
Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in many bovine species, such as yak, antelope, bison, buffalo, and dairy cows.

Most bovine collagen comes from cattle because their skin and connective tissue are rich in collagen. These tissues would have been discarded by the meat industry, but because they are rich in collagen, the hides are upcycled and used to produce high-quality health products.

In many cultures around the world, people have eaten cow organ meat and connective tissue. However, in many Western countries today, people only eat cow muscle, which does not contain all the rich nutrients found in other parts of the body.

That’s why bovine collagen is now extracted from animal hides and connective tissues and converted into an easily digestible supplement.

Bovine collagen is extracted by boiling cow by-products in water. This extract was then dried and ground into a powder, creating the supplement we use today.

There are three types of collagen: Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. Type I collagen makes up over 90% of the body’s collagen, and taking bovine collagen can enhance both Type 1 and Type 3 collagen in our bodies.

What are collagen types 1 and 3?

Type I collagen is important to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments, providing them with mechanical durability and strength.
Type III collagen, on the other hand, is found in your skin, muscles, and blood vessels. Since bovine collagen strengthens both types, it can help strengthen your skin, bones, tendons, and more.

Bovine collagen is mainly composed of three important amino acids: glycine (33%), proline and hydroxyproline (22%). They are an important component of collagen, tendons and ligaments. Hydroxyproline in particular also promotes normal inflammatory processes and supports immune function.

Which one is better, bovine collagen or marine collagen?

Other collagen types, such as marine collagen, strengthen Type I and Type II collagen. Type II collagen is formed from loose fibers that make your joints elastic and cartilage elastic.

If you are interested in improving athletic performance by optimizing growth, we recommend bovine collagen. If you want to improve joint health and cartilage, marine collagen may be a better choice for you.

Benefits of bovine collagen

Now that we understand what bovine collagen is, let’s look at the benefits of taking it.

Over time, our body's collagen production decreases. This can be caused by aging, smoking, sun exposure, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, or even exercise.

Bovine collagen has many benefits:

  • It can support your weight loss goals because it is a protein that helps you feel fuller.
  • It helps you build muscle mass as protein plays an important role in muscle building.
  • It can help strengthen your skin, bones, tendons and more.
  • It can help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.
  • It increases skin elasticity, hydration and dermal collagen density.
  • It reduces skin aging and reduces the likelihood of wrinkles.

However, while bovine collagen has shown promising results in recent studies, more human studies are needed to verify its effectiveness.

Types and uses of bovine collagen supplements

There are two types of bovine collagen supplements: gelatin and hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides (or simply hydrolyzed collagen).

Gelatin is the same gelatin you find in most pantries. It usually comes in powder form and is used in desserts or to thicken liquids. You might find it in custards, gelatin desserts, or soups and stews.

So what is bovine collagen peptide? Bovine peptide, also known as Hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptide, is a type of collagen that has been broken down to be more easily absorbed by the body.

It comes in powder, tablet or capsule form, and even face, body and hair care products.

Side effects of bovine collagen

Before taking any supplement, it is important to understand its side effects.

While bovine collagen is well tolerated and has few side effects, some users may experience bloating or stomach upset if taken in gelatin form.

Some users also find that it tastes bad if taken in other forms.

If you are allergic to beef or cow protein, you should also avoid bovine collagen since it is a by-product of cows.

Bovine Collagen: Key Points

So, what is bovine collagen?

Bovine collagen is a substance derived primarily from cows that can help improve skin elasticity, strengthen muscles, and relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Bovine collagen is most commonly taken in powder form. However, if taken in gelatin form, it may cause bloating and may not be suitable for those with sensitivities to bovine protein.


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