

A brief history of ginger

Ginger is a spice derived from the roots of the leafy flowering ginger plant, native to southern China. Its discovery dates back to 2700 BC, when Chinese Emperor Sheng Nong recorded its medicinal properties in his book "Compendium of Materia Medica". In China, mixtures containing this potent spice are used to treat nausea, joint pain and menstrual cramps.

Later ginger was introduced to India in the practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is thought to have originated in 2000 BC by Dhanvantari, the doctor of the gods in Hindu mythology. It is one of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world and is still practiced today. Ginger is an important ingredient in the development of medicines to treat nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and various digestive problems.

Traders and travelers brought ginger from India to the Middle East, Greece, Rome, and eventually Europe. Ginger was often used as a currency and traded for commodities such as gold, silver, frankincense, and myrrh.

Jiangge continued westward, reaching Africa and America through the slave trade. African slaves would carry ginger with them on their journeys to help relieve nausea on long voyages. In the West Indies, slaves would use ginger to make a popular drink called giro. The drink is made by adding boiling water to grated ginger, lime juice and sugar.

Properties and uses of ginger

When added to medicine or food, ginger has a warm, tangy, slightly bitter, and peppery flavor.

Ginger can be sliced ​​and boiled to make herbal tea or added to medicinal cocktails. Additionally, the flesh from the root can be grated or grated and added to the base of curries, soups or stews, or added to grandma's famous gingerbread. What’s more, cooking ginger with candied sugar results in a delightful treat called candied ginger!

health benefits of ginger

The health benefits of ginger are immense. It contains essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and zinc. Additionally, it is an excellent source of vitamins C and B6. It can also do the following:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve digestion
  • Relieve nausea and vomiting
  • Treats cold and flu viruses
  • Improve brain function
  • Reduce muscle pain
  • lower blood sugar levels


A brief history of ginseng

Ginseng is an herb extracted from the roots of the perennial flowering ginseng plant. Although there are 13 species, Asian ginseng, considered the first, is native to Manchuria and North Korea.

Its first recorded use was in 2500 B.C. in the book "Ben Cao Jing" written by the Chinese Emperor Shennong, where its medicinal properties were discussed. Ginseng is thought to prevent fatigue, headaches and stress. Koreans also find it helpful in treating digestive disorders.

In the 16th century, French and British explorers introduced ginseng to North America. Native Americans used it to treat sore throats, skin infections, and fevers. Eventually, ginseng became an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

Properties and uses of ginseng

Ginseng has a sweet licorice, earthy, and bitter taste.

It can be eaten raw or sliced ​​and cooked to make herbal teas, soups and medicines. Additionally, the flesh of the roots can be ground and powdered and added to biscuits.

Health Benefits of Ginseng

Consuming ginseng has a variety of health benefits. It contains essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and zinc. Additionally, it is a source of vitamin C and B12. It can also do the following:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Prevent fatigue
  • improve mood
  • strengthen immune system
  • Improve brain function
  • lower blood sugar levels

Key Similarities Between Ginger and Ginseng

Ginger and ginseng are both:

  • Herbal medicines with a long history of use in traditional medical practices;
  • Native to Asia, it is believed to have been first discussed in the Chinese Emperor Sheng Nong's book on herbal remedies, Materia Medica;
  • Great source of potassium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin C;
  • Effectively relieve inflammation and improve brain function; and
  • The roots are boiled or grated and powdered to add to cooking.

Key Differences Between Ginger and Ginseng

The differences between ginger and ginseng are as follows:

  • Ginger is more commonly used in cooking than ginseng.
  • Ginseng can prevent fatigue and affect mood, but ginger cannot.
  • Ginseng is thought to enhance immune system function, while ginger does not affect immunity.
  • Ginseng is usually consumed in smaller amounts than ginger.
  • Ginger has a sweeter taste, while ginseng has a more bitter taste.

in conclusion

So, which one is better? Ginger or ginseng? The answer is, it depends:

  1. What health benefits are you seeking; or
  2. What flavors do you want in your cooking.

They all have a long history of use and have many benefits for health and well-being. If you want an herb that helps with digestion, inflammation, and pain relief, choose ginger. In comparison, if you're looking for an adaptogen that can help improve energy levels and focus, ginseng is your better choice.


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