You need to know everything about flounder

Rich in micronutrients

Flounder is an excellent source of selenium, a trace mineral that is beneficial to the human body. The recommended serving size is 160 grams, which can meet more than 100% of your daily dietary needs. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that can help your body repair damaged cells and reduce inflammation. It also plays an important role in thyroid health.

Healthypig flounder is an excellent source of selenium, a trace mineral that is beneficial to the human body.  The recommended serving size is 160 grams, which can meet more than 100% of your daily dietary needs.  Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that can help your body repair damaged cells and reduce inflammation.  It also plays an important role in thyroid health.
In addition, a variety of other micronutrients flounder is a good source of these nutrients contribute to good health, including:
Niacin: Niacin has a positive effect on heart health, and even help prevent heart dirty disease. It also protects the skin from sun damage. 160 grams of flounder can meet 57% of your dietary needs.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the human body. It helps bones, regulates metabolism, and maintains a regular heartbeat. One serving of flounder can meet 45% of your dietary needs.

Magnesium: Magnesium is required for more than 600 reactions in the body, including protein formation, muscle movement and energy creation. One serving of halibut can meet 42% of your dietary needs.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and proper nervous system function. It is naturally found in animal food. 160 grams of flounder can meet 36% of your dietary needs.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is related to more than 100 reactions in the human body. It is beneficial to the central nervous system and may enhance brain function. Flounder can meet 32% of your dietary needs.

healthypig Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and proper nervous system function.  It is naturally present in animal food.  160 grams of flounder can meet 36% of your dietary needs.
160 grams of flounder can meet more than one-third of the dietary needs of multiple vitamins and minerals (including selenium, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B12 and B6).

A good source of high-quality protein

A serving of cooked flounder contains 42 grams of high-quality protein, which can meet your protein needs. The dietary reference intake (DRI) of protein is 0.36 grams per pound or 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This is enough to meet the needs of 97-98% of healthy sedentary people. It is important to note that this quantity is necessary to prevent insufficient. Your activity level, muscle mass and current health condition can increase protein requirements.
Protein is composed of amino acids, which are involved in almost every metabolic process of the human body. Therefore, it is important to get enough protein for various reasons. It can help build and repair muscles, suppress appetite, and help lose weight. Fish and other animal proteins are considered high-quality intact proteins. This means that they provide all the essential amino acids that the body cannot make on its own.
Protein plays a number of important roles in your body, including building and repairing muscles or suppressing appetite. Halibut is a high-quality protein source that can meet your total protein needs.

Good for the heart

Heart dirty disease is the human major killers. Flounder contains many nutrients that are good for your heart, such as omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, selenium and magnesium. Although there is no DRI for Omega-3 fatty acids, the recommended intake for adults is 1.1 grams and 1.6 grams for women and men, respectively. Flounder provides approximately 1.1 grams of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids have many benefits for heart health.
They can help lower triglycerides, increase "good" HDL cholesterol, help prevent blood clots and lower people with high blood pressure.
Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, can also help improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
In addition, high selenium content of halibut, by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation and artery in "bad" LDL cholesterol accumulation to help reduce the risk of heart Dirty risk of disease.
Finally, studies have shown that adding magnesium to the diet may help lower blood pressure.
halibut provide a variety of nutrients, can improve your heart health and help fight heart dirty disease.

Help fight inflammation
Although inflammation can sometimes help your body, chronic low-grade inflammation can damage your health. The selenium, niacin and omega-3 content of flounder can help reduce the negative effects of chronic inflammation. A serving of flounder contains 106% of your daily selenium. This powerful antioxidant helps reduce oxidative stress in the body. Studies have shown that increased blood levels of selenium can improve your immune response, and selenium deficiency can negatively affect immune cells and their functions. Omega-3 fatty acids and niacin can also reduce inflammation. Niacin is involved in the production of histamine, which helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Moreover, studies have shown that there is a stable link between the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and the reduction of inflammation levels. Fatty acids can reduce molecules and substances that cause inflammation, such as cytokines and eicosanoids.
The selenium, niacin, and omega-3 content in halibut can help fight chronic inflammation that causes poor health.

