
Apples: As the old proverb goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” and this is indeed true as apples are rich in Nutrients include vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K, folic acid, niacin, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese and phosphorus, etc. The dietary fiber found in apples is most beneficial to your health. It is rich in vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune and nervous systems. Thanks to the presence of antioxidants, apples help protect cells from free radical damage.


Beetroot is heart-healthy and packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, B complex, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper. They contain antioxidants, such as lycopene and anthocyanins, which give this vegetable its deep pink-purple color, further helping to build our immune system and control the growth of bad cholesterol . Beetroot provides betaine, an anti-inflammatory substance that helps protect our liver. They also have anti-agingproperties. It contains soluble fiber that fights the fat stored in our body and helps in losing excess weight.


Carrots: Carrots contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K, as well as tobacco Nutrients such as acid, folate and pantothenic acid and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and selenium. One of the most important ingredients that makes carrots special is beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A to aid eye and immune system function. Vitamin Ahelps remove toxins from the body and reduces bile and fat in the liver. Interestingly, they can also scrape away plaque and food debris, and the minerals in carrots can prevent tooth damage.


7 Benefits of ABC Detox: The Miracle Drink

1. Heart friendly

The amazing blend combines so many nutrients to keep your heart healthy. The beetroot and carrots in this drink contain lutein, beta-carotene and alpha, which help keep your heart healthy. These two vegetables and apples help control blood pressure and protect the heart from various diseases. High levels of carotenoids have been linked to controlling cholesterol levels.

2. Spotless skin

There is a saying, 'What you eat becomes what you become. ABC Detox Drink promotes spotless skinfree of blemishes, dark spots, pimples or pimples, and even blackheads, leaving you with glowing skin. Vitamin A in vegetables is known for its anti-aging properties. The beta-carotene in carrots acts as an antioxidant and slows down cell aging.

3. Make you smart

The macronutrients contained in this detox drink strengthen neural connections and speed reaction times. Therefore, it not only improves cognition and recall, but also enhances attention and focus.

4. Protect your eyes

If you are constantly glued to a TV, computer, or mobile phone screen, your eyestend to become dry and tired, affecting your vision. High vitamin A content prevents eye dryness and fatigue and further enhances vision. It strengthens the ciliary muscles of the eye which are responsible for adjusting the focus of the eye's lens as needed.

5. Boost your immune system

The various nutrients in the miracle drink are known for their immune system-enhancing and immune-boosting properties, protecting your body from various allergies and infections.

6. Lose weightABC

Detox drinks greatly aid in weight loss as they have a low glycemic index and are super rich in fiber. It gives you maximum energy with minimum calorie intake.

7. Detoxify important organs
This drink helps detoxify the liver and promote blood purification. It also increases the production of red blood cells, thereby increasing hemoglobin.


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