
What is wood rosin glyceride?

Glycerol esters of wood rosin (GEWR) are complex mixtures of diglycerides and triglycerides of wood rosin resins, with residual monoglycerides. In addition, neutral substances (non-acid saponifiables and unsaponifiables) and residual free resin acids are present. Wood rosin is obtained by solvent extraction of aged pine stumps, followed by a liquid-liquid solvent refining process. Refined wood rosin consists of about 90% resin acids and about 10% neutral substances. The resin acid part is a complex mixture of isomeric diterpene monocarboxylic acids, with a typical empirical formula C20H30O2, and its main components are dehydrogenated rosin and rosin acid. GEWR is produced by esterifying resin acids with food-grade glycerol. The product is then purified by steam stripping or direct countercurrent steam distillation.
These specifications exclude substances derived from rosin, the exudate of live pine trees, and substances derived from tall oil rosin, a by-product of kraft (paper) pulp processing.


CAS: 8050-30-4

How is wood rosin glyceride made?

Wood rosin glycerides are harvested from the stumps of longleaf pine (pinus palustris) and slash pine (pinus elliottii) and purified into a beverage-grade weight gainer. Refined wood rosin (ester gum) reacts with food-grade glycerin to form glyceride.

Why does my food contain wood rosin glycerides?

Wood rosin glycerides act as stabilizers in some foods and thickeners in others. It is a food-grade material used in food, beverages and cosmetics to keep oils suspended in water.

What foods and beverages contain wood rosin glycerides?

Foods and beverages containing wood rosin glycerides include fruit and citrus flavored sodas, lemonades, vitamin-fortified waters, sports drinks, chewing gum, fruit coatings and candy inks.

Is wood rosin glyceride allowed for use in the United States and other countries?

Wood rosin glyceryl ester is an approved food additive in the United States and is also allowed as a food additive in Europe.

Wood rosin glycerides are used in the United States, the European Union, India, China, Thailand, Malaysia and Latin America.

Can wood rosin glycerides be used in organic, vegetarian, halal or kosher products?

Wood rosin glycerides can be used in foods marketed as organic foods. Because wood rosin glycerides are of plant origin, they can also be used in products labeled as vegetarian. It is certified kosher and halal.

What are the other benefits of wood rosin glycerides?

It extends the shelf life and stability of the finished beverage.

Why do foods and beverages need wood rosin glycerides?

Wood rosin glycerin acts as a stabilizer and thickener in food and beverages, achieving stable products and consistent texture.

What impact does the production and use of wood rosin glycerides have on the environment?

Wood rosin glycerides are derived from pine tree stumps that were originally harvested for other uses. Because this reuses tree material that would otherwise go to waste, it is a renewable source and reduces unnecessary waste. By clearing stumps from the land before replanting, you can make reforestation faster and easier and improve future growth for the landowner. Combined with sustainable harvesting practices, this ensures a stable ecosystem for wildlife and increases the amount of carbon that can be captured, thereby mitigating climate change.

How does wood rosin glyceride make food more affordable?

Wood rosin glyceride is economical and effective to use because it is an easily available ingredient. It also gives food products a longer shelf life.

Does wood rosin glyceride contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

Some forms of wood rosin glycerides do not contain GMOs.

Is wood rosin glyceride safe for children?

Yes, however, it is primarily found in candies and soft drinks and may contribute to childhood obesity if consumed in unsafe amounts.

How long have wood rosin glycerides been used in foods?

Wood rosin glycerides were originally approved for use in beverages by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the early 1960s. Its uses have since expanded.


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