如何判斷番茄是否壞了? 以及如何挑選好番茄



3 Ways to Determine Tomato Quality

1. First, Look at It.

First, take a look at it with your eyes.
A normal tomato should have flawless skin.
If your tomato has one or two scars, you can cut them off and use the remaining tomato.
But if the entire tomato is covered with spots, it's best to discard it.
Rotten tomatoes will leak some liquid. So if you see water stains underneath the tomato, it has passed its prime for consumption.

2. Then, Smell It.

If your tomato has a bad smell, its taste will also be affected. Use your nose to know when your tomato can be used for composting. Fresh tomatoes will have a pleasant, aromatic tomato smell, especially near the stem end.

3. Hold It.

Just by touching the tomato, you can learn a lot about it.
Fresh, ripe tomatoes feel smooth, soft, and relatively heavy compared to their size.
Wrinkled or mushy tomatoes are overripe.

These are the three main checks we need to do when picking tomatoes:
First, look at it.
Then, smell it.
Third, hold it.

If you have tomatoes leaking liquid or showing mold, handle them carefully to avoid foodborne illness. Here are steps you can take:

First, Assess the Damage.

If the tomato is only leaking liquid but without mold, it might still be usable with prompt handling.
However, if mold is visible, especially if it has spread widely, it's best to discard the tomato. Mold can penetrate areas not visible to the naked eye.

Second, Salvage Usable Parts. How to Salvage?

Inspect the tomato carefully. If only a small part is affected, cut away the damaged or moldy portions. Use a clean knife to cut at least 1 inch around the affected area to ensure removal of all potentially contaminated parts. Then use the salvaged part immediately, preferably in cooked dishes such as tomato soup, stew, or sauces. Cooking will kill any potential bacteria.

How to Tell If a Tomato Is Spoiled? Online Responses

Now let's see how four online users respond to this topic: How to tell if a tomato is spoiled?

  • First online user says:
    First, observe the surface of the tomato.
    See if the tomato has one or more flat spots. This is the first sign of tomato mushiness and the beginning of decay.
    See if the tomato feels soft in parts or all over? Not good.
    See if there are places where the skin is cracked and starting to leak liquid? Very bad.
    See if the tomato has a flat spot with white or light gray small raised spots? Absolutely terrible, the tomato has leaked and started to mold.
    In essence, tomatoes leaking liquid or showing mold should be discarded.
    If there are no obvious flat spots, cracks, leaks, or mushiness, you can enjoy the tomato.
    Also, be sure to observe carefully when slicing, as some tomatoes may have internal spoilage that doesn't affect the surface.
    Like other fruits, tomatoes are carriers that ensure the survival of the species. They protect and nourish seeds, creating new generations. Once separated from their plant base, each fruit begins a process of self-destruction, as it provides natural protection and nutrition for the seeds. So remember, the decay of fruits begins without any external force. It's a natural process that can't be stopped. Although it may be delayed, once their genes decide, natural enzymes will quickly act. Eating fresh tomatoes is natural, and you don't have to worry about bad spots.
  • Second online user says:
    The best way to determine if a tomato is bad is through visual and tactile cues. If the tomato is mushy, it's too ripe. Also, check if the tomato skin is damaged. You may see liquid in the container it's in leaking from these cracks or fissures. Tomatoes are also prone to molding. If you find a sour smell after cutting it open, it should not be consumed.
  • Third online user says:
    Part of a bad tomato will become darker. Usually, it covers about 1/4 or more of the fruit's surface. It will be much softer. If you gently press your finger on that dark soft spot, it may sink in and emit a smell. This is because that part of the flesh has lost its support structure and begun to liquefy. It's time to discard it. Ripe tomatoes will stay ripe and edible for about 5-7 days.
  • Final online user says:
    I think bad tomatoes are obvious. Soft, mushy, with liquid leaking. Or visible mold on the surface. If the seeds have started to sprout, it may not be obvious. You can still safely eat it by removing the sprouts. Tomato plants are toxic. Only the fruit, berries are edible.


Let's summarize today's topic of how to determine if a tomato is spoiled and how to choose good tomatoes. Judging tomato quality can be done through three methods: observing appearance, smelling odor, and feeling texture. Appearance-wise, a flawless tomato is good; one with spots or leaking liquid may be spoiled. Smell-wise, fresh tomatoes have a pleasant aroma; tomatoes with a strange smell should be discarded. In terms of texture, fresh tomatoes are smooth, soft, and heavier relative to their size; wrinkled or mushy tomatoes are overripe. Handle tomatoes leaking liquid or showing mold carefully, cut off damaged parts, and use immediately in cooking. In conclusion, when choosing tomatoes, observe, smell, and feel in three steps.


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