冷水淋浴(沖凍水涼)真的有益? 還是只是另一個虛搆神話?

Research suggests that cold showers may have health benefits, in part because they help improve circulation and stress response. Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to take advantage of our bodies' tendency to adapt to harsher conditions, where our bodies become more resistant to stress. However, not all popular claims about cold showers are backed by science. More research is still needed to prove that cold showers are good for your health in the long run.

The benefits of cold showers are believed to occur through a biological process called hormesis. Hormesis is a phenomenon in which a substance that typically causes stress and damage to the body at low doses produces beneficial effects at high doses.

Exposure to extremely cold water triggers the body's fight-or-flight response, raising levels of endorphins and norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in stress and attention. and cognitive function. Exercise and dietary caloric restriction are other examples of hormesis.

health benefits

Benefits of cold showers include improving blood circulation, boosting immunity, promoting weight loss, aiding mental health, and more.

can wake you up

There's a scientific backing to why you'll feel more alert after soaking in cold water. When cold water hits your skin, your circulation increases and blood rushes to your core. Improved blood flow helps carry more oxygen throughout your body, which may help you feel more alert.

You may also feel more alert and energized due to the endorphin surge in cold water.

Research has found that taking regular cold showers may help boost energy levels. The effect is similar to drinking caffeine.

May reduce muscle soreness

Cold therapy, such as ice, is often used to relieve post-exercise pain and aid injury recovery. Likewise, cold water immersion has similar benefits. In a 2013 study, immersing the body from the neck down in water at 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit for 5-15 minutes helped reduce post-exercise soreness. A 2021 review of 32 trials found that cold therapy delayed muscle soreness when administered within an hour of exercise. Interestingly, heat therapy works similarly to cold therapy, but hot showers can dry out and irritate the skin. Therefore, opting for a cold shower may be a better option.

Can relieve pain

Research shows that cold exposure stimulates cold receptors in the skin, sending signals to the brain to reduce pain. Cold showers also increase endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers and improve mood. Additionally, cold showers have been found to have an anti-inflammatory response and may help reduce pain associated with inflammation. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of cold showers in treating different types of pain and reducing inflammation.

Increase endorphins

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression affects at least 10% of U.S. adults. Many medications can treat depression, depending on the severity or duration of symptoms. One holistic therapy that is becoming increasingly popular is hydrotherapy.

Cold showers can serve as a mild form of electroshock therapy. Cold water sends many electrical impulses to your brain. They shock your system, increasing alertness, clarity, and energy levels. Exposure to cold activates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing levels of endorphins and norepinephrine in the blood and brain. Taking regular cold showers may increase energy levels, with effects similar to those of caffeine , an effect that can lead to feelings of well-being and optimism.

Regular winter swimming and physical activity during the colder months can significantly reduce stress, fatigue, memory, and negative emotions. Research also shows that cold showers may be effective in relieving symptoms of depression.

Helps improve metabolism

White fat is the fat we associate with obesity and diseases like heart disease, but we are born with brown fat. Researchers have found that brown fat plays an important role in adult health. Healthy levels of brown fat also indicate that white fat will be at healthy levels as well. Cold temperatures activate brown fat in the body, which burns calories to keep the body warm. Whether burning brown fat helps reduce obesity and control blood sugar is still being studied.

Cold water immersion boosts metabolism as the body increases metabolism to stay warm, thus burning more calories. Obese people cannot simply start taking cold showers to lose weight without changing other lifestyle habits. But taking cold showers two to three times a week may help boost your metabolism. Over time, it may help fight obesity. Research on exactly how cold showers help people lose weight is unclear. Still, it does suggest that cold water can balance certain hormone levels and heal the gastrointestinal system. These effects may increase the weight loss benefits of cold showers.

Improve blood circulation

Submerging our bodies in cold water may feel uncomfortable, but it can also be invigorating. This is because water that is cooler than our natural body temperature causes the body to work slightly harder to maintain its core temperature. Taking regular cold showers can improve the efficiency of our circulatory system.

Cold showers can increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. Cold water can also tighten skin pores. Although there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cold showers are good for skin and hair, more research is needed.

