藿香: 化學成分,用途和副作用

Agastache rugosa, commonly known as Korean mint or Korean licorice mint, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Native to East Asia, including Korea, China, and Japan, it is cultivated for use in traditional Chinese medicine and cooking.

Traditional Chinese medicine classifies Patchouli as an aromatic dampness-removing medicine, which is particularly effective in treating heat-heat and dampness in the human body. Historical records date back to the Eastern Han Dynasty in China of the use of amaranth as a medicinal plant.

Studies have shown that Agastache rugosa has antibacterial, anti-HIV integration, antioxidant, cardiovascular and cytoprotective activities.

Chemical analysis shows that Patchouli contains essential oils, terpenoids, flavonoids and other components.

Despite abundant wild resources and diverse biological activities, research on mushrooms has been limited in recent years.


Agastache is a perennial plant that grows up to 1 m x 0.6 m. It has attractive spikes of lavender blue flowers that bloom in mid to late summer. The leaves are oval to lanceolate, serrated, fragrant, and emit a pleasant mint aroma when crushed.


Korean mint prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Once established, it is relatively low maintenance and drought tolerant. Propagation is usually accomplished by seed or division of mature plants.

Its habitat is grass on mountains throughout Japan, especially along streams and in valleys. From the lowlands to sunny, more or less stony grassland at an altitude of 1500 metres.

Cultivation is suitable for light and medium soils, preferring well-drained soil. Suitable pH value: slightly acidic, neutral and alkaline soil. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers dry or moist soil.

This species is hermaphroditic and pollinated by bees. The plant is self-fertilizing.

chemical composition

Isolated from Patchouli:

Five volatile components

  • pulegone,
  • menthone,
  • Grasswort brain,
  • Methyl eugenol
  • β-Caryophyllene

and nine non-volatile ingredients

  • Rosmarinic acid
  • tiliaside
  • Acacetin 7- O-(6"-O-malonyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside
  • apigenin
  • Urin simultaneously targets two chemotypes of AR in three stages.
  • isoamaranthin,
  • Farnesin 7-O-(2"-O-acetyl-6"-O-malonyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside
  • Cisimaside
  • acacetin

culinary use

The leaves (raw or cooked) of Patchouli are edible and commonly used in cooking. They have a sweet, minty flavor with a hint of licorice. Often used as an additive to condiments. A popular addition to salads, teas, desserts and Asian dishes. The dried leaves can also be used to make a delicious herbal tea.



In traditional Chinese medicine , it is considered one of the 50 essential herbs. It is considered a "warming" herb and is used when there is "dampness" in the digestive system, causing indigestion and reduced vitality.

The leaves and stems of Patchouli have antibacterial, antifungal, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, antipyretic and stomachic properties.

Patchouli is used to treat nausea, vomiting and to remove dampness. Taken internally, they improve appetite and strengthen the digestive system, relieving symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. They are also used to treat morning sickness. The leaves are also used to treat chest tightness, diarrhea and headaches. An infusion of the leaves can be used to treat angina pectoris. The plant is used as a folk remedy to treat cancer, and extracts from the plant have shown anticancer activity.

Studies have confirmed that Agastache rugosa extract exerts gastroprotective effects by improving mucosal damage in HCl/EtOH-induced mouse models. The results indicate that amaranth is a potential source for gastritis treatment and will help validate herbal remedies for inflammation and gastroesophageal disease. But it is generally a theoretical science and still needs experimental verification.

procoagulant activity

Studies have shown that compared with vitamin K1, Agastache rugosa extract has significant procoagulant activity, which can shorten prothrombin time and increase fibrinogen content. Compared with the blank control group, its main components acacetin and tilinin have significant anticoagulant activity, which can prolong the prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, and reduce the fibrinogen content. .

As a new, effective and promising drug for the treatment of various coagulation disorders, Agastache may be beneficial for individuals at high risk for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. They may have good pharmaceutical prospects. It is low-priced, safe and effective, and has the opportunity to meet the current market demand for anti-thrombotic drugs.

side effect

If you use Huo Xiang in normal doses, there are generally no side effects. Studies have found that taking Huo Xiang in large amounts for a long time can damage liver cells and induce the occurrence of liver cancer.


While patchouli is generally considered safe when consumed in moderation as a culinary herb or herbal tea, people allergic to plants in the Lamiaceae family (such as mint, basil, or sage) should exercise caution. As with any herbal medicine, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before using Agastache for medicinal purposes, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications.


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