多次睡眠潛伏期測試 MSLT

The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) checks for excessive daytime sleepiness by measuring how quickly you fall asleep in a quiet environment during the day. The MSLT, also known as a daytime nap study, is used to diagnose narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

The MSLT is a full-day test that includes five scheduled naps. After the first nap trial, each nap trial should begin 2 hours after the start of the previous nap trial. This test is always done after a sleep study that measures the quality and duration of your sleep. During each nap trial, you will lie quietly in bed and try to fall asleep. Once the lights go out, the test measures how long it takes you to fall asleep. You will be woken up 15 minutes after you fall asleep. If you don't fall asleep within 20 minutes, the nap test will end.

Each nap will take place in a dark and quiet sleep environment designed to keep you comfortable and isolate any external factors that may affect your ability to fall asleep. A series of sensors will measure whether you are asleep. The sensor can also determine your sleep stage.

Excessive daytime sleepiness occurs when you feel sleepy when you should be awake and alert. If your sleep physician suspects that you have excessive daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy or narcolepsy, she may recommend MSLT. MSLT is provided by AASM-accredited sleep centers. In order to provide the highest level of care to patients, the AASM requires that the results of the MSLT be reviewed by a board-certified sleep medicine physician.

How to prepare for multiple sleep latency tests?

There are many factors that can affect the results of MSLT. These include:

  • anxiety
  • nervous
  • frustrated
  • age
  • caffeine
  • Drugs and Drugs
  • Sleep duration before study

Therefore, your sleep doctor may recommend the following before you undergo testing:

Keep a sleep diary for two weeks and try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. This will allow the doctor to see your sleep patterns. This may help identify other factors that may contribute to daytime sleepiness. It will also help ensure you get enough sleep.
Before having MSLT, discuss the use of stimulants, including caffeine, with your sleep doctor. If you are taking any medications, your doctor will help you determine when you can use them before MSLT. These substances may change your test results, and some medications may need to be stopped for a few weeks before MSLT.
The night before your MSLT, you will have a sleep study. For the MSLT to be accurate, you need to sleep at least six hours during the sleep study. A sleep study will be used to determine if another sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, is causing you excessive daytime sleepiness.
You may need to take a drug test the morning of your MSLT. Drug testing is done to ensure that the MSLT is accurate. Several medications can affect results. Drug test results will be kept confidential between you and your doctor.
After completing these steps, you will be ready to take the MSLT.

What is the testing process for multiple sleep latency tests?

MSLT will last most of the day. During the day, you will take five scheduled naps. After the first nap trial, each nap trial should begin 2 hours after the start of the previous nap trial. Depending on the results, a shorter study of four naps may also be used. Be prepared to stay for the full five-nap version of the study.

A sleep technologist will gently place sensors on your head, face, and chin. These sensors are connected to the computer. Each is long enough so you can move around and roll over in bed. The sensor shows when you fall asleep and wake up, and transmits data used to determine when you are in REM sleep. Once connected, the technician will test the sensor by asking you to move your eyes, clench your teeth, and turn your head. Technicians can use a low-light camera to view your MSLT from a nearby room.

When the lights are turned off, the nap test begins. You will lie quietly in bed and try to fall asleep. MSLT will measure the time it takes for you to fall asleep. It also measures how long it takes you to reach REM sleep.

The technician will wake you 15 minutes after you fall asleep. If you can't fall asleep, the nap test will end in 20 minutes. At this point, you will take a break until the next nap test begins. You need to stay sane and have the freedom to keep busy as you choose. You will begin a nap test every 2 hours.

This process will be repeated four more times. After the last nap trial, you will test the sensors again and they will be removed. Once the final trial is complete, you are free to leave.

How are the results of multiple sleep latency tests scored?
It takes approximately two weeks to get MSLT results. During this time, members of the sleep team will review the following results:


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