
Sprouted potatoes are generally safe to eat. But before you cook the potatoes, you need to trim off those tiny growths.

Are sprouted potatoes safe to eat?

Yes, sprouted potatoes are technically safe to eat, but you need to remove those unsightly sprouts first.

Bean sprouts contain high amounts of glycoalkaloids, and these compounds can cause some toxic effects when you eat large amounts of bean sprouts.

If it feels soft, wilted or wrinkled, throw it away and the sprouted potatoes can grow into potato plants.

If your cut potato looks green, you should throw it away.

Adds a bitter and grassy taste, so it's best not to eat it without using it.

Why do potatoes sprout?

It all comes back to where potatoes come from and the conditions under which they are grown. Potatoes don't always need dirt to grow like other plants and foods, but they do need darkness and moisture.

So this means that potatoes can sprout even if they are not in soil, but in a dark, moist place, including your kitchen pantry. The potato thinks it is underground, doing its job by growing.

How to remove bean sprouts?

Thankfully, removing sprouts from potatoes is easy. You can break them off by hand, or use a vegetable peeler.

Vegetable peelers are great because they have sharp tools to scoop out the eyes and bottoms of sprouts, while also being useful after cleaning the sprouts.

The sprouts are usually easiest to remove during the cleaning process, so you'll want to take the time to rinse those potatoes under running water to remove any dirt from the skins.

Use the sharp edge of the tool to scoop out the bean sprouts. Try to eat it all, even if your potatoes look a little like the moon! After peeling, be sure to rinse it under running water again to make sure all the bad stuff is washed away.

What's the best way to store potatoes?

During storage, potatoes need air to breathe. This is why they are often sold in mesh bags.

If you buy them from the produce section of your grocery store, transfer them to a breathable bag, such as a paper or mesh bag, or place them in a cardboard box and store them in a cool, dry place. You need to avoid places that are too hot and humid as this is what causes potatoes to sprout in the first place.

This is why potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator. The low temperatures cause the starch to convert to sugar and turn brown as it cooks, much like a ripe banana.

When to throw out sprouted potatoes

The ideal potato is firm with a nice, tight leather. These are the potatoes you want to use to make baked potatoes or potato wedges and fries.

Anything that isn't is ready to be thrown away. Soft, mushy, squeezable, or soggy potatoes are past their prime. If you cut a potato and it looks green or brown, you should throw the potato away.

If there are just a few blemishes, they can be trimmed off and the potato can be saved. But what if the whole potato looks suspicious? Goodbye , potato.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can potatoes be kept longer by removing the sprouts?

    Remove the sprouts and store them at 50°F (without washing and out of direct sunlight) to extend the shelf life of the potatoes. Removing the sprouts removes moisture and helps prevent the potatoes from dehydrating quickly.

  • How to stop potatoes from sprouting?

    Potatoes will eventually sprout, but storing them in a cool, dark place such as the pantry, brown bag, or cardboard box will help extend their shelf life. Keep potatoes out of direct sunlight and don't store them near fruits like onions or bananas, which release ethylene gas and speed up ripening.


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