黃耆膠 - 用途、副作用等

Astragalus (Agarwood) is a shrub that grows in the Middle East. The sap-like substance (resin) of the bark is used in medicine. Tragacanth contains chemicals that irritate the intestines.


Tragacanth has traditionally been used as an emulsifier as well as a thickener, suspending agent and adhesive. It is also used to treat diarrhea and as a sedative in cough and cold preparations.

Tragacanth is currently used in foods, salad dressings, denture fixatives, and to thicken ice cream. It is also being studied as a novel drug delivery product.

Uses and Pharmacology

analgesic effect

animal data

Data from mouse studies suggest that tragacanth may exert analgesic effects by blocking alpha-2 adrenergic receptors.

Antibacterial activity

Tragacanth does not have antibacterial properties and needs to be functionalized or modified to introduce bactericidal activity. Silver nanoparticles and quaternary ammonium compounds have a permanent positive charge and are commonly used as antibacterial agents in a variety of applications to inhibit bacterial growth. Gum tragacanth has been modified with quaternary ammonium salts to make it have antibacterial activity. After functionalization, it is copolymerized with acrylamide or acrylic acid using perceric ammonium as the initiator; these hydrogels are effective against Gram-negative and Gram-negative bacteria. Positive bacteria showed good activity.

Adhesive properties

Tragacanth has been used as an adhesive to create scaffolds for bone regeneration.


Animal and in vitro data

Tragacanth has been reported to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro and in animal studies.


clinical data

As with other water-soluble chewing gums, there is some preliminary evidence that tragacanth can regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes when ingested together with high sugar content. However, this effect has not been consistently demonstrated and more detailed studies are needed.

Dietary fiber

Although tragacanth bulges, thereby increasing stool weight and shortening gastrointestinal transit time, it differs from other soluble fibers in that it appears to have no effect on serum cholesterol, triglycerides, or phospholipids after a 21-day supplementation period. Level has no effect.

wound healing

animal data

In a study evaluating wound healing in rabbits, a cream was prepared from tragacanth using a mixture of water and glycerol as a carrier. The wound healing of the group treated with tragacanth-containing cream was better than that of the untreated control group. The best therapeutic effect was observed with a cream containing 6% tragacanth.

side effect

When taken orally: Tragacanth is usually taken in food. May be safe when used as medicine. But be sure to take it with plenty of water. If you don't drink enough fluids, it can clog your throat and intestines.

When applied to skin: Tragacanth is potentially safe when used as a cosmetic ingredient.

Special notes and warnings

When taken orally: Tragacanth is usually taken in food. May be safe when used as medicine. But be sure to take it with plenty of water. If you don't drink enough fluids, it can clog your throat and intestines.

When applied to skin: Tragacanth is potentially safe when used as a cosmetic ingredient.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is not enough reliable information to know whether tragacanth is safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding. Stay safe and stick to food portions.

Quillaja allergy: Scutellaria baicalensis may cause breathing problems in people who are sensitive to Quillaja bark.


Oral medications (oral medications) interact with astragalus

Tragacanth is a thick gel. Taking tragacanth along with oral medications can affect how much of the medication your body absorbs and change how well the medication works. To prevent this interaction, take tragacanth 30-60 minutes after taking your oral medication.


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