香檸檬和香檸檬油 - 用途,使用,風險等


Citrus bergamia is also called bergamot or bergamot orange. It is a citrus fruit native to Italy. The essential oils in the peel and the extracts in the juice are used in pharmaceuticals.

Bergamot oil contains a variety of active chemicals and is often used in aromatherapy. When applied to the skin, the chemicals in bergamot oil can make the skin sensitive to the sun.

Bergamot is used to treat high levels of cholesterol or other fats in the blood. It is also used to treat anxiety, mental alertness, joint pain, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these other uses.

Purpose and efficacy?

May be valid for

  • High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia). Taking bergamot extract by mouth appears to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. It's unclear whether it helps lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good") cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

May not be valid

  • anxiety. Inhaling bergamot oil as aromatherapy does not appear to reduce anxiety in people undergoing radiation therapy.
  • Mental alertness. Inhaling bergamot oil as aromatherapy does not appear to increase mental alertness. In fact, due to its relaxing effects, it may reduce mental alertness in healthy adults.

side effect

When taken orally: Bergamot oil is usually taken in food. Bergamot extract may be safe for short-term use as a medication. Side effects of bergamot extract are usually mild and may include heartburn.

When applied to skin: Bergamot oil may not be safe. It may damage the skin.

When inhaled: Bergamot oil may be safe for short-term inhalation.

Special Precautions and Warnings

When taken orally: Bergamot oil is usually taken in food. Bergamot extract may be safe for short-term use as a medication. Side effects of bergamot extract are usually mild and may include heartburn.

When applied to skin: Bergamot oil may not be safe. It may damage the skin.

When inhaled: Bergamot oil may be safe for short-term inhalation. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It may not be safe to use bergamot oil on your skin while pregnant or breastfeeding. There is not enough reliable information to know whether taking bergamot by mouth during pregnancy or breastfeeding is safe. Stay safe and stick to the amounts commonly found in foods.

Children: Bergamot oil is often consumed in food. But taking large amounts of bergamot oil may not be safe. Children who took large amounts of bergamot oil experienced serious side effects, including convulsions and death.

Surgery: Bergamot may lower blood sugar and interfere with blood sugar control during surgery. Stop using bergamot at least two weeks before scheduled surgery.


  • Drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitizing drugs) interact with bergamot
  • Some medications may make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. Bergamot may also make skin more sensitive to sunlight. Using these products together may increase the risk of sunburn, blistering, or rash when skin is exposed to the sun. Always wear sunscreen and protective clothing when spending time in the sun.
  • Diabetes Medications (Anti-Diabetic Medications) Interact with Bergamot
  • Bergamot may lower blood sugar levels. Taking bergamot with diabetes medications may cause your blood sugar to drop too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely.

How to use bergamot oil

You can buy bergamot oil online and at some health stores. To use on the skin, you need to mix the oil with a carrier oil (such as olive oil) and then apply it.

However, before using on a large area, remember to test it on a small area of ​​skin to check for any allergic reactions. If a reaction occurs, do not use the oil again.

You can often find bergamot's unique citrus scent in personal care products such as perfume, cologne, toiletries and cosmetics. People also use bergamot oil as a food and beverage flavoring. It may also have some medicinal value.


Bergamot essential oil is known for its soothing aromatherapy properties. You can use it regularly in the following ways:

  • Mix 15-30 drops of bergamot essential oil with a carrier oil and use as a body lotion or for massage.
  • Add 2-5 drops of bergamot essential oil to products such as body wash, shampoo, and facial scrub.
  • Add bergamot essential oil to homemade scented candles and air fresheners. You can also apply it in a vaporizer to spread its scent around a room or add it to floral scents.
  • Apply it to a bandana or handkerchief for a soothing scent wherever you go.

One study found that using bergamot oil as part of aromatherapy may help as a complementary therapy for mental health. However, the study noted that more research is still needed to determine the oil's large-scale effects and safety.


Several compounds in bergamot oil have Trusted Source immune-modulating, wound-healing activity, and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you don't have sensitive skin, this may make bergamot oil an effective topical treatment for acne or other minor cuts on your skin. Bergamot may also help improve psoriasis symptoms.

Where to apply bergamot oil?

Use bergamot oil topically to treat acne or other minor skin problems:

  • Apply bergamot oil diluted in a carrier oil directly to pimples, cysts, minor cuts, and blackheads.
  • Leave overnight.
  • Mix the diluted oil with water or your favorite cleanser and use it as a facial rinse.


Bergamot oil lovers swear by this essential oil's ability to soften and tame curls. Anecdotal evidence suggests bergamot oil can also soothe an irritated scalp.

Some evidence also suggests that using this oil on your hair may promote hair growth.

To use, add a few drops to your regular shampoo. You can also mix one to two drops with a tablespoon of carrier oil and massage it into your scalp as an overnight treatment.