Athletes have known about this benefit for years, even though we've only recently seen data supporting the benefits of cold water for healing after sports injuries. This is the same reason ice can reduce inflammation when we bruise or tear a muscle. By lowering the temperature of an area of ​​the body, we can increase the rate at which warm, freshly oxygenated blood is delivered to that area. This will speed up recovery time. Some people may benefit from a cold shower because it helps blood flow through the body faster. These include people with poor circulation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Help fight common diseases

Our bodies are designed to withstand the elements we are exposed to. For example, white blood cells help fight infections in the body. The shock of cold water in the blood stimulates the white blood cells. This means taking cold showers can help you fight off common illnesses like colds and flu.

One study even showed that cold showers can make the body more resistant to certain types of cancer. Repeated cold water stimulation has also been found to reduce the frequency of infections and improve quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) .

A clinical trial in the Netherlands showed that people who took cold showers were less likely to lose their jobs.

One study found that participants who took hot showers at the coldest water temperature of 30, 60, or 90 seconds for at least 30 days had a significant reduction in sick days taken away from work, but no decrease in overall sick days.

People who are preparing for surgery or other treatment for conditions that may weaken their immunity may want to start taking cold showers in preparation.

May prevent age-related diseases

A 2022 review found that cold water may help increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone released by body fat. Adiponectin is thought to play a role in preventing age-related diseases such as insulin resistance, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Researchers believe that adiponectin levels increase when you shiver.

More research is needed to determine whether cold showers actually have this benefit.

Limitations and Risks

Cold showers are not a panacea for all ailments. They should be used as a complement to, but not a replacement for, traditional treatments. People who take medications for mental health should not suddenly stop taking them and turn to any alternative treatment. People who suffer from long-term clinical depression or have been diagnosed with bipolar or borderline personality disorder should under no circumstances take cold showers in lieu of what their doctor has prescribed.

If you are feeling sick, have recently been discharged from the hospital, or are immunocompromised, wait to try a cold shower.

For generally healthy people, the biggest risk of taking a cold shower is that you don't like the uncomfortable feeling. While taking a quick cold shower isn't inherently risky, it can cause problems for people with certain health conditions. You should avoid cold showers if you have the following health conditions:

Who should not take cold showers

cold urticaria

People with this type of hives develop itchy welts after exposure to cold water or cold objects on their skin. This condition can also cause swelling of the throat or lips or make you feel dizzy.

heart or lung disease

Cold water constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure and heart rate. Exposure to cold water can cause cardiac arrhythmias and pulmonary edema in people with heart disease.

Cold showers are generally not recommended for people with heart or lung problems, and anyone with these conditions should consult a health care provider before trying a cold shower.

Raynaud's syndrome

This condition causes blood vessels to narrow due to cold exposure or pressure, causing little to no blood flow to certain parts of the body, usually fingers and toes. Cold showers may trigger a Raynaud's reaction, causing the skin to temporarily turn white or blue. You may feel a throbbing or tingling sensation in the affected area as blood flow returns and the skin turns red and then returns to normal. In severe cases, you may develop sores.

Practice taking cold showers

The ideal way to take a cold shower is to slowly develop the habit.

Instead of jumping into a cold shower, start with lukewarm water and gradually lower the temperature. Start by slowly lowering the temperature at the end of a regular shower. Let the water be cold enough that you start to feel uncomfortable. Then, stay underwater for 2 or 3 minutes. The first time you try a cold shower, aim to stay under the cold water for no more than 30 seconds. You can increase the time as your body adapts. Deep breathing will help reduce your inner discomfort. Next time you try this exercise, make the water slightly colder. Try staying in the cooler water for another minute or two.

How long does it take to take a cold shower?

To get the benefits of a cold shower, you should spend at least 30 seconds in water between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. There's no need to take a long cold shower, in fact, the benefits start to diminish after three minutes.

Which is better, hot shower or cold shower?

Whether a hot or cold shower is best depends on how you feel, the benefits you want, and even what time of day it is.

Cold showers can be refreshing, so taking them earlier in the day is often recommended. Warm or hot showers can improve sleep and are suitable for taking in the evening or at night.

Cold showers increase blood flow to the body's core while decreasing blood flow to surface areas, thereby reducing joint and skin inflammation. Hot or lukewarm showers open blood vessels throughout the body and can reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

Some suggest that you get the benefits of both showers by alternating hot and cold showers, or by following a hot or lukewarm shower with a 30 to 90-second burst of cold water.


Cold showers are gaining attention for their physical and mental effects, including improved circulation, immunity, energy, mental clarity, and skin and hair health. However, while some benefits have been proven, scientific research has not kept up with all the claims, and more research is needed.


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