
I'll be honest. Until a few months ago, I worked from bed almost every day.

Just before COVID-19 and the resulting quarantine, I made a huge shift in my thinking that, in an ironic coincidence, separated me from temptation in bed.

In general, I tend to have difficulty with executive functions and completing tasks. At the same time, forcing yourself to sit at your desk constantly is not good either. Over time, I realized there were a lot of downsides to working from bed.

First, my sleep quality was terrible, I had severe shoulder pain that was getting worse, and there was zero separation between work and home life.

Popular or not, I know I’m not alone in the temptations to this habit and the problems it creates.

In theory, working from bed sounds like a dreamy, romantic concept, like you've hit the work jackpot. You might imagine yourself drinking your daily cup of coffee, your dog or cat quietly cheering you on, and wearing yoga pants.

However, this is a slippery slope that can quickly escalate into a lack of self-control. I learned this the hard way.

Sleep quality

According to psychotherapist and behavioral sleep medicine therapist Anne Miller, there's a very specific reason why we shouldn't work in bed.

"When we use the bed for other activities, such as working, reading, watching TV, etc., we develop an association with wakefulness. We want the bed to be a cue for sleep, and working in bed weakens that association," Miller said.

In short, we only want to associate our beds with two things: sleep and intimacy.

If you're already struggling with sleep problems, Miller recommends seeking help from a specialist. Miller and others use cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) to treat sleep problems without medication.

CBT-i has been shown to reduce the need for sleep medications and is not associated with sleep medication side effects

While the above deals with ways to help on a cognitive level, there are certainly changes you can make that are purely physical.

Looking at bright screens reduces melatonin in your body, but not significantly. It is recommended to give yourself at least 30 minutes to two hours of technology-free time before bed.


All these reasons are intertwined. Working in bed reduces sleep quality, which reduces productivity, energy levels and quality of life.

Using your bed as a workspace means you can take your work to your bed, both literally and figuratively.

If you work in bed all day, once you slip under the covers and go to sleep, you may continue to think about work and have a hard time "turning it off."

On the other hand, it's easy to never feel fully productive. When you want to work, you may find yourself succumbing to heavy eyes and nodding off. Trust me, I know from experience.

Additionally, insomnia is the number one sleep-related problem that hinders productivity. This can be a complication whether you work from bed or not, but mixing work and sleeping spaces can make it worse.


I have plenty of time as it maintains good posture but is almost non-existent in bed. I just wanted so badly to lie on my back, stomach, or side. When I do this, I almost always stand up with a sore spot or charlie horse.

Even if you're sitting in bed, you'll still be sitting on an uneven surface for long periods of time, have your monitor at the incorrect height, and may be bending your back.

This can create painTrusted Source immediately or over time, which can also reduce sleep quality. It may also cause musculoskeletal disorders


Most of us already share our partners with our electronics. Whether it’s our laptops or our phones, this pattern can have a real impact on relationships.

According to a study, brief cell phone distractions while with your partner can lead to decreased relationship satisfaction and even depression in your significant other.

The same logic applies to all screens. No one likes to be ignored by electronic devices. When you're spending time in bed, keeping a screen within arm's reach can help signal to your partner that you're ready to get their attention.

This will also help your partner associate the bed with togetherness rather than work.


Want to hear something a little scary? According to dermatologist Dr. Alok Vij in an interview at the Cleveland Clinic, we shed enough dead skin cells every day to feed a million dust mites. More than 15 million of these cells are shed during the night.

You're only increasing the accumulation of bacteria if you factor in the extra time you spend working in bed, not to mention the fact you sit in it every day. One study found that human beds are actually less sanitary than chimpanzee beds.

Quick public service announcement: wash your sheets often!

mood and energy

Bedrooms are often darker than other rooms due to fewer windows or the habit of keeping the curtains drawn. Sunlight is a natural mood booster and helps boost energy levels.

A dark bedroom can make you feel tired, alter your body clock, negatively impact your mental health, and strain your eyes. While a dimly lit room is great for naps, it's not so great for workday productivity.

Do you feel like you always take your work home with you? Working from bed goes one step further. Work/life balance is key to physical and mental health.

Tips to try working from home

Here are some practical tips to support a healthy work-life balance.

Keep electronics out of the bedroom

While tech-free time before bed is a great start, a technology-free bedroom is even better. Creating a space in your bedroom purely for sleep and intimacy can change your life in so many ways.

It can help you sleep better, improve your relationships (how often do you scroll on your phones in bed without talking to each other?), and create strong boundaries between work and home.

Getting light from your devices at night can affect your circadian rhythm. Research also shows it can promote cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity

Create workspace

You don't have to create a fancy or elaborate office to separate your sleeping space from your work. Just a few adjustments or a simple piece of furniture can do the trick.

The most important aspect is to establish a workspace environment that is only used for business. This keeps you organized both physically and mentally.

You'll transition into "work mode" more easily and settle into a sense of routine. This dedicated space can also help you establish boundaries with family or roommates.

A standing desk is also a good option if you sit at a desk all day.

Don't start your workday in your pajamas

Honestly, this is one I struggle with. I might at least change into yoga pants, but I definitely don’t have different clothes for work and home.

However, I think the main thing to remember is that where you sleep and where you work should be different. That’s not to say your work clothes can’t be comfortable. Just maybe don't wear your robe and slippers all day.

Create and stick to a routine

Working from home may be new, but you can keep almost everything else the same. Get up at a normal time, change out of your pajamas, eat a healthy breakfast, and start your day.

Considering you don't commute, it might be easy to work overtime. Instead, consider using your newfound time to do something like read, take a walk, listen to a podcast or music.

Remember that work-family balance is just that: balance. Just because you don't have to commute doesn't mean you need to work an extra hour or two each day.

sleep is sacred

Sleep is too precious to compromise by turning your bed into mixed-use furniture.

From healthy, restful sleep to posture and productivity benefits, there are many benefits to not sleeping in your bed during the day.

When it's time to go to bed at night, you'll be grateful that you made the effort to establish healthy boundaries between work and sleep.


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