Mix with other essential oils

Many other essential oils provide similar benefits. Try to try the ones you like and mix them with each other. Some essential oils you can try blending with bergamot essential oil include:

  • Lavender Oil: Lavender is a classic aromatherapy scent. It is frequently used in skin, hair, and acne products and treatments.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is revered for its antibacterial properties, which can fight acne and soothe irritated skin.
  • Chamomile Oil: Chamomile can be soothing like a tea or applied to the skin, and it can also lift your mood.

To determine the proportions of each oil in the mixture, consider that bergamot has a very distinct scent that may overpower other scents, but the scent won't last long. The smell of other oils may not be as strong but will last longer. These factors can help you determine which oils to mix and how much.

Remember, before trying any new oil, you should test a small amount on a small patch of skin.

If you don't experience a reaction, it's safe to use. Also, don't forget to use a carrier oil or other diluent to help protect your skin.

Bergamot Oil Benefits

Research on bergamot oil has found a variety of benefits. These include:

relieve pressure

A small 2015 study of Japanese women found that inhaling bergamot oil mixed with water vapor reduced feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

A 2017 study supports earlier findings from Trusted Source and others about mental health. Researchers suggest you can use it as part of complementary therapy for mental health.

Fight food poisoning

Compounds in bergamot may be effective in destroying bacteria that cause foodborne illness.

Early research has found that bergamot oil can be used to help control foodborne illness, potentially providing a better solution than using antibiotics and other additives, especially now that bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.

A 2016 study also tested the effects of different types of bergamot essential oil on strains of Listeria monocytogenes. The researchers used Listeria samples from different sources, including fish and poultry.

Different formulations of bergamot had a weak to strong effect on preventing the growth of different bacterial samples. Given the differences, the researchers concluded that bergamot essential oil should be evaluated for its effectiveness against food bacteria.

A 2017 study on herbs and koji mushrooms also found that bergamot oil has antifungal properties. The properties of this oil help inhibit fungal growth. Another in vitro study in 2022 found similar effects on fungi that contaminate fruit.

reduce cholesterol

Numerous studies have found that bergamot oil may be able to lower cholesterol, according to a 2019 research review.

A 2016 review of human and animal studies also suggests that flavonoids found in bergamot can help lower lipid levels. However, research suggests that the exact mechanisms driving this result need to be clarified.

A 2018 animal study also confirmed this finding. Research has also found that the polyphenols in bergamot have anti-inflammatory effects on the livers of rats recovering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Reduce pain and inflammation

Linalool and carvacrol are compounds found in bergamot oil. A review of studies examined the effects of various essential oil compounds on pain responses and other conditions in humans and animals.

Linalool and carvacrol have been found to have analgesic, anticonvulsant, and anti-inflammatory properties when used in a variety of ways.

The review also suggests that the potential toxicological effects of essential oils on humans require further study. Another 2020 study on mice confirmed similar findings.

Learn about other natural pain relievers.

That said, it's not clear from these studies how using bergamot oil can provide these benefits in humans, or whether it's safe.

This may be particularly helpful in preventing food spoilage due to fungal growth, which may also help reduce the use of artificial preservatives. That said, bergamot oil is not easily soluble in water and easily degrades, which may be a barrier to its use in this field.

Risks of Using Bergamot Oil

There are some risks to consider before using bergamot oil.

allergic reaction

Bergamot essential oil may irritate some people's skin, especially if not diluted with a carrier oil. Essential oils, including bergamot oil, can sometimes cause allergic dermatitis.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction or sensitivity to bergamot oil may include:

  • redness
  • measles
  • burning sensation
  • blister
  • pain

If you also have symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling of your lips or tongue, or nausea and vomiting, you may be experiencing anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction. Someone near you should take you to the emergency room immediately.

To make sure you're not allergic to bergamot oil, you'll need to test it on your skin. Rub a dime-sized area of ​​your forearm with oil diluted in a carrier oil. Prepare a solution that is twice as concentrated as you plan to use.

For example, if you want to use a 3% solution of bergamot oil in a carrier oil, make a small sample of 6% for patch testing. If no allergic reactions occur within 24 hours, it should be safe to use.


According to the National Holistic Aromatherapy Association (NAHA), bergamot oil is safe during pregnancy.

However, you may need to use a lower concentration. Before doing any aromatherapy during pregnancy, it's best to talk to your doctor.

Learn more about essential oils and pregnancy.

exposed to sunlight

Never leave bergamot oil on your skin during the day or in the sun, even if it is diluted with a carrier oil or skin care product. Certain compounds in oils can cause photosensitivity, leading to allergic skin reactions.

If you're concerned about your skin's sensitivity to the sun, look for bergamot oil that doesn't contain bergamotene. This is especially important if you also take medications that may increase sensitivity to sunlight (such as certain antibiotics).


Never swallow bergamot oil, it may be poisonous. Additionally, even essential oils that are inhaled or used topically can interfere with some medications.

Essential oils are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means you don't always know if you're using pure essential oils or if they contain other hidden ingredients.

It is important to check the interactions of bergamot oil with other medications before use. One way is to talk to your pharmacist or doctor about any medications you are taking that may interfere with your essential oils.


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