
Drinking orange juice has been linked to a variety of health benefits. Research shows that orange juice, specifically Moro orange juice (MOJ) (a variety of blood orange), can have a positive impact on gut microbial composition, cardiometabolic biomarkers, and insulin sensitivity in overweight individuals . Additionally, long-term orange juice consumption is associated with improvements in systolic blood pressure and HDL cholesterol levels in overweight and obese adults, highlighting its cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, innovative processing techniques such as thermal ultrasound have been found to enhance the functional properties of orange whey beverages, enhancing their antioxidant, antihypertensive, and antidiabetic activities. Additionally, long-term consumption of blood orange juice has been shown to modulate inflammatory pathways and miRNA expression, potentially affecting gene regulation related to inflammation and oxidative stress. Overall, orange juice has a range of health benefits, from cardiovascular support to gut microbiota modulation and anti-inflammatory effects.

Nutritional information

A glass of fresh orange juice contains:

  • Calories: 112
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 26 grams
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Sugar: 21 grams

Orange juice is a good source of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Folic acid

Orange juice with pulp is a good source of fiber. Research shows that fiber helps the body maintain digestive health and may reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

Potential health benefits of orange juice

Drinking orange juice in moderation can provide many potential health benefits:

Gut health

Study found, Moro orange juice (MOJ) consumption improved gut microbiota, short-chain fatty acids, and cardiometabolic biomarkers.

Studies have found that orange juice reduces oxidative stress, inflammation and modulates gut microbiota.

Blood health

Study found that Moro orange juice can enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce fasting blood glucose and insulin levels. Orange juice positively affects lipid metabolism and prevents insulin resistance.

Studies have found that orange juice can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Blood pressure health

Research has found that long-term consumption of orange juice improves systolic blood pressure in overweight and obese adults.

Research found that orange juice intake can reduce diastolic blood pressure and change blood lipid profiles.

Overweight and obesity

Study finds Long-term consumption of orange juice improves HDL-C levels in overweight and obese adults.

Immune systemSupport

Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C—one glass of orange juice contains twice the recommended daily value. Vitamin C supports your immune system and may be effective in fighting the common cold.

Reduce the risk of birth defects

The folic acid in orange juice contributes to the healthy development of the fetus. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that pregnant women take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid, or folic acid, daily to prevent neural tube defects.

Reduce the risk of kidney stones

Orange juice contains high levels of potassium citrate. This nutrient combines with calcium in the urine to create an environment where kidney stones are less likely to form.

Potential risks of drinking orange juice

Orange juice is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. However, like all juices, orange juice contains a lot of sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar can be dangerous for people who experience symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as dizziness, from consuming sugar too quickly.

Reference article

Telma, Angelina, Faraldo, Corrêa., Eric, de, Castro, Tobaruela., Vinícius, Cooper, Capetini., Bruna, Jardim, Quintanilha., Ramon, V., Cortez., Carla, R., Taddei., Neuza, Mariko, Aymoto, Hassimotto., Christian, Hoffmann., Marcelo, Macedo, Rogero., Franco, Maria, Lajolo. (2023). Blood orange juice intake changes specific bacteria of gut microbiota associated with cardiometabolic biomarkers. Frontiers in Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1199383

Aline, Alves, de, Santana., Eric, de, Castro, Tobaruela., Karina, G., dos, Santos., Luiz, Gustavo, Sparvoli., Cristiane, Kovacs, do, Amaral., Carlos, Daniel, Magnoni., Carla, R., Taddei., Ronaldo, Vagner, Thomatieli, dos, Santos., Neuza, Mariko, Aymoto, Hassimotto., Franco, Maria, Lajolo. (2022). ‘Pera’ Orange and ‘Moro’ Blood Orange Juice Improves Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response Biomarkers and Modulates the Gut Microbiota of Individuals with Insulin Resistance and Different Obesity Classes. Obesities, doi: 10.3390/obesities2040033

Lu, Li., Ni, Jin., Kexin, Ji., Yue-shuo, He., He, Li., Xinqi, Liu. (2022). Does chronic consumption of orange juice improve cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese adults? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.. Food & Function, doi: 10.1039/d2fo02195a

Layanne, Nascimento, Fraga., Dragan, Milenkovic., Camille, Perella, Coutinho., Adriana, Campos, Rozenbaum., Franco, Maria, Lajolo., Neuza, Mariko, Aymoto, Hassimotto. (2023). Interaction between APOE, APOA1 and LPL gene polymorphisms and variability in changes in lipid and blood pressure following orange juice intake: a pilot study.. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, doi: 10.1002/mnfr.202200847

Mohammad, Reza, Amini., Fatemeh, Sheikhhossein., Elham, Bazshahi., Hamed, Rahimi., Hamid, Ghalandari., Ehsan, Ghaedi., Moein, Askarpour. (2023). Orange juice intake and lipid profile: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Nutritional Science, doi: 10.1017/jns.2023.22

Vinícius, Cooper, Capetini., Bruna, Jardim, Quintanilha., Dalila, Cunha, de, Oliveira., A., Nishioka., Luciene, Assaf, de, Matos., Ludmila, Rodrigues, Pinto, Ferreira., Frederico, Moraes, Ferreira., Geni, Rodrigues, Sampaio., Neuza, Mariko, Aymoto, Hassimotto., Franco, Maria, Lajolo., Ricardo, Ambrósio, Fock., Marcelo, Macedo, Rogero. (2022). Blood orange juice intake modulates plasma and PBMC microRNA expression in overweight and insulin resistance women: impact on MAPK and NFκB signaling pathways.. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.109240

Nuria, Martínez-Navarrete., E., García-Martínez., María, del, Mar, Camacho. (2022). Characterization of the Orange Juice Powder Co-Product for Its Valorization as a Food Ingredient. Foods, doi: 10.3390/foods12010097

Karina, G., dos, Santos., Marcos, Yukio, Yoshinaga., Isaias, Glezer., Adriano, B., Chaves-Filho., Aline, G., Santana., Cristiane, Kovacs., Carlos, Daniel, Magnoni., Franco, Maria, Lajolo., Sayuri, Miyamoto., Neuza, Mariko, Aymoto, Hassimotto. (2022). Orange juice intake by obese and insulin-resistant subjects lowers specific plasma triglycerides: A randomized clinical trial.. Clinical nutrition ESPEN, doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2022.08.005

(2022). Biofuels production from orange juice industrial waste within a circular economy vision. doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103028

Jean-François, Briand. (2022). Benefits of thermosonication in orange juice whey drink processing. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2021.102876


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