
Cauliflower background

Cauliflower has always been considered a nutritious and healthy vegetable. It also contains plant compounds that help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Recently, it has been used as a substitute for white rice to reduce carbohydrate intake. But is it really healthy? When a particular type of food becomes popular, it can be hard to know if it's actually healthy.

The widespread rise of cauliflower rice is tied to the rise of the paleo diet and other dietary trends that limit or eliminate carbohydrates. The Paleo diet is a diet that is similar to what we may have eaten during the Paleolithic era, estimated to be more than 2 million years ago. Generally speaking, a Paleo diet includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These are generally thought of as the types of food that can be easily obtained through hunting and gathering.

The Paleo diet is special in that it eliminates foods that became common when humans began farming about 10,000 years ago. Foods from agriculture include dairy products, legumes and grains. According to this theory, human diets change relatively late and very quickly, so our bodies are outpaced in their ability to adapt. This is thought to be an important reason for the modern high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Although there are no long-term clinical studies on the diet's benefits and potential risks, millions of Americans are following some form of the Paleo diet. So, what’s the point of cauliflower rice? Well, considering conventional rice is the third most produced agricultural product and grain in the world, this is a no-no for anyone following the Paleo diet. Rice is high in carbohydrates, which makes it difficult to include it in any diet focused on reducing carbohydrates.

Many of us, even Americans, are so used to eating rice that it's almost impossible not to eat it. Cauliflower is essentially a low-carb alternative to traditional rice, essentially just grating cauliflower into rice grains. It can be eaten raw, but is often lightly cooked to soften it and create a texture more similar to traditional rice. All you can really do is make your own, or you can buy pre-made ones at the grocery store.

Health Benefits of Broccoli Flowers

Like most vegetables, broccoli is very healthy, with one cup of cooked broccoli containing approximately 28 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates. There are many benefits to a high-fiber diet. Fiber helps us normalize bowel movements and health, lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar and aid in weight loss. Fiber also slows digestion, helping you feel fuller for longer. Cauliflower also contains vitamin B-6, which is important for brain development and the normal function of our nervous and immune systems. Vitamin C in vegetables helps the body form proteins to make skin, tendons and blood vessels. Vitamin C benefits also include:

  • Antioxidant, meaning it fights internal damage caused by free radicals
  • Helps repair bones and cartilage. and teeth
  • Helps iron absorption
  • Helps heal wounds and create scar tissue

Broccoli Fried Rice

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, in the same family as broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Cruciferous vegetables are very healthy, and since cauliflower rice is made almost entirely from cauliflower, it's a surefire addition to your diet. Even cooking cauliflower rice in some olive oil or butter won't reduce the nutrition, including adding some seasonings. It's always better to make your own food, and it's important to note that most prepackaged cauliflower rice products are nutritionally good, too.

Cauliflower rice is packed with antioxidants and vitamins. This is a simple dish, perfect for those of us who have difficulty cooking. Cauliflower rice is far better than all the ultra-processed foods that make up a large portion of the average American diet. Check out some easy-to-follow methods for making your own cauliflower below!

Easy Ways to Enjoy Cauliflower Rice

Food Processor: Add the cauliflower florets to a food processor and let it do the work for you. Stir the cauliflower until it is reduced to rice-sized pieces.

Cheese Grater: Whenever you grate cheese, all you have to do is move the florets up and down on the grater.

Store-bought: Okay, so obviously by now you can find cauliflower rice at just about any grocery store. Frozen cauliflower rice is great to have in the freezer for when you need a quick dinner fix.


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