哈密​​瓜 - 歷史,營養等


Hami melons are larger in size, with an average length of 20 to 30 centimeters and a diameter of 12 to 16 centimeters. They are oval-shaped with slender and bluntly curved ends. Cantaloupes come in many different varieties, with slightly different sizes and shapes, and generally weigh between 6 and 11 pounds.

The peel is thick and hard and can range in color from golden, salmon, green, brown, yellow with green stripes, depending on the variety. The peel also exhibits unique textural elements such as mesh, rough patches, cracks, or completely smooth. Beneath the surface, the pulp is dense, semi-watery, and hard, ranging in color from orange, coral, yellow to white.

There is also a large central cavity filled with thread-like fibers and oval, cream-colored seeds.

Cantaloupe is known for its firm, crunchy, juicy texture and fragrant floral aroma that is released when the fruit reaches its ripest state.

When selecting a cantaloupe, it should feel heavy based on its size and have a certain amount of resilience when pressed near the stem end.

These melons are also high in sugar, creating a refreshing, sweet fruity flavor with tropical and honeyed nuances.


Cantaloupe, botanically classified as muskmelon, is an ancient Asian melon belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. The name Hami is a general term used to describe more than 200 different varieties of melons and flower melons originating in northwest China. Today, cantaloupe is one of the most widely grown melons in China and has enjoyed success around the world, being grown as a specialty melon in other parts of Asia, Europe, Australia and the United States. These melons are known for their sweet flesh, which typically reaches a Brix of 16 to 23 Brix, and the flesh is tender and crisp, providing a unique sensory experience. Also known as Chinese cantaloupe and snowmelon, cantaloupe is primarily eaten fresh or added to a variety of sweet and savory culinary applications.

cultural information

According to legend, cantaloupe was named after Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. These melons were shipped from Hami in eastern China to Beijing as tribute gifts to the emperor, and tribute continued to be paid every year throughout the Qing Dynasty, favored by the court for their sweetness. According to Chinese folklore, the emperor eventually named the melons after their origin, bringing recognition and fame to the northwestern Chinese city.

Today, every summer, Hami melon festivals are held across Xinjiang to celebrate Hami melons. The several-day Hami Melon Festival was established by the Hami Municipal Party Committee in 1993 and has grown into a festival that showcases, sells, consumes and honors hundreds of Hami melon varieties. The festival attracts more than 100,000 visitors, and festivities include melon contests, live music, dancing, melon tastings, art exhibits and melon carving. There is also a traditional folk game "melon fighting" in which participants throw objects at a cantaloupe with five copper coins embedded in it. If any copper coin is knocked out of the flesh, the contestant wins a prize.


Hami melon is native to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China and has been cultivated for thousands of years. Archaeologists discovered half a dried cantaloupe in a tomb in Turpan, Xinjiang. It is speculated that the cantaloupe is at least 1,500 years old. Although the melon is closely related to the city of Hami, some experts believe its origin is closer to the nearby city of Shanshan. Over time, cantaloupe was introduced to neighboring Asian countries and is widely cultivated throughout Asia. Many different cantaloupe varieties have been developed through traditional breeding methods that thrive in areas with long sunshine hours, hot days and cold nights. Cantaloupes were introduced to California around 1990, but it wasn't until Mark Hamby introduced new varieties of cantaloupe to the Imperial Valley in the early 2000s that they became commercially successful in the Golden State. Today, cantaloupes are widely grown in East and Central Asia, and are also grown in Europe, Australia, and the U.S. states of California, Arizona, and Oregon. When in season, these melons can be found through farmers markets, Asian grocers, and specialty dealers.

nutritional value

Is cantaloupe good for you?

Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin C that strengthens the immune system, vitamin A that supports healthy organ function, and antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage. Melons also contain fiber to regulate the digestive tract, potassium to balance fluid levels, and small amounts of magnesium, B vitamins, and calcium. In traditional Chinese medicine, melons are believed to cool the body, reduce lung irritation (including coughing), and restore Qi or energy.

How many calories are in a cantaloupe?

One cup of cantaloupe cubes has about 60 calories. A whole melon usually contains around 275 calories.

How much sugar is in a cantaloupe?

One cup of cantaloupe contains about 14 grams of natural sugar.

How many carbohydrates does a cantaloupe contain?

One cup of cantaloupe contains 14 grams of carbohydrates, primarily from the natural sugars in the fruit. The pulp also contains 2 grams of fiber, which means one cup of cantaloupe has 12 grams of net carbs.

How does cantaloupe taste?

Since cantaloupes are bred from cantaloupes, they taste and look very similar. The flesh of cantaloupe is generally crisper and slightly sweeter than cantaloupe.


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