liquid. Flash point 18°F. Density 7.8 lbs/gallon. Slightly soluble in water. Vapor is heavier than air. Vapors irritate eyes and respiratory system. May polymerize if heated or contaminated. If polymerization occurs inside the container, the container may burst violently. Used in the manufacture of adhesives, paints and plastics.

  • CAS 108-05-4
  • (EC) No. 203-545-4
  • UN number 1301

What happens to vinyl acetate in the environment?

Low levels of vinyl acetate have been detected in air, soil and water. It enters the environment primarily from the industries that manufacture or use it. Mainly released into the air. Because it is soluble in water, it may be found in rain or snow. It can pass through soil and enter groundwater.

Vinyl acetate breaks down quickly in the environment. In the air, sunlight will break it down within hours or days. Likewise, vinyl acetate breaks down in soil and water within hours or days. Little is known about the content of vinyl acetate in plants and animals, but its levels are not expected to increase over time.

How am I exposed to vinyl acetate?

Exposure to vinyl acetate in the general population is expected to be low. People who smoke, live near hazardous waste sites, or work with vinyl acetate may be exposed to higher levels of the substance in the air.

You may be exposed to small amounts of vinyl acetate when you use paint or glue that contains vinyl acetate, breathe contaminated air, or eat foods that contain the compound. If you smoke or live with a smoker, you may be exposed to vinyl acetate. If your water contains vinyl acetate, household activities such as showering, bathing, doing laundry, or washing dishes may expose you to this chemical. Vinyl acetate in the soil can turn into vapor and enter your home, usually through your basement; this is called vapor intrusion.

If you live near a hazardous waste site or work with vinyl acetate, you may be exposed to higher levels of vinyl acetate than the general public due to exposure due to vapor intrusion, contaminated air, and/or contaminated groundwater Increase.

How does vinyl acetate affect my health?

Vinyl acetate can irritate your nose and throat if you breathe in low to moderate concentrations.

Studies in animals show that breathing vinyl acetate can cause damage to their noses and lungs, with the condition worsening over time of exposure. When pregnant animals are exposed to vinyl chloride, there is some evidence of impaired growth and developmental delays in the pups.

Does vinyl acetate cause cancer?

The carcinogenic potential of vinyl acetate in humans has not been fully studied.

Tumors in the noses were found in mice that chronically breathed vinyl acetate. Cancers develop in the mouth and stomach when rats and mice drink water containing vinyl acetate over a long period of time.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has not classified vinyl acetate for its potential to cause cancer in humans.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not classified vinyl acetate for its carcinogenic potential.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) lists vinyl acetate as a possible carcinogen to humans.

How can I protect myself and my family from vinyl acetate?

Most people do not need to take any special steps to avoid the use of vinyl acetate in their daily lives. People may want to avoid smoking or breathing cigarette smoke. When working with glue or paint that may contain vinyl acetate, wear latex or rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area. Keep products containing vinyl acetate out of the reach of children. Don't let your children play near hazardous waste sites.


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