
Study shows tomato juice can kill salmonella

healthy PIG
New research shows that tomatoes contain compounds that can effectively eliminate salmonella, the bacteria that causes dangerous typhoid fever. Thi...

Do tomatoes have to be red?

healthy PIG
Although red tomatoes are the most common and widely recognized, tomatoes can come in a variety of colors depending on the specific variety. The co...

What if I have extra tomatoes?

healthy PIG
If you find you have an excess of tomatoes, there are several creative and practical ways to use them before they go bad. Here are some ideas for m...

Is tomato facial application really effective?

healthy PIG
Is it good or bad to apply tomatoes on your face? Applying tomatoes to your face is a popular natural remedy as part of some skin care routines, w...

Should tomatoes be eaten raw or cooked?

healthy PIG
Both raw and cooked tomatoes have nutritional value, and the choice between the two often comes down to personal preference and culinary use. Here ...

Everything you need to know about tomatoes

healthy PIG
Tomatoes are a major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a fruit of the Solanaceae family, native to South America. Although botanically it is a fruit, it is usually eaten and prepared like a vegetable. They are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin K. Tomatoes are usually red when ripe but can come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, green and purple. Additionally, there are many subspecies of tomatoes that vary in shape and flavor.
如何判斷番茄是否壞了? 以及如何挑選好番茄

How to tell if a tomato is bad? And how to pick a good tomato

healthy PIG
     3 Ways to Determine Tomato Quality 1. First, Look at It. First, take a look at it with your eyes.A normal tomato shoul...


healthy PIG
经过长时间的早晨散步或剧烈运动后,您需要恢复能量。 那么,有什么比一杯番茄汁更好呢? 除了是一种很好的能量饮料之外,它可能正是您恢复健康所需要的。 番茄汁富含抗氧化剂、维生素和必需营养素,有助于开启新的一天。

Is drinking tomato juice good for you?

healthy PIG
Tomato juice is widely consumed in many countries as a nutritional drink. Although this drink may be beneficial to your health and is a great alter...

Is Campbell's Tomato Soup Healthy?

healthy PIG
Campbell's Soup is an American staple and has dominated the U.S. condensed soup market since its introduction more than 130 years ago. But you might be wondering if they're good for you, too. According to the nutrition label, each can provides 2.5 servings. Prepare by mixing a can of soup with a can of water or milk.
Clamato Juice健康嗎?

Is Clamato Juice healthy?

healthy PIG
Tomato juice may be one of the most important ingredients in Clamato juice, but that's how healthy this delicious drink is. Often used as a mixer in popular adult beverages, including the Michelado, a beer-based cocktail, this salty juice contains added sugar and high amounts of sodium. Just like cocktails, this juice is best consumed in moderation.