Choquette 酪梨

Choquette avocados are large (24 to 40 ounces) and retain their smooth, light green skin even when ripe. The variety originated in southern Florida in 1934 from a cross between Guatemalan and West Indian avocados. The tree grows to approximately 30 feet tall.

While most American avocados are grown in California, Florida gets the spotlight for its amazing Choquette avocados. Not many people would have thought that a state famous for alligators would also be the home of the avocado, which happens to be nicknamed "avocado." Gator's name aside, Choquette is growing in popularity because it represents the perfect combination of quantity and quality of the avocado tree.

Characteristics of the Choquette Tree

The Choquette avocado tree has a slight pineapple scent and is a gorgeous medium-sized shade tree. These fruits are often called "Florida avocados" because they grow mostly in the state in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9a through 10b.

While some avocado trees can grow up to 60 feet tall, the Choquette's maximum height is only about 30 feet. They also produce large quantities of exceptionally large fruits. The Choquette tree produces yellow-green flowers that are 1/2 inch in diameter. Their fruits can grow up to six inches long and weigh up to three pounds. They have glossy, soft, smooth green skin that peels off easily, and the mature leaves of this lovely evergreen are dark green with a leathery texture.

How does Choquette avocado taste?

Choquette avocado has a mild, tangy, creamy, nutty flavor.

What goes with Choquette avocado?

These delicious avocados are delicious in many dishes, including smoothies, salads, and as a topping for a variety of prepared foods like tacos and burritos.

How to use Choquette avocado in cooking?

Many people use Choquette avocado as a topping. Many people choose to eat them raw because avocados become bitter when cooked. However, when baked with the right seasonings and spices, they can become delicious. One can bake the avocado in the skin at 392 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

Seasonings like pepper, oil, seasoned salt, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder help bring out the full flavor of the avocado. You can also fill the holes left by the seeds with ingredients like salsa, shrimp, or eggs before baking.

The snackability of Choquette avocado

This is a great avocado for snacking, with a rich, mild nutty flavor that makes a healthy and delicious snack when eaten raw. Of course, they also make some great guacamole!

Other uses

You can also make your own avocado oil for frying, cooking, hair care, and general beauty.

You'll need some ripe or overripe avocados, and a little patience. This is a great way to utilize overripe harvests or those that are not available for consumption.

Best of all, you don’t have to worry about any unnecessary preservatives, additives, and chemicals. You can even start your own business selling avocado oil.

Here's a handy guide showing you how to get started.

Choquette Avocado Health Benefits

Like all avocados, chocolate spread has some incredible health benefits.

All avocados are high in fat, but this fat is considered healthier than the fat found in other fatty foods like meat. They're also very keto-friendly and a great alternative to toppings like mayonnaise, especially on sandwiches.

Avocados are also a great source of vitamins E, K and C, fiber, potassium and folate. Plus, they can greatly boost your immune system and are a natural laxative. Avocados also help lower blood pressure cholesterol and, as mentioned earlier, promote brain health.

These fruits also improve eye health and help regulate appetite.

types of flowers

There are two types of avocado flowers: type A and type B. Avocados are self-fertilizing because they have both female and male flowers. The difference between Type A and Type B is the time when their male and female flowers are active. The female flowers of type A flowers are active in the morning and the male flowers are active in the afternoon. The female flowers of type B flowers are active in the afternoon and the male flowers are active in the morning. When Types A and B are planted close together, fruit production increases!

water and soil

Avocado trees do not handle waterlogged, undrained soil well. Excessive water accumulation around tree roots can cause reduced yields, reduced growth, signs of nutrient deficiencies, and even death. Make sure your avocado tree is not in a flooded part of your kingdom. If the area you choose to plant your tree in has a habit of collecting too much water, choose a different location or build a tall mound (2-4 feet tall, 4-6 feet in diameter) to raise the tree above the water. It's best to choose soil that drains well. During the first year in Florida, avocado trees should be fertilized every 1 to 2 months. After the first year, fertilizer should be applied about 3 to 4 times per year.

Planting and pruning

When choosing a location to plant your avocado tree, choose a location that receives full sun and is away from buildings, other trees, or other structures. Remember, an avocado tree is a tree; They can grow very tall if left unpruned. We recommend keeping your avocado tree around 20 feet tall for easy harvesting! If you plant more than one avocado tree, space them at least 20 feet apart. Excessive shade from other trees and buildings can reduce tree growth and fruit production.

grow at home

It is possible to grow Choquette avocados at home. However, they grow best in USDA hardiness zones 9a-10b. Also, be aware that avocado trees have aggressive roots that tend to hoard nutrients in the local soil, often to the detriment of other plants. Therefore, you need to plant your Choquette tree far enough away from other plants.

With this in mind, you'll want to plant them at least 20 feet away from surrounding plants, giving the roots enough space to stretch out without disturbing other plants.

Choquette trees are also self-pollinating, so they don’t need the presence of another tree to get a good harvest. Although it is possible, it can still be beneficial to use other avocado tree varieties as cross-pollinators.

pests and diseases

Pests such as June beetles, snails and mice are the main threats to avocado trees. Rats are known to climb trees and eat their fruit and bark.

June beetles love to eat flower buds before they bloom. These insects are very difficult to catch because they only feed at night, but you can catch them to help protect your trees.

Snails eat fruits and leaves and you will notice damage to them as you will see holes in the leaves which can lead to rot. However, this is not a big problem for mature trees, but can be devastating for younger trees.

Can you grow Choquette avocados?

You can grow avocados by saving their seeds from the fruit. However, this method takes several years (5-7) to produce a fruit-bearing tree.

You can purchase a young avocado tree for faster results, but this is a more expensive option because the grower has invested a lot of time and effort in growing the tree for several years.

When to Harvest Choquette

Choquette avocados are a late-season variety, so the harvest is from October to December.

Where to Buy Choquette Avocado Tree or Seeds

If you're looking to purchase Choquette seeds, trees or fruit, you have several options.

You can buy trees for sale online, many of which are mature enough to bear fruit in 2-3 years instead of 5-7 years. If you live in Florida or surrounding states, you may be able to find some trees at your local nursery.

Where to buy avocado chocolate

As for fruit, if you happen to live in or near USDA hardiness zones 9a-10b, I recommend checking out your local farmers market. Otherwise, you can always contact a Florida avocado farm to see if they have any.

Of course, when you buy the fruit, you also get the seeds.


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