歐洲鰉-黑魚子醬: 為什麼不該吃? 如何分辨假貨?

Beluga caviar (Beluga caviar) is a kind of caviar extracted from the caviar of Beluga (Beluga-sturgeon; species name Huso huso) , also known as European Beluga and Black Sea Beluga, which is a large long-lived fish. , mainly found in the Caspian Sea Basin. Paddlefish can live more than 100 years and are known for their large size, with some individuals reaching over 20 feet in length and weighing up to 2,000 pounds.

European catfish caviar is prized for its large, luscious roe, delicate flavor and smooth texture. It is often considered one of the finest and most luxurious types of caviar. The eggs are usually large, ranging in color from light to dark gray, and have a shiny appearance.

To harvest European catfish caviar, mature females need to be captured and gently massaged to extract the roe without harming the fish. The eggs are then carefully washed and salted to preserve them. Traditionally, caviar is lightly salted using a process called malosole, which helps enhance flavor and extend shelf life without masking the delicate flavor of the roe.

European catfish caviar is known for its creamy and buttery taste, with subtle hints of the sea. It is usually served simply, on pancakes or toast, sometimes with crème fraîche, chopped onions, or hard-boiled eggs.

Wild catfish populations have declined significantly in recent decades due to overfishing, habitat loss and poaching, leading to strict regulations on the fishing and trade of catfish caviar. Today, most European catfish caviar on the market comes from farmed European catfish, which are raised in aquaculture facilities under controlled conditions to ensure sustainability and protect wild populations. However, true wild European catfish caviar remains highly sought after and commands a high price.

Why shouldn't you eat it?

about to extinct

Wild catfish populations have declined significantly in recent decades due to overfishing, habitat loss and illegal poaching, especially in the Volga-Caspian basin, leading to strict regulations on the fishing and trade of catfish caviar. The European catfish was recently listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species in 2019. Beluga whales are classified as critically endangered according to A2bcd standards.

Water pollution, habitat destruction and dams also contribute to this hazard. Raising sturgeon on farms does not help restore populations, but instead uses them to produce caviar.

Today, most European catfish caviar on the market comes from farmed European catfish, which are raised in aquaculture facilities under controlled conditions to ensure sustainability and protect wild populations. However, true wild European catfish caviar remains highly sought after and commands a high price.

The method of egg extraction is extremely inhumane

There are three methods for European catfish to lay eggs: caesarean section, induction of labor and slaughter. A caesarean section involves making a small incision in a female sturgeon, surgically removing the eggs, and then sewing them shut. This method puts the fish at risk of infection and may damage their ovaries. Inducing labor involves giving the fish protein to induce labor and then massaging the eggs out. This method allows farmers to reuse the same fish multiple times throughout its life. However, continuous chemical induction of these animals is inhumane. Slaughtering the sturgeon is the most obvious method, and European sturgeons are raised for about 10 years before being slaughtered for their eggs. This lifespan is significantly shorter than that of healthy sturgeons. These egg retrieval methods are bizarre and objectively inhumane, regardless of whether the fish are killed or subjected to repeated surgeries.

health risks

Because caviar is high in cholesterol, salt, and calories, it is not a nutritious or filling food. As a supplement to a meal or appetizer, it should be consumed in small amounts as it does not provide sufficient nutrients for normal function and survival.

Sturgeon has high levels of mercury, which can cause poisoning, with symptoms such as tremors, numbness and memory problems. Black caviar may also carry bacteria or viruses that cause foodborne illness.

Although rare, there have been cases of allergies . Symptoms include ear tingling, itching, facial burning sensation, nausea and dizziness. The exact allergen believed to cause beluga caviar allergy is vitellogenin.

Tips for safe enjoyment

Here are some tips for enjoying black caviar safely:

  • Buy black caviar from a reputable source.
  • Caviar has potential health risks, so it's best to consume it in moderation.
  • Check with your supplier to make sure the caviar you buy comes from low-mercury fish.

Fake caviar and fake eggs are everywhere

It is reported that the imbalance between supply and demand and huge profits have led to the emergence of illegal caviar , and it is quite common. Counterfeit goods can be found in restaurants , hotels, bars, and various retailers. Fake caviar made from sturgeon farming waste or other fish products formed into spheres can cause real health problems for consumers. There are also large amounts of mislabeled sturgeon roe and meat on the market, including cans with incorrect origin markings and unsealed packaging, both of which violate CITES regulations.

Real caviar vs fake caviar

What is fake caviar?

Fake caviar is a popular delicacy that comes in a variety of textures. Unlike traditional caviar, these imitations are made from fruits, vegetables, and even mushrooms or truffles. Some variations include adding herbs or spices to enhance the flavor, while others simply mimic the taste of fake fish eggs.

The difference between real caviar and fake caviar

While real caviar and fake caviar may look similar at first glance, there are a number of key differences between the two, here are a few to help you tell them apart:

  • Taste: Real caviar tends to be salty and has a distinct fishy flavor, while fake caviar may contain various other types of fish eggs and often tastes very sweet.
  • Shape: Real caviar is usually packaged in small spheres or cylinders, while fake caviar may be irregularly shaped chunks of uneven size.
  • Price: Real caviar is also much more expensive than fake caviar.
  • Products: Real caviar usually comes from wild sturgeon and other fish, while fake caviar is often made from farmed fish or even other types of seafood.
  • Origin: Real caviar is usually produced in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, while fake caviar is usually produced in countries such as China or Vietnam.
  • Appearance: Real caviar has a smooth silvery sheen, while fake caviar tends to be dull and opaque.
  • Texture: Real caviar is usually very soft and mushy, while fake caviar may have a firmer texture.
  • Color: Real caviar comes in a variety of colors, including black, red, pink and yellow. Fake caviar can also be any number of other colors.


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