什麼是硫酸鋁鈉? 及其用途

Sodium aluminum sulfate, also known as sodium aluminum sulfate or sodium alum, has a chemical formula of NaAl(SO₄)2·12H2O. It is a double salt containing sodium, aluminum, sulfur and water molecules. Here are some key aspects of sodium aluminum sulfate and its uses:

Chemical Properties:

  • Chemical formula: NaAl(SO₄)2·12H2O
  • Molecular weight: about 453.33 g/mol
  • Sodium aluminum sulfate is easily soluble in water, and its solubility increases with temperature.


Water treatment:

Sodium aluminum sulfate is commonly used as a coagulant in water treatment processes, especially in the purification of drinking water and wastewater. It helps in removing impurities and particles through coagulation and flocculation processes.

baking powder:

In baking, sodium aluminum sulfate is sometimes used as the acid component in baking powder. It reacts with an alkaline ingredient (usually sodium bicarbonate) to produce carbon dioxide gas, which helps baked goods rise.

Is the sodium aluminum sulfate in baking powder harmful to the body?

While there isn't a lot of evidence to support the potential dangers of ingesting aluminum through baking powder, its metallic aftertaste is known to linger, ruining a perfectly delicious batch of baked goods.

What ingredients should be avoided in baking powder?

Aluminum-free baking powder works just as well as brands made from aluminum compounds. If you have a keen palate, are highly sensitive to metallic tastes, or you wish to limit your aluminum intake, choose an aluminum-free powder.

Tannery industry:

Historically, sodium aluminum sulfate was used in the tanning industry to treat animal skins during the leather tanning process.

Fire extinguisher:

It has been used in some dry powder fire extinguishers to act as a fire extinguishing agent.

Soil conditioner:

In agriculture, sodium aluminum sulfate has been used as a soil amendment to lower soil pH in alkaline soils. This may be beneficial for certain plants that prefer acidic conditions.

Textile industry:

In the textile industry, sodium aluminum sulfate is used as a mordant in the dyeing process to fix dyes on fabrics.


Used as a sizing agent in the paper industry and used in the production of potassium aluminum sulfate (alum) for paper sizing.

Security considerations:

Although sodium aluminum sulfate has a variety of industrial and commercial applications, it must be handled with care. As with many chemicals, there may be safety considerations and appropriate precautions should be taken during handling and use.

It is worth noting that the use of sodium aluminum sulfate in baking powder has caused some health problems related to aluminum intake. Excessive intake of aluminum has been linked to certain health risks, so regulators have set limits on the amount of aluminum in food.

As with any chemical substance, when using sodium aluminum sulfate in various applications, it is important to adhere to the safety guidelines, regulations and recommendations provided by the relevant agencies.


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