Wild caught fish and fish farming respectively

From nutrition to sustainability and then to contamination, in comparison wild caught obtained when fish and aquaculture fish, there are many things to consider, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. More than 50% of seafood used for human consumption is cultivated, and the World Bank estimates that by 2030, this number will increase to 62%.
To prevent wild fish populations from being overfished, Atlantic flounder is farmed in Canada, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom. This means that fish are commercially farmed in controlled pens in lakes, rivers, oceans or tanks. One of the benefits of fish farming is that compared to wild fish, they are generally cheaper and easier to purchase for consumers . The downside is that they are usually raised in crowded environments, so they may be exposed to more bacteria, pesticides and parasites. However, there are now more farms that grow fish in a more environmentally friendly way to produce products that are safer for people to eat.
On the other hand, Pacific halibut comes from a well-managed fishery in the Pacific and is caught in the wild. This means that fish are caught in their natural habitat using nets and traps or fishing lines. People generally think that wild-caught fish are healthier and less polluting. This is because they have a smaller natural diet, fewer fish and algae, and they have less contact with parasites and bacteria. However, some foods may be contaminated by natural foods consumed. The small nutritional difference between wild-caught flounder and aquaculture flounder is not enough to claim that one is healthier than the other.

Wild-caught halibut and farm-raised halibut have their pros and cons. Environmental reasons and sustainability, as well as prices and personal preferences, will influence consumer choices. In terms of nutrition, the difference is small.

Healthypig Wild-caught halibut and farm-raised halibut have their pros and cons.  Environmental reasons and sustainability, as well as prices and personal preferences, will influence consumer choices.  In terms of nutrition, the difference is small.

Possible problem

As with any food, you need to consider potential problems before eating halibut.

Mercury content

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that naturally exists in water, air and soil. Due to water pollution, fish may be exposed to low concentrations of mercury. Over time, metal will accumulate in the fish. Larger fish and longer-lived fish generally contain more mercury. Mackerel, sailfish, square fish and tuna seem to have the highest risk of mercury contamination. For most people, the amount of mercury consumed by consuming the recommended amount of fish and shellfish is not a major issue. More importantly, the benefits of eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as flounder) may outweigh the risks. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid eating high-mercury fish, but should avoid eating them altogether. Omega-3 fatty acids help fetus and infant brain development. Halibut tends to have low to moderate mercury content and is considered safe to eat.

Purine content

Purines are naturally produced in the human body and are found in certain foods. They break down to form uric acid, which may cause the development of gout and kidney stones in some people. Those at risk for these conditions should limit their intake of purines from certain foods. Although halibut contains purines, its content is low to moderate. Therefore, it is considered safe for people who are healthy and who are not at risk for certain kidney diseases.

sustainable development

As the demand for wild-caught fish increases, sustainability becomes an issue. One way to maintain wild fish populations is to increase the supply of farmed fish. This makes aquaculture or fish farming more popular. It is the fastest growing food production in the world. According to the "Seafood Watch" report, wild Atlantic halibut is included in the "avoid" list due to its small population. It has been overfished and is not expected to reproduce until 2056. Because the Pacific has implemented sustainable fishing methods, people believe that Pacific halibut is safe to eat.
Summary People's attention to eating halibut ranges from low to moderate, such as mercury and purine content or sustainability. However, the benefits may outweigh the risks. It is best to compare facts before making a personal decision.

to sum up

Although the mercury and purine content of flounder is low to moderate, its nutritional benefits far outweigh the potential safety hazards. It is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and other nutrients, which can bring various health benefits. Choosing farm-raised halibut or Pacific halibut can even improve the environment. Eating or not eating halibut is obviously a personal choice, but there is evidence that it is safe to eat.


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