what is it?

A blend of oils and aloe vera extract with soothing and healing properties.

What are its benefits?
It moisturizes and repairs skin, promotes hair growth and removes dark spots.

Who can use it?
Everyone except people with skin allergies or infections.

how often?
It can be applied to the skin every day.

Note <br>It may cause skin irritation such as hives and rash in some people.

Know Your Ingredients: Aloe Vera Oil

what is it?
A blend of oils and aloe vera extract with soothing and healing properties.

What are its benefits?
It moisturizes and repairs skin, promotes hair growth and removes dark spots.

Who can use it?
Everyone except people with skin allergies or infections.

how often?
It can be applied to the skin every day.

Note <br>It may cause skin irritation such as hives and rash in some people.

Origin of Aloe Vera Oil

Since the early 1800s, aloe vera ( Aloe barbadensis miller ) has been used to treat chronic skin conditions , bruises, burns, wounds , and even constipation . These properties are attributed to the succulent leaves of aloe vera.

Their yellow sap and green skin contain anthraquinones , glycosides , carbohydrates and proteins. The two parts are often mixed with mineral oil , milk , wine, water, and honey for medical applications.

How does it help your body?

Aloe vera oil is rich in phytochemicals due to the extraction step . This oil has potent anti-inflammatory , wound healing and antibacterial properties.

This oil contains growth-stimulating compounds such as glucomannan. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen and other factors involved in skin repair and hair growth . Since aloe vera is rich in vitamins and minerals, its oil can also rejuvenate your skin and hair cells.

What are the benefits of using aloe vera oil?

Aloe vera oil moisturizes and protects your skin. When used regularly, it promotes hair growth and nourishes dry and flaky scalp . You can use this oil in the following ways.

Whitening agent

The aloe vera plant contains aloin , a compound that affects skin tone . Aloin interferes with melanin production. It blocks the production of melanin i , thereby lightening skin tone. Aloe vera gel can be included in your skin care routine and offers amazing benefits such as moisturizing, healing and even anti-inflammatory properties.

UV rays can also induce dark spots and pigmentation . Topical application of aloin-rich preparations may result in a significant reduction in spot intensity .

Combining extra virgin coconut oil with aloe vera extract can achieve 5-100% whitening effect. When used with turmeric , this aloe vera oil preparation does not develop rancidity , undesirable oxidation , or unpleasant odors .

Moisturizing, mosquito repellent

A mixture of aloe vera gel and olive oil can be used as a plant-based topical mosquito repellent. A study was conducted to observe the effectiveness of aloe vera olive oil in preventing mosquito bites.

Volunteers who applied the oil to their bare skin reported fewer mosquito bites than their counterparts. Their skin is smoother than before.

Volunteers who applied the essential oil to their bare skin reported fewer mosquito bites than their counterparts. Using this oil will protect you from malaria , dengue fever and parasitic diseases and nourish your skin.

This study reported mild irritation/sensitivity in subjects who used aloe vera oil with a higher ratio of aloe vera gel.

You can make your aloe vera mosquito repellent even more effective by mixing it with essential oils like peppermint, rosemary, or eucalyptus.

Acne remover

One study found that a combination of aloe vera and basil oil can help reduce acne lesions. Aloe vera has a synergistic effect on the anti-acne properties of basil oil.

Use this mixture for 2-5 days to reduce acne lesions by 50%. The antibacterial activity of aloe vera gel can also help treat chronic and highly inflammatory cases.

Aloe vera oil made with tea tree oil and aloe vera gel can cure acne. Tea tree oil reduces sebum production and inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Combining it with aloe vera gel enhances its anti-acne activity.

The gel's ingredients include mannose 6-phosphate, which reduced erythema (red bumps) and inflammatory scarring in subjects. This combination also results in rapid tissue recovery in the affected area and opens clogged pores.

hair growth promoter

Aloe vera is one of the popular home remedies for hair loss and repair. Its pulp, leaves and oil are often used on dry scalp , damaged ends and colored hair.

You can boil the leaves and apply the cooled liquid to your hair . Massaging aloe vera gel/extract and oils ( olive oil , coconut oil, wheat germ, sesame , avocado, almond , fish and castor ) into the scalp will also produce good results.

It also helps maintain the scalp's pH balance. Aloe Vera Gel Oil stimulates moisturized , rejuvenated and dandruff-free hair growth.

Moisturizing and anti-aging solution

Dry skin can make wrinkles and fine lines more visible . Lack of moisture in the skin layer can lead to flaking and shrinking of pores . This can worsen skin sensitivity and may even lead to psoriasis.

