E162, also known as betaine or betanin (English: Beetroot Red; Betanin), is a natural food colorant extracted from beetroot (Beta vulgaris). It is commonly used in the food industry to impart a red or pink hue to a variety of food and beverage products.
Beetroot is extracted from the roots of the sugar beet plant. Beetroot contains natural pigments called betalains, which are the primary red pigments responsible for their color.
Betanin is obtained from red beet extract, which is available as concentrated beet juice, dehydrated beetroot, and spray-dried extract. The red color body of betanin can be isolated from beetroot concentrate using chromatographic methods.
E162 is widely used as a natural food colorant in various food and beverage products, including:
- Candy: candies, gum, gummies and other sweet treats.
- Beverages: Juices, soft drinks, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages.
- Dairy products: yogurt, ice cream, flavored milks and dairy desserts.
- Baked Products: Cakes, pastries, cookies and other baked goods.
- Sauces and Condiments: Salad Dressings, Tomato Sauces and Condiments.
Coloring properties
Depending on the concentration used, beetroot can impart vivid red and pink hues to foods and beverages. It is often combined with other natural colorants to achieve specific shades.
health considerations
Beetroot is generally considered safe for consumption when used within recommended limits set by regulatory agencies. It is a natural alternative to synthetic food dyes and may have potential health benefits due to the antioxidants and phytonutrients found in beetroot. However, people with a known allergy or sensitivity to beetroot should avoid products containing E162.
regulatory approval
Regulatory agencies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other relevant agencies around the world have approved betalain for use as a food colorant. It is labeled E162 in the EU and may also be listed by its common name "beetroot red" on ingredients labels.
Codex GSFA regulations
Betaine (INS No. 162) is a food additive included in Table 3 of the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) and therefore may be used in designated foods under conditions consistent with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
Beet powder (dehydrated beet) is a color additive that is exempt from certification and is permanently listed for food use. Its dosage complies with GMP. In addition, vegetable juices are generally safe to use for food coloring, and the dosage is in compliance with GMP .
European Communities
EFSA concluded that there are no safety concerns regarding the current use of beetroot as a food additive. The European Food Safety Authority has also authorized the use of Quantum Satisfaction in certain foods and beverages .
natural source
Unlike synthetic food dyes, beetroot is derived from natural sources and is considered more acceptable to consumers looking for clean labels and naturally-sourced ingredients in food.