
Apples are a popular fruit, but do you know what their journey from orchard to table is like? This article will take an in-depth look at the production, harvesting, storage and transportation process of apples, taking you through the entire apple supply chain.

1. Cultivation of apples

Apple trees usually bloom in the spring, and after pollination, the flowers gradually turn into small fruits. The growth process of apples requires sufficient sunlight, water and nutrients, so fruit farmers need to carefully manage orchards, including irrigation, fertilization and pest and disease control. The planting cycle of an apple tree takes approximately 2-4 years before it begins to bear fruit and continues to produce fruit for decades to come.

2. Apple Harvest

Apples usually mature in the fall, and fruit farmers will determine the best harvest time based on apple varieties and climate conditions. During the harvesting process, fruit farmers carefully pick the apples from the trees to avoid damaging the skin and pulp. After harvest, the apples are sorted, cleaned and initially inspected to ensure quality.

3. Apple storage

In order to extend the shelf life of apples, fruit farmers will store apples in a low-temperature, low-oxygen environment, which can slow down the apple's respiration and ripening process. This storage method, called controlled atmosphere storage (CA storage), can keep apples fresh for months. During storage, apples are inspected regularly to ensure quality.

4. Shipping of apples

During the transportation of apples, proper temperature and humidity need to be maintained to prevent rot and damage. Apples are usually packed in well-ventilated boxes and shipped in refrigerated trucks or refrigerated containers to ensure they stay fresh during transportation. The transportation distance of apples can range from tens to thousands of kilometers, depending on the distance between the production place and the consumer market.

5. Apple Distribution

After arriving at their destination, the apples are distributed to wholesale markets, supermarkets and retail stores. Retailers will classify and price apples according to their variety, size and quality, and place them on shelves for consumers to choose from. During this process, it is important to maintain the freshness and appearance of the apples, so retailers regularly inspect and replace stale apples.

6. Apple consumption

After consumers purchase apples, they can eat them directly or use them in a variety of recipes, such as apple pies, applesauce and salads. To keep apples fresh, it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator and consume them within a few days. If the apples are damaged or soft, they should be processed in time to avoid waste.

7. Summary

The process of apples from orchard to table involves many links such as planting, harvesting, storage, transportation and distribution. Every link needs to be carefully managed to ensure the quality and freshness of the apples. Understanding this process will not only enhance our understanding of apples, but also help us appreciate this delicious fruit more.

I hope this article can help you better understand the journey of apples, experience every step of the apple from the orchard to the table, and cherish this healthy and delicious fruit more.


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