Aloe vera contains mucopolysaccharides that capture/ lock moisture in the skin. Use aloe vera gel cream/lotion/oil to improve the integrity of sensitive and dry skin.
It stimulates the production of collagen I and elastin fibers, making your skin more elastic , plump, supple and youthful .

Stretch mark treatment agent

Stretch marks, or striae , are long scars with thinning of the underlying skin. Pregnancy, rapid weight changes, lifting weights , and constant stretching of the skin often cause these symptoms. Striae can cause psychological and sexual problems.

There is no clear strategy/drug regimen to treat them. Using steroid creams can be a temporary and risky solution. However, aloe vera gel containing carrier oils is considered alternative medicine.

Sweet Almond Oil Aloe Vera Gel Cream can control itching and redness of stretch marks. Applying them topically can also prevent striae from spreading to the abdomen, especially in women who are not pregnant .

How to Make Aloe Vera Oil at Home

Aloe vera oil will not be a clear, viscous liquid. It is aloe vera pulp pulp partially dissolved in oil.

what do you need
  • aloe vera leaves
  • Virgin coconut oil or any carrier oil of your choice (mustard seed, sesame, castor, olive or almond oil)
  • knife
  • a medium mixing bowl
  • Pan/Deep Container (to boil contents)
  1. Wash the freshly picked aloe vera leaves under running water.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut off the corners of the leaves and remove the spines.
  3. Cut the leaves in half lengthwise.
  4. Scoop the gel from the leaf parts with a spatula and collect in a bowl.
  5. Pour virgin coconut oil or carrier oil into another bowl of equal capacity.
  6. Transfer the measured amount of oil to the pan. Place it on the stove/stove and keep the flame/flame low.
  7. Let it boil. Stir mixture occasionally.
  8. When all the gel turns brown and translucent, turn off the heat.
  9. Let the mixture cool.
  10. Strain the contents into an airtight glass jar.

You can add it to facial masks and masks as a natural treatment for face, skin and hair.

However, please do a patch test to make sure you are not sensitive/allergic to the formulation.

You can add herbs like neem leaves, curry leaves, rosemary or thyme extract to aloe vera oil. These herbs nourish your hair and keep it healthy.

How to use aloe vera oil for hair

Aloe vera oil is rich in nutrients and can repair damaged hair ends and improve hair health. You can use homemade aloe vera oil to keep your hair smooth, shiny and healthy. Want to know how? The following infographic guide can help. check it out!

Due to the benefits of aloe vera oil, its use in skin and hair care is becoming increasingly popular. This oil acts as a skin whitening agent and moisturizer. It is also effective in controlling acne and its anti-aging properties help moisturize the skin. It also minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by hydrating dry skin. Aloe vera oil can also heal stretch marks. Massaging your hair with this oil can promote hair growth and manage dry hair, split ends, and dry scalp. Try adding this oil to your beauty regimen to reap its benefits.

frequently asked questions

Which is better for face, aloe vera oil or coconut oil?

Both have their own benefits for the skin. Aloe vera helps moisturize skin, soothe sunburn and fade blemishes, while coconut oil helps keep skin hydrated, reduces inflammation and helps heal damaged skin.

How long is the shelf life of aloe vera oil?

It can be kept for about 8-10 months without going bad.

What is the difference between aloe vera oil and aloe vera gel?

Aloe vera gel is obtained from the clear gel inside the aloe vera leaf, while aloe vera oil is made by infusing this gel with a carrier oil and heating until the mixture turns brown and translucent.

Is it safe to ingest aloe vera oil?

No, ingesting aloe vera oil is not safe as ingesting aloe vera preparations can pose several health risks, such as kidney failure, allergic reactions, and diarrhea. Even if you decide to drink aloe vera juice, it is recommended to consult your doctor before doing so.

How should aloe vera oil be stored?

You should store aloe vera oil in an airtight container in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling and extend its shelf life.

What is the recommended dosage of aloe vera oil?

There is no recommended dosage for aloe vera oil. It's best to use topically and avoid ingestion to prevent health risks such as diarrhea and kidney failure.

Is aloe vera oil suitable for all skin types?

Yes, aloe vera oil is suitable for all skin types as it contains natural ingredients. You can also choose different carrier oils when making it, such as jojoba and coconut oil, depending on your skin type. However, if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, be sure to patch test before using the oil to avoid irritating your skin